05/13/1986-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission May 13, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth, Tommy Kincaid, Fred Yeatts, Eileen Brittian, and Bill Enlow MEMBERS ABSENT: Joe Waide and Georgia Royal OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Jo Stover, Richard Brown, Don and JoAnn Holson, and Sylvester Bohmann 1. Tommy Kincaid acting Chairperson called the meeting to order. 2. The minutes of the April 24, 1986 meeting were approved as printed. 3. The Commissioners considered the preliminary subdivision plat of Choctaw Ridge Phase III for Don Holson. Mr. Holson gave his remarks regarding the plat. He stated there had been some rumors, accusations, things said about what had been going on at Choctaw Ridge. First of all, he stated the county had not approved anything, nor been asked to approve anything, nothing has been approved. Holson stated he had been doing dirt work out there. He said those that are familiar with the land know there are three terraces that go across and angle across the land. He said he was unable to figure out what the land was like until he cut some roads through it and that'swhat he did. Stated he had the surveyor come out, mark it off tentatively, and graded the roads where they were going to be, then.told the surveyor that it was set and they were ready to go. The roads are not complete, there has not been any gravel put on them. Holson stated that Sam Tipton had been aligned, talked about doing some work on the bar ditches on Phase II. Said it was a county road, have to get a permit, we haven't done anything on it, can't do anything on it until they give us a permit. Holson stated that Tipton didn't like putting the water lines in after the roads were in because of the indenta- tion. He said they were going to put water in before the roads were finished. Holson stated that this should suffice for an explanation unless someone had questions. He went on to state that this was a continuation of Phase II on the east side of Duck Creek. The minimum size being 1-1/3 acres. This is more than enough requirement to set the septic tank, the verocity test have been made, they're not on this plat but will be on the final plat, and there is an indicator of 45. More than enough room for septic tank system. He stated the subdivision was highly restricted, carrying the same restrictions as Phase I and II. Minimum size house is 1850 square feet for a single story. Minimum for a two story would be 2200 square feet. No move -ins allowed, no trailers, every- thing to be built on site, custom built. He stated any out buildings would have to be architecturally acceptable to the house on the lot. Discussion. Planning and May 13, 1986 Page 2 Zoning Commission Tommy Kincaid asked Holson if he had discussed the possibility of opening up the street on the extreme east end of his property that joins Bennie Parrent's property. Holson stated he had not, that Parrent was not an easy person to work with. Kincaid stated in the future of the community and on Sanger's .behalf that it might really pay Holson to get a street opened into the Parrent property. That it would be good if the need for emergency equipment to access the area ever came up. Holson stated he owns 40 acres of land that joins the Snider property and as that land is developed and if the city sees fit at that time to want to have some kind of egress or ingress from this area then it would be considered at that time. He stated that he also owned a strip of land (he showed commissioners on the map) 89/24/E at top, the boundary line he owns that extends east. He owns a strip that goes all the way out to .Keeton Road by the Ralph Amyx house and next to the Bennie Parrent property. He stated it was land deeded to him and if it became necessary to have an emergency vehicle road or a fire lane when we get this one, there will be enough people in that area where a fire road would be advantageous, also he could deal with Craig Snider. He said he could do a trade for access and egress with him into his subdivision. Discussion. Richard Brown stated he wanted to make a statement on behalf of the city staff. He stated it appears that work has already started and the water lines already installed underground without inspection. He stated but the lines were Bolivar Water lines. According to city ordinance (Rick Brown passed out a copy of the city subdivision ordinance) which states there shall be no construction started prior to plat approval. Brown stated as far as the plat was concerned it was not ready to be presented to the city. It lacked the engineers seal, there was no certification as to the flood plan, the vicinity plat appeared to be wrong, the road right-of-ways were not shown, that Lot 20 was in the flood plain, the streets would not be to city specifications but to county specifications, no utility or drainage easements shown, no culvert pipes are shown if needed, lot line setbacks were not shown. He stated that city ordinance required 60 foot frontage, Lot 17, in lower corner of map is not wide enough, shows to be 43.11 foot frontage. The center line radius curves on 2 and 3 without an engineer to go over the details does not appear to have 300 feet as required. No proposed land use shown, no utilities shown, no fire protection shown, Clear Creek Street does not extend to south property line, Block Numbers not shown, it just is not ready for a complete review at this time. Holson stated this was a preliminary plat not a final. Every- thing to be shown on final plat. Discussion. Put in 2" flush valves at end of each cul-de-sac for fire protection. Staff stated but they are not shown on the preliminary plat. Planning and Zoning Commission May 13, 1986 Page 3 Staff stated that the city ordinance required that the information listed be stated on the preliminary plat before it is presented. Discussion. Staff presented Mr. and Mrs. Holson with a full and complete copy of the city's subdivision ordinance and requirements for preliminary and final plats. Discussion. Motion was made by Billye Hollingsworth to deny theplat as presented. Plat to be reworked to show items required by by city ordinance for submission of a preliminary plat. Fred Yeatts gave the second. Voted unan. 4. With no other business to come before the commissioners, Eileen Brittian made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Bill Enlow gave the second. Voted unan.