04/09/1985-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Planning and Zoning Commission April 9, 1985 Members Present: Chairman Billye Hollingsworth, John Anderson, Fred Yeatts, Tommy Kincaid and Bill Enlow Members Absent: Georgia Royal Others Present: Jerry Jenkins, Prentice Preston, Ben Terry, Lloyd Henderson 1. The Planning and Zoning meeting was called to order by Chairman Billye Hollingsworth. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written. 2. The Public Hearing on Zoning Petition Z-77 was declared open. Prentice Preston and Jerry Jenkins presented their request for a change in zoning on Tract 47, H. Tierwester Survey in AB.1241 from R-1 (Single Family) to L-R (Local Retail). None spoke against the request for change. Fred Yeatts made the motion to recommend approval of the zoning change petition to council. Tommy Kincaid gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Ben Terry spoke for his request for preliminary replat approval on his property on Blocks 9 and 13 of Hampton Addition. No one spoke against the request. John Anderson made the motion to recommend approval of Mr. Terry's preliminary replat stating since the council made this mess let them straighten it out. Tommy Kincaid gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Commission members set the date of the fish dinner to be held at McGeehee's for April 23rd at 5:30 p.m. Motion was made by John Anderson to adjourn the meeting. Eileen Brittian gave the second. Voted Unan.