05/22/1984-PZ-Minutes-Regular' Minutes: Planning and Zoning Commission May 22, 1984 Present: Georgia Royal, Jimmy Frazier, Bill Enlow, Eileen Brittian, and Tommy Kincaid Absent: Billye Hollingsworth Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Arnold Lynch, Burl Bourland, R. L. (Bob) Roberts, and Geneva Roberts Jimmy Frazier was selected by members present to chair the Planning and 'Zoning Commission meeting in the absence of Vice -Chairman, Billye Hollingsworth 1. Minutes were approved with the following correction to be made: Change the spelling of Eileen Brittians name from Brittain to Brittian. 2. Frazier opened the public hearing on Zoning Petition Z-66 request by Bob Roberts to change A-1241B, Henry Tierwester Survey, Sheet 3, Tract 66 and 67 (4.968 acre) from R-1 (Single Family) to LB (Local Business). Mr. Burl Bourland spoke in favor of the change and Mr. Bob Roberts presented his plan to construct mini -warehouses at the site. Kincaid made the motion to recommend this change to council and Bounds gave the second. Motion passed by unanimous vote. 3. City Manager Lloyd Henderson was asked to explain a vari- ance request of John Anderson in his absence. A house con- structed by Mr. Anderson at 112 Freese Drive was in non- compliance with city side lot requirements of eight feet (8'). The north side was nine feet (9') and the south side measured at six feet and eight inches (6'8"). Bounds made the motion to recommend the variance be granted and Kincaid gave the second. Voting for was: Bounds, Kincaid, Enlow, and Brittian. Voting against: Royal. Motion carried 4-10 4. Arnold Lynch presented a replat on Lots 10A and 12A, Block 14, Burgess Addition. Royal made the motion to recommend the ap- proval of the plat and Kincaid gave the second. Voted unan.