06/12/1979-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning Cormnission PRESENT: Armstrong, Easley, Hollingsworth and Snellgrove Others Present: None { DATE: June 12, 1.979 1. The 'minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. I" 2. The replat of Lot 2 Krueger Addition was presented by Harold Easley. It was noted that 7th Street will. have to be worked in to fit the existing street with the crown at the tie in i point. 'Water from the new half street will be placed back across ;the street into the existing curb at the North end of the project:This was concurred to by the City ;Staff. A motion was made by Hollingsworth to approve this project " with a second by Shellgrove. Motion passed with Easley abstaining. 3. Meeting adjourned.