01/12/1982-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning January 12, 1982 PRESENT: Chairman Jack Armstrong, Willard Bounds, Billye Hollingsworth, Georgia Royal., Jim Frazier, Bill Enlow, and John Springer. OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Dewey Fields, Danny Spindle, and Ben Terry. 1. The minutes of the October 13, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Consider Zoning Petition Z-56 for Danny Spindle and Jimmy Frazier - Chairman Armstrong opened the public hearing to anyone in opposition of the change. There was no opposition expressed. Motion was made by John Springer to grant Petition Z-56 changing the zoning from R-1 Single Family to R-3 Multi Family. Billye Hollingsworth gave the second. Voting for were Royal,`Bounds, Hollingsworth, Springer, and Enlow. Jim Frazier abstained. Motion carried. 3. Replat of Part A, Block 9 and all- of Block 13, Hampton, If. Tier - wester Survey was explained by owner, Ben Terry. Terry would be widening Lots 2 & 3 (Facing 10th Street) and reducing Lot 1, in Block 13. He is also adding Lots 4, 5, and 6 in Block 13. He is widening Lots 1 and 2 (facing Denton Street) and adding Lots 3, 4, & 5. Mr. 'ferry plans to open the Ltreet in the future depending on financial stability. After, reviewing the previous plat of Block 9 & 13 under the owner- ship of John Linwood Roberson it was noted there was already a lot 1 which had been sold to Flowers. Mr.. 'ferry was ask to get the numbers corrected in Block 9. Motion was made by John Springer to approve the preliminary replat subject to correcting of lot numbers in Block 9. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Other such matters: (a.) ',loyd presented a variance request for Gene Hughes on '_,ot 5, Block D, Hillcrest Addition (223 Dian= Drive) Set back must be 25' and Haphes set back is 23.5'. He is requesting a 1.5' variance. Motion was made by Jim Frazier to grant the variance. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. -1- (b.) Dewey Fields presented a Revised Preliminary Plat of the Gateway Addition for Mr. Jesse Coffey - The approved plat; and the revised plat were shown together for an explanation of comparison of changes. Mr. Fields stated the difference primarily would be the curvature of the streets. This however would not. affect the easements which have already been conveyed. Stephen Street is to be added and Coffey plans to build houses on both sides of the street. Motion was made by Jimmy Frazier to approve the revised preliminary p.1at of the Gateway Addition. John Springer gave the second. Voted unan. (c.) Commissioners considered the single lot Sub- division request for Mrs. Mae Hackney on the corner of 2nd and Willow Street. Mrs. Hackney's niece would like to build a house. Motion was made by Billye Hollingsworth to approve the plat. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. -2-