05/12/1981-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning May 12, 1981 PRESENT: Chairman Armstrong, Willard Bounds, Georgia Royal, John Springer, Bill Enlow, Billye Hollingsworth, and Jimmy Frazier OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Nan Henderson, and Mary Jo Stover 1. The minutes of the April 28, 1981 meeting were approved with one addition. Willard Bounds name to be added to those present. 2. Lloyd Henderson presented Jesse Coffey's request for a variance on Lot 13, Block A, and Lot 7, Block D, Gateway Addition. The house on Lot 13 will face west and the house on Lot 7 will face East. Motion was made by John Springer to approve the variance request on Lot 13 and 7. Bill Enlow gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned.