01/13/1981-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning January 13, 1981 PRESENT: Chairman Jack Armstrong, John Springer, Bi.11 Enlow, Willard Bounds, and Billye Hollingsworth ABSENT: Jimmy Frazier & Georgia Royal OTHERS PRESENT: Mary .Jo Stover & Harold Easley 1. The minutes of the December 1.6, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Bill Enlow to approve the preliminary single lot subdivision plat for Lucille Houghton and a front yard set back variance of 18' to 20' to align with the Houghton House. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. Variance was requested in order to save two large pecan trees on the back lot. 3. Other Mattters: (a.) Harold Easley came before commissioners to say that he was anticipating developing the S. S. Sullivan property on the corner of North 2nd and Pilot Point Highway. Easley is planning to subdivide the 12 acres into 10 lots, but does not wish to curb and gutter as required in some instances in subdivision ordinance. Commissioners felt since all lots would be facing existing street and no internal streets cut the probability would be good not having to curb and gutter this area. Easley stated that the City Engineer had checked out the property for any drainage problems.