02/10/1981-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission February 10, 1981 PRESENT: Chairman Jack Armstrong, Jimmy Frazier, Willard Bounds, Georgia Royal, and John D. Springer ABSENT: Bill Enlow and Billye Hollingsworth OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Diary Jo Stover, Glenn C. Wilson, Buddy and Jackie Echols 1. The minutes of the January 13, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. The Final Plat on the single lot subdivision for Lucille Houghton was approved on a motion by Willard Bounds. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Zoning Petition Z-51 - Chairman Jack Armstrong opened the public hearing. Those speaking against the petition were Buddy and Jackie Echols of 903 Elm Street. Mr. Echols gave as an example the Duplex on 3rd. When it was new it was a very nice duplex and now trash and vehicles are everywhere. Echols asked what the Rental on the apartments would be. Wilson stated he couldn't say for sure until he was sure of the construction cost, but estimated $300.00 per month. Mrs. Echols also referenced the Millar apartments to the east of the building site. They presented pictures to the P & Z of the trash and debris displayed in that rental area. Also ask if City could help in getting something done about clearing up the area. Lloyd stated he had talked with Masten and would make another effort to get som*ing done. The City Manager explained that the city has no ordinances with any "teeth" in them, but the city would put forth an effort to help alleviate some of the problem. Wilson stated the construction would be Brick with an estimated one thousand square feet in each apartment unit. The construction cost is estimated at $55,000. and he is planning to manage the apartments. Wilson was ask which way the duplex would be facing (south on Elm or West on 9th?) and if he had any plans for fencing. He stated the duplex would face Elm and they do plan to fence. Board if possible. Wilson pointed out that a house could be moved in and placed on this lot that wouldn't be near as nice as the brick duplex. John Springer felt the duplex would upgrade the area. It was noted that Vic Groge felt the same as the Echols, but was unable to attend the hearing. -1- Motion was made by Jimmy Frazier to approve the zoning change from R-1 Single Family to R-2 Two Family on Lot 3, Pt. of Block 7, West Sullivan located at 805 Elm. Willard Rounds gave the second. Voted unan. 4. With no other matters to come before the commissioners, the meeting adjourned. -2-