06/30/1986-PZ-Minutes-Regularr MINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission Monday, June 30, 1986 MEMBERS x PRESENT: Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth, Georgia Royal, ' Eileen Brittian, Bill Enlow and Tommy Kincaid MEMBERS ABSENT: Fred Yeatts and Joe Waide OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Richard Brown, and Tim Fisher 1. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth called the meeting to order. 2. The minutes of the June 10, 1986 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Commissioners considered the preliminary subdivision plat of Ranger Creek Addition for Joe Falls. Mr. Tim Fisher of Metroplex Engineering represented Mr. Falls who was out of town. City Building Official, Richard Brown stated that he had received the preliminary plat two or three weeks earlier and had returned it to Metroplex because it needed so many corrections. He stated that Metroplex had corrected the plat and it was now being resubmitted to P & Z. Broom went over the following items he felt still needed correcting. A variance should be noted on Lots 15 and 16 of Block B. The frontage distance shows to be 40 and 50 foot in front of the cul-de-sacs. Brown stated there was no way they could correct this so he was requesting a variance. The Park Area was discussed. Easements and right-of-ways was discussed. Brown stated that the 20 ft. Drainage Utility and and Access Easements should read 20 ft. Drainage Utility and Pedestrian Right-of-way which shall be a separated parsel of land specifically designated as right-of-way which shall have a minimum of 6 ft. sidewalk area for pedestrian travel. Brown noted that the spacing of the manholes on Quail Ridge were in excess of 400 feet. Tommy Kincaid mentioned that the Street named Quail Ridge should be considered for change -- that a Quail Ridge Estates already existed. Brown stated that Falls was proposing a 13.67 acre park to be dedicated to the city. This wasn't for sure but it was a possibility. Brown proposed that if the park is dedicated that it be developed and maintained by the developer for a period of two years after the completion of any part or phase of the subdivision. Brown explained that the city did not have the equipment or manpower at the present time to take care of this type project. Discussion. I ?lanning and Zoning Commission dune 30, 1986 Page 2 Tim proposalsrforinowdand�inomisionerthesfutures of Kr- Falls, plans and Piscussion- Motion was made by Tommy Kincaid to approve the preliminary plat with the requested changes and the recommendations regarding the park. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan. With no other business to Come before the commissioner$,ill Eileen Hrittian made the motion to adjourn the meeting. gave the second. Voted unan.