02/12/1980-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Planning & Zoning Commission February 12, 1980 Present: Chairman Jack Armstrong, Willard Bounds, Cecil Snellgrove, Jimmy Frazier, Billye Hollingsc!or.t_h Absent: Harold Easley, Virgil ward Others present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, arce Travelstead 1. Minutes of the January 25, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Zoning Petition Z-47 for Vance Travelstead was discussed. Chairman Armstrong stated he would hate to see this area zoned fora classification other than single family residential unless all. of 5th street was rezoned for business. Vance Travelstead stated he felt the board was discriminating against him since there were others in town in residential areas with business classification. The commissioners attempted to explain to Mr. Travelstead that his request would be spot zoning and that he could continue under the non -conforming use, since he came under the grand father clause, with regards to his garage now on his property. City Manager Henderson read aloud Section 18. Non -Conforming Uses From the Subdivision ordinance. Discussion followed. Chairman Armstrong polled the Commissioners. Jimmy Frazier stated he didn't think it should be rezoned. [^'illard Bounds agreed it should not be rezoned. Cecil Snellgrove stated no one else in the area was zoned business. Billye Hollingsworth was not for spot zoning. Motion was made by Jimmy Frazier that Petition 7-47 for Vance Travelstead be denied. Willard Bounds second. Voted. unan. 3. Alfred Ashcraft did not attend the meeting but has made an informal request regarding a variance on a lot with a 50' frontage on Peach Street located next to one of his rent houses. Commissioners told Lloyd to tell Mr. Ashcraft when he was ready for formal action that they would work with. him on the variance. 4. Commissioners discussed the applicability of the subdivision ordinance with regards to the development of existing and connecting streets. Special emphasis was given on the lot recently purchased by Benny Parrent on 7th Street. It was agreed by Commissioners that up dating needed to be done on the street construction portion of the ordinance. They discussed base and sand and agreed it would be better to put curbs and gutter on base and not sand. r. Other_ [flatters: (a) The follo� t_ 1; names were mentioned as ,.possible future commissione,.. '_o be considered. Nelva Higgs Carl Ray Higgs Sue Cook Robert Howard Betty Kincaid Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.