05/29/1979-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PlanT nq1 979d Zoning Commission ` May PRESENT: Armstrong, Bounds, Easley, Hollingsworth Others Present: Jesse Coffey, Dewey Fields, B. J. Hollingsworth Mr. and Tors. Gene Hughes 1. The ilrinutes of the, previous meeting were read and approved. 2. Gene Hughes presented his plat to the Commission. There was a discussion concerning the drainage by B. J. Hollingsworth and also some discussion concerning the drainage from the board and the staff.Harold Easley made the motion to accept the; plat and the 'motion was seconded by Hollingsworth. 'Voted unan. 3. Jesse 'Coffey presented his plat of Gateway Addition. He stated 'that doing both sides of 'Freese Drive was not economically feasable so it was replatted. The first phase would include Carolyn ,and Allen Drive. 'Harold Easley made the motion to accept the plat and Willard Bounds seconded the motion. Voted unan. 4. There was some discussion concerning a new board member to replace Jerry Jenkins. The two people mention were Virgil Ward and Carolyn Adkins. Approved: June 5, 1979 City Seretary