05/08/1984-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Planning & Zoning Commission May 8, 1984 Members Present: Georgia Royal, Billye Hollingsworth, Eileen Brittain, Willard Bounds, and Bill Enlow Members Absent: Tommy Kincaid and Jimmy Frazier Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Burrows, James Kenneth White, J. W. Marshall, Jr. Chuck Harvey and Don Harvey The meeting was called to order by Billye Hollingsworth, Vice Chairman, in the absence of an elected Chairperson. 1. Eileen Brittain was sworn in to fill the vacancy left with the resignation of Chairman Jack Armstrong. 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 3. Vice Chairman Hollingsworth declared the public hearing open for discussion concerning the request for zoning change by J. W. Marshall, Jr. at Lot 3, Block 40, Original Town. After discussion Georgia Royal made the motion to recommend to council that the Petition Z-65 be approved changing this Lot from Single Family to Local Business. Eileen Brittain gave the second. Voting for the change was: Royal, Hollings- worth, Brittain, and Bounds. Voting against was: Enlow. Motion carried 4-1. 4. Commissioners considered the Land Planning Use Seminar being conducted by the Council of Governments scheduled for May 18-19, 1984. However, none of the members were available to attend on this date. 5. With no other matters to come before the commissioners Willard Bounds made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Enlow gave the second. Unanimous.