01/25/1980-PZ-Minutes-Regular1 Minutes: Planning & Zoning Commission January 25, 1980 Present: Jack Armstrong, Chairman, Willard Bounds, Cecil Snellgrove, Harold Easley, Jimmy Frazier Absent: Billye Hollingsworth Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Alfred Ashcraft 1. Minutes of the January 8, 1980 meeting were approved as written. 2. Alfred Ashcraft asked to discuss with P & Z his plans to move a house into the City on a lot which has only a 50' frontage. Since this was not on the agenda Commission took no action except to include this request on the agenda for February 5, 1980. 3. Willard Bounds made the motion and Cecil Snellgrove second to approve a building permit for Ken Cornell to begin con- struction of a house on Lot 5, Block 2, Krueger Addition. The building permit states that this house will not be oc- cupied until all utilities and streets are finished. Meeting Adjourned. C