02/09/1982-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission February 9, 1982 PRESENT: Jimmy Frazier, Willard Bounds, Georgia Royal, and Billye Hollingsworth ABSENT: Jack Armstrong OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Ronnie Beard, Ben Terry Billye Hollingsworth presided over the meeting in the absence of Chairman Jack Armstrong. 1. The minutes of the January 12, 1982 meeting were approved as printed. 2. The public hearing on Zoning Petition Z-57 for Rony Beard was opened to the floor for discussion. There was no opposition from the public. Motion was made by Jimmy Frazier to approve Zoning Petition Z-57 changing the classification from R-1 Single Family to LB - Local Business. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Georgia Royal to approve the Final Plat for Ben Terry on Part of A, Block 9, and all of Block 13, Hampton Addition. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Other matters: None to come before commissioners. Meeting adjourned.