06/26/1979-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission DATE: June 26, 1979 PRESENT: Armstrong, Frazier, Hollingsworth and Bounds others Present: Dave Isbell, Virgil Ward 1. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as written. 2. Dave Isbell presented the Plat of W. B. Shirley Addition. There was discussion concerning the 15' set back lines. Isbell stated that the drainage easement on the railroad will handle the drainage. The sewer will have to be placed on railroad unless an easement can be obtained from the adjoining property owner. Motion to approve the plat as presented including a variance for 15' set back as shown on the plat. The motion was made by Bounds and the second by Frazier. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. r i