03/13/1984-PZ-Minutes-RegularPlanning and Zoning Commission March 13, 1984 Chairman Jack Armstrong, Georgia Royal, Billye Hollingsworth, Willard Bounds, Jim Frazier and Tommy Kincaid Bill Enlow Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Robert Jobe, Jr., Lydia Jobe, Rose Shuffield, Rich Yarbrough, Tom Whitlock, Edith M. Ballard, Diane Goldstein, R. A. Goldstein, Jim Neale, Gary Hammett, Benny Johnson and Marta Negron 1. The minutes of the February 14, 1984 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Chairman Armstrong declared the public hearing open on Zoning Petition Z-62 for Abram Millar. Mr. Millar spoke in favor of his petition stating he was request- ing the zoning be changed from single family to two family. He stated he wanted to build duplexes on the property. Mr. Tom Whitlock spoke in opposition of the request for change and requested the Planning and Zoning commissioners to leave the zoning as is. He presented commissioners with a petition signed by approximately 100 area residents requesting that the change be denied. Whitlock stated the people were very concerned and would like the integrety of the neighborhood be left the same. He stated that the neighborhood was basically full and he would hate to see it changed for the benefit of one or two. He would rather see single family homes built on the property.He stated if three duplexes were placed on the lots that it would mean six dwellings would be rented with the possibility of two cars to each unit making an overcrowded situation`in the area. He stated that by doubling up the investor gets the biggest return. He requested that P & Z make a recommendation to council that the area remain single family and further requested that the protest petition be submit- ted to the city council. Richard Yarbrough spoke in opposition of the request for change. He stated he had invested everything he had in his home and lot in South. The people in the area are improving their lots and Sangeran stated he hated to see the integrety of the neighborhood he changed. He feels his investment would be lowered and requested the zoning change be denied. Edith Ballard spoke in opposition of the petition. She stated she had faithfully and prayerfully carried the petition around and requested commissioners consideration to leave the zoning single family. dtes ,,M�ianning gage 2 and Zoning Benny Johnson and Marta Negron spoke in opposition of the petition stating property values would be lowered, traffic would be heavier and requested the change be denied. Tommy Kincaid stated he had worked the Sanger South area on mail delivery and the congestion was bad through the day. He stated with so many children around the area it would be a real danger and for that reason he made the motion to deny the request for change under Petition Z-62. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Chairman Armstrong declared the public hearing open on Zoning Petition Z-63 for Neham Investments, Inc. Jim Neale spoke in favor of the petition from LR to LB. He stated the investors were thinking about a convenience type outlet with gas pumps or possibly a motel for the site. He stated it was still in the planning stage and they were not sure just what would be placed on the property. Lloyd read aloud the,uses permitted tinder Local Retail and compared them with the Local Business classification. Dis- cussion. There was no opposition to the request. Jim Frazier made the motion to approve the request for change on Z-63 for Neham Investments, Inc., from LR (Local Retail) to LB (Local Business). Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Billye Hollingsworth to approve the prelim- inary resubdivision plat on tracts 49 and 50, H. Tierwester to Lot 3, Blk. 4, Hughes Addition. Tommy Kincaid gave the second. Voted Unan. 5. Motion was made by Jim Frazier to approve the preliminary subdivision plat on Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block G., White Addition, for Gene Hughes. Billye Hollingsworth gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Commissioners set a called meeting for March 27, 1984. Meeting adjourned.