10-29-19-Ordinance-Exterior Facade Design Construction Residential Dwellings-10/07/2019ORDINANCE NO.10-29-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 3.2100 "EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS" BY REPLACING IT WITH AN "EXTERIOR FACADE DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL" ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1.109 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE FOR VIOLATIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 3, Article 3.2100, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas is hereby amended to read as follows: "ARTICLE 3.2100 EXTERIOR FACADE DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL (a) An Exterior Fagade Design Criteria Manual (the "Manual") for construction in the City of Sanger is adopted by reference. A true copy of the adopted Manual is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made part hereof for all purposes. (b) A copy of the Manual shall be kept in the office of the Building Official of the City and made available to the public for inspection and copying during regular business hours of the building department. (c) Reference to the provisions of the Manual should refer to this Article 3.2100, Code of Ordinances, the title of the section referred to (e. g. Single -Family and Duplex Development), and the subsection involved." Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the provisions of this ordinance and the Manual adopted hereby are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance or the Manual shall be declared invalid by the validjudgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this ordinance or the Manual, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance and the Manual of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Article or the Manual adopted hereby shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of the Code of Ordinances. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the __day of 2019, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. s ar•��"�F�Sq�o As. CITY SECRETARY "+++u+I11011 APPROVED Thomas E. Muir, MAYOR EXHIBIT A BANGER *TEXAS EXTERIOR FAQADE DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL CITY OF SANGER OCTOBER 7, 2019 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOP MENTSERVICES 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, TX 76266 Contents PURPOSE: ....................... RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT:. 1. Single -Family and Duplex Development: ...................................................................... 2. Multifamily Development. NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: ...................... 1IPage PURPOSE: The purpose of this manual is to establish exterior fagade architectural design criteria for residential development, commercial, and industrial development in the City of Sanger, TX. The exterior fagade architectural design criteria established in this manual helps maintain visual interest and historical architectural integrity that defines Sanger's unique character. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Residential development within the City of Sanger include detached single-family development, attached single-family development (townhomes), duplex development (two-family residential), and multifamily development within the city of Sanger. 1. Single -Family and Duplex Development: Applicability: These standards apply to all single family and duplex development in SF (Single Family Residential I — 10) Districts, TH (Townhome Residential) District, 2-F (Two -Family Residential) Duplex District, R (Residential District 1 — 4) Districts, and RO (Residential Office) District, as well as planned developments or any other existing and newly created zoning district that allows residential development. All single-family dwelling and duplex units must comply with the following standards: 1. All single family residential dwelling units (detached and attached/townhomes) shall be located on individual lots. Attached single-family (townhomes) as well as duplex units shall be separated by a fire -rated wall. 2. Duplex buildings must be designed to appear as a single unit. Any previously platted duplex lots will be exempt from this requirement as of the date of adoption of this manual. 3. Have attached garages with minimum 400 square feet. Any garage facing a public street may not extend more than 10 feet beyond the house front. On non -typical lots where site constraints are present, a variance to the maximum 10 feet garage extension beyond house front may be approved by the Director of Development Services or through an alternative fagade permit application by City Council. 4. All walls, except gabled roof areas, which face a street other than an alley must contain at least 25% of the wall space in windows and doors. Windows shall be provided with trim or shall be recessed. Windows shall not be flushed with exterior wall treatment. Windows shall be provided with an architectural surround at the jamb. 6. Primary entrances shall face the public street and sidewalk. 2 1 P a g e 7. Any house elevation shall not be repeated on a group of three lots most directly across the street, nor shall it be repeated on two adjacent lots in either direction on the same side of the street. 8. Earn a score of at least 15 points based on the scoring criteria listed below: a. Porch: A covered, unenclosed area projecting at least 4 feet out from the front fagade of a single family detached dwelling, or two-family dwelling. A porch must be covered and roofed with materials similar to the balance of the structure. A porch that covers at least 50% of the length of the front fagade of the dwelling scores 4 points. A porch that covers at least 25% but less than 50% of the length of the front fagade scores 3 points. b. Dormer: A dormer is a structural element of a building that protrudes from the plane of sloping roof surface, clad in the same material as the exterior walls below the roolline and containing a window. A dormer within the front fagade scores 4 points. c. Multiple Materials: The use of a combination of masonry and non -masonry materials in the exterior of a building fagade. For example, an exterior wall with brick veneer from the ground up to the bottom of the windows, with wood siding up the balance of the walls to the eaves. The materials should be visibly different from each other from the public right of way. Each non -masonry material must cover at least 20% of the fagade. One building may not have more than 5 different building materials. The total score earned will be based on the percentage of masonry as per the table below: 5 points 100% mason 0% other materials 4 points 75% masonry 25% other materials 3 points 50% mason 50% other materials 2 points 25% mason 75% other materials I points 0% masonry 100% other materials d. Major Offsets to Front Facade: A fagade with a major offset is one with a section at least 10 feet wide set back at least ten additional feet from the balance of the fagade. A major offset scores 4 points. e. Stone or Brick Accents: Stone or brick accents is the application of stone or brick masonry on a non -masonry exterior to draw attention to an architectural element. Such elements include but are not limited to corners, doors, windows, a front deck, or the columns supporting a front porch. The accents should equal at least 5% of the front fagade. The use of stone or brick accents scores 4 points. f. Hidden Garage: A hidden garage is an enclosed parking space with a garage door that does not face the same street as the front fagade. A hidden garage scores 3 points. 3 1 P a g e g. Steep Roof Pitch: A steep roof has a pitch of at least 7:12. A steep roof pitch scores 3 points. h. Gabled Accents: A small triangular portion of a wall between the edges of a sloping roof along the front fagade of a residence. A gabled accent scores 3 points. A gabled dormer is considered a dormer and not a gabled accent. i. Cross Gabled: A residence is cross -gabled when it has multiple gables aligned on perpendicular axes, intersection in a cross at the highest point on the roof. A cross gabled roof scores 3 points. j. Multi -Angled Roof: A multi -angled roof has one or more sections equaling at least 1/3 the total roof width with a pitch at least 1:12 different than the balance of the roof. A multi -angled roof scores 3 points. k. Roof Accent: A roof accent is a functional element in the structural or mechanical system of the building located above the top of the first floor that is visibly different from the balance of the roof because of color or material. A roof with one or more accents score 3 points. 1. Window Grids: Window grids are permanently -attached materials that visually divide the windows of the front fagade into smaller transparent areas from the public right-of- way. Window grids score 3 points. m. Window Shutters: A pair of panels, often louvered, fixed outside a window. Window shutters scores'2 points. n. Expanded Dwelling Size: A dwelling size that measure at least 150% of the minimum dwelling unit size required by zoning ordinance scores 4 points. o. Bay Windows: A bay window is a window space projecting outward from the main walls of a building and forming a bay in a room. A front fagade with one or more bay window scores 2 points. p. Portico: A covered walkway leading to the front door of a building. A portico must be covered and roofed with materials similar to the balance of the structure. A portico scores 2 points. q. Pent Roof or Pent Roof Returns: A pent roof is a small, self-supporting, single slope roof attached to a building. A pent roof return is a pent roof attached to the fagade at the bottom of the gable. The use of a pent roof or pent roof return scores 2 points. 4 1 P a g e 9. Interpretations of the scoring criteria as applied to proposed new construction or re- construction shall be made by the Director of Development Services. Appeals of any and all interpretations shall be considered by the city council. 10. Buildings that do not meet the minimum criteria mentioned in this section may be considered for approval by City Council through an architectural alternative permit application after conducting a public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall be mailed to properties within two hundred feet (200') of the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. 2. Multifamily Development Applicability: These standards apply to all multifamily development in MY (Multi -Family Residential District — 1 & 2) Districts. All multifamily development must comply with the following standards: 1. All multifamily development shall provide amenities conforming to the following regulations: Table 2.1 Amenities for Multi -Family and Mixed Use Structures Number of Dwelling Units Minimum Number of Amenities 0-49 1 50-99 2 100-149 3 150-199 4 200-249 5 250 or more 6 a. The following items shall be classified as acceptable amenities. Providing two or more of the same amenity shall not count as multiple required amenities unless specifically stated: i. Swimming pool (minimum 500 square foot surface area) with cooling deck (minimum ten feet wide in all areas) ii. Jacuzzi or hot tub area (minimum eight person); iii. Covered picnic area to contain no fewer than 2 tables with seating and 2 grills; iv. Ramada(s), arbor(s), and/or trellis(es) covering at least 500 square feet of recreation space. v. Community garden or orchard with irrigation (minimum 800 square feet); vi. Tot play lot (minimum 4,000 square feet area); vii. A splash pad (water play amenity for children) which is a minimum of 1,000 square feet in area; 5 1 P a g e viii. A dog park which is at least 5,000 square feet in area which satisfies the following requirements: 1. The dog park is enclosed by a minimum five-foot tall vinyl coated chain link fence; 2. No side of the enclosure shall be shorter than 50 feet in length; 3. One dog water station with at least one water fountain and pet bowl; 4. One dog waste station which shall include a bag dispenser and waste receptacle must be installed along the perimeter of the enclosure for every 2,500 square feet of the associated dog park; ix. One regulation size volleyball, basketball, tennis, or other similarly related playing court. Each court shall count as one amenity; x. Fitness center and/or weight room (minimum 500 square feet); xi. Golf putting green (minimum 1000 square feet); xii. Other amenities as approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council as part of the platting process. 2. All multifamily development shall be required to provide the following elements: a. All ground floor entries shall be covered with distinct architectural detail such as: portico, arcade, awning, or other similar shading elements. b. Fronts and street sides of the building visible from the public right-of-way shall include changes in relief such as columns, cornices, bases, and fenestrations on at least 15% of each exterior building fapade. c. At a minimum, elevations that are 50 feet or longer in horizontal length shall be interrupted by at least two offsets (projection or recess) from the primary fapade plane of at least 2 feet. This requirement may be suspended or reduced in limited cases by the Director of Development Services if a proposed building features sufficient architectural interest and composition to make this requirement unnecessary. d. All walls, except gabled roof areas, which face a street other than an alley must contain at least 25% of the wall space in windows and doors. e. Windows shall appear as holes that are punched through walls rather than an appendage to the wall. This shall be accomplished through the use of recessed windows, awnings, sills, drip caps, projecting trim casings or surrounds, projecting muntins or mullions and/or other elements which cause the formation of shadows on the window and the adjacent fagade. f. All enclosed parking, if provided, shall be of similar and conforming architectural design and materials as the main multifamily structures. 6 1 P a g e g. Minimum 4' sidewalks are required from all parking and public areas to entryways of all units. It. Steel or timber support columns for covered parking structures shall be covered with material matching the main multifamily building. i. All off-street parking areas shall be screened from view from public streets by one or more of the following: i. A combination of low masonry walls and earthen berms reaching a minimum of six feet tall; ii. Earthen berms reaching a minimum of six feet tall; iii. A six-foot tall brick masonry, stone masonry, or other architectural masonry finish; or iv. A six-foot tall primed and painted tubular steel or wrought iron fence with masonry columns spaced 20 feet on centers, with structural supports placed every ten linear feet, and with sufficient evergreen landscaping to create a screening effect; v. multifamily residential building(s) that the off-street parking is serving; or vi. Another alternate screening device as approved by the Director of Development Services. j. A minimum of 80% of all building elevations shall be finished with complimentary neutral, cream, or deep, rich, non -reflective earth tone colors. No more than 20% of any building elevation may be finished with bright, pure tone primary or secondary colors. These colors shall be limited to use on accent features including, but not limited to window and door frames, moldings, cornices, canopies, and awnings. These percentages may be modified upon approval of the Director of Development Services in special cases if the building's elevation maintain sufficient visual continuity. k. All mechanical, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment is either: i. Located at ground level and completely screened by a masonry or wood screening wall that is at least six feet tall; or ii. Roof -mounted and is screened from public view. 3. Each multifamily development shall earn a score of at least 12 points based on the scoring criteria listed below: a. Dormer: A dormer us a structural element of a building that protrudes from the plane of sloping roof surface, clad in the same material as the exterior walls below the roofline and containing a window. A dormer within the front fagade scores 4 points. 7 1 P a g e b. Multiple Materials: The use of a combination of masonry and non -masonry materials in the exterior of a building fagade. For example, an exterior wall with brick veneer from the ground up to the bottom of the windows, with wood siding up the balance of the walls to the eaves. The materials should be visibly different from each other from the public right of way. Each non -masonry material must cover at least 20% of the fagade. One building structure may not have more than 5 different building materials. The total score earned will be based on the percentage of masonry as shown in the table below: 5 points 100% mason 0% other materials 4 points 75% masonry 25% other materials 3 points 50% masonry 50% other materials 2 points 25% mason 75% other materials 1 points 0% masonry 100% other materials C. Maior Offsets to Front Facade: A fagade with a major offset is one with a section at least 10 feet wide set back at least ten (10) additional feet from the balance of the fagade. A major offset scores 4 points. d. Stone or Brick Accents: Stone or brick accents is the application of stone or brick masonry on a non -masonry exterior to draw attention to an architectural element. Such elements include but are not limited to corners, doors, windows, a front deck, or the columns supporting a front porch. The accents should equal at least 5% of the front fagade. The use of stone or brick accents scores 4 points. e. Steep Roof Pitch: A steep roof has a pitch of at least 7:12. A steep roof pitch scores 3 points. f. Gabled Accents: A small triangular portion of a wall between the edges of a sloping roof along the front fagade of a residence. A gabled accent scores 3 points. A gabled dormer is considered a dormer and not a gabled accent. g. Cross Gabled: A residence is cross -gabled when it has multiple gables aligned on perpendicular axes, intersection in a cross at the highest point on the roof. A cross gabled roof scores 3 points. h. Multi -Angled Roof: A multi -angled roof has one or more sections equaling at least 1/3 the total roof width with a pitch at least 1:12 different than the balance of the roof. A multi -angled roof scores 3 points. i. Roof Accent: A roof accent is a functional element in the structural or mechanical system of the building located above the top of the first floor that is visibly different 8 1 P a g e from the balance of the roof because of color or material. A roof with one or more accents score 3 points. j. Private Balcony or Porch: A private balcony or porch that is at least 50 square feet in area in provided in each unit. Balconies shall be designed so that visual and auditory intrusions on private outdoor space of other units or adjacent developments are minimized. Private balcony or porch scores 3 points. k. Solar Orientation and Passive Cooling: Buildings are encouraged to be aligned on an east -west axis so that the long side of the building faces north and south while the short ends face east to west. When the long side face south or west, windows located along those sides are encouraged to be externally shaded through the use of extended overhangs, building projections, window recesses, or similar structural means to assist in minimizing summer solar admission and improving passive cooling. Conformance with solar orientation and passive cooling criteria scores 3 points. 4. Interpretations of the scoring criteria as applied to proposed new construction or re- construction shall be made by the Director of Development Services. Appeals of any and all interpretations shall be considered by the City Council. 5. Buildings that do not meet the minimum criteria mentioned in this section may be considered for approval by City Council through an architectural alternative permit application after conducting a public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall be mailed to the owners of properties within two hundred feet (200') of the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Applicability: These standards apply to all commercial, office, retail, and industrial development in A (Agricultural) District, B (Business District-1 & 2) Districts, B-3 (Central Business District), I-1 (Industrial District), I-2 (Heavy Industrial District), as well as planned developments or any other existing and newly created zoning district that allows commercial, office, retail, and industrial uses. All nonresidential development shall meet the following standards: Architectural Elements: All buildings shall be designed to incorporate at least 4 architectural elements from the list below. Building or multitenant buildings over 50,000 square feet shall include at least 5 architectural elements from the list below. Building or multitenant buildings over 100,000 square feet shall include at least 6 architectural elements from the list below: a. Canopies, awnings, or porticos; b. Arcades; 9 1 P a g e c. Display windows: d. Architectural details (such as tile work and moldings) integrated into the building fayade; e. Articulated ground floor levels or base; f. Articulated cornice line; g. A combination of no more than two building materials constituting a minimum of 60% of the total exterior walls, differentiated by texture, or material, and may be a combination of primary and secondary masonry materials; and h. Other architectural features as approved by the Director of Development Services. 2. Transparency: Each commercial and retail floor on a primary fagade shall contain at least 50% doors and windows. 25% of primary fagade windows shall include two of the following: a. Veranda, Terrace, porch or balcony (accessible for single units) minimum 4 feet deep. b. Trellis c. Shed roof awning d. Bay windows e. Bow window f. Transom windows g. Arched windows h. Gable windows i. Oval or round windows j. Shutters k. Decorative stone or brick band I. Projecting trim casings or surrounds m. Projecting muntins or mullions and/or other elements which cause the formation of shadows on the window and the adjacent fapade. This provision does not apply to office use and industrial development. Facade Finish: All nonresidential buildings shall be architecturally finished on all four sides with same materials, color, detailing, and features, except the rear if two rows of trees are planted on the perimeter behind the building. In this case, the architectural finish must match the remainder of the building in color only. A double row of trees shall be in a 15 foot wide landscape edge, where each tree is 15 feet apart and shall be an evergreen canopy tree. This provision only applies to facades that are not visible from public streets. This provision does not apply to "out' buildings or pad sites. 4. Articulation Standards: Any primary fagade shall include projections or recesses and vertical variations in the roof line in accordance with the horizontal and vertical articulation requirements set forth below: a. Horizontal Articulation: 101Page L A building fagade greater than 50 feet in horizontal length, may not extend for a distance greater than three times its average height without a perpendicular offset of at least ten percent of such building height. ii. For building with fagade length greater than 50 feet, the total length of all fagade walls in a single plane may not exceed 60 percent of the total fagade length without an offset of at least ten percent of the building height. b. Vertical Articulation: i. For buildings greater than 50 feet in horizontal length, the horizontal wall may not extend for a distance greater than three times its height without a change in elevation of at least 15 percent of such height. ii. The total length of all vertical elevation changes in the roofline shall be no less than 20 percent and no more than 40 percent of the total fagade length. Building Entrance Standards: a. Any front building entrance shall be set back at least 15 feet from the drive aisle. b. Single -use or multitenant buildings over 50,000 square feet in size shall provide clearly defined, highly visible customer or employee entrances with the integration of awnings or similar architectural features. Canopy Standards: The following provisions shall apply to canopies associated with an ATM canopy, gas station canopy, drive-thru canopy, carport, and other similar auto oriented canopies: a. Canopies shall be constructed of roof buildings material consistent with that of the principle building. b. Canopy columns shall be finished with material and color matching the main building. c. In no case shall the canopy height exceed 20 feet unless approved by the Director of Development Services. 6. Drive-Thru: Drive-thru facilities shall be located to the side or rear of the structure, unless site constraints limit such orientation, as determined by the Director of Development Services. 7. Overhead Doors: a. Overhead doors shall not be located closer than 50 feet to a conforming residential lot. b. Overhead doors shall be oriented to the side or rear of the structure and not front or face a public right-of-way or public street with the following exceptions: i. An automotive use with a maximum of 4 single, service bays may orient toward a public street only when structural awnings of at least 4 feet are provided over the extent of the overhead doors, or equivalent structural projections are provided in front of the overhead doors to reduce the visual impact of the service bays from the street. 111Page ii. A roll up, garage type door installed in a restaurant or bar may be permitted to face a public street if it is architecturally integrated into the building and provides a pedestrian connection with a covered outdoor patio area. iii. When physical site constraints prevent such orientation, the Director of Development Services may consider and approve alternatives. 8. Loading Docks: a. Loading docks shall not be located closer than 50 feet to a conforming residential lot. b. Loading docks shall be oriented to the side or rear of buildings, and oriented to not front the public right-of-way, not be visible or face a public street, main drive aisle, or patron parking lot. c. When physical site constraints prevent such orientation, the Director of Development Services may consider and approve an alternative. Exterior Colors: All nonresidential buildings shall meet the following exterior color requirements: a. A minimum of 80% of all building elevations shall be finished with complimentary neutral, cream, or deep, rich, non -reflective earth tone colors. b. No more than 20% of any building elevation may be finished with bright, pure tone primary or secondary colors. These colors shall be limited to use on accent features including, but not limited to window and door frames, moldings, cornices, canopies, and awnings. c. These percentages may be modified upon approval of the Director of Development Services in special cases if the building's elevation maintain sufficient visual continuity. 121Page Thursday, October 10, 2019 ee Sanger News 25. words - $10 a wedk Call: 940-458-8515 V/SA c asavERlass* ieds email: sanger@lemonspublications.com, FREE ADS Lost/Found & Free Pets ir, yyE ACCEpT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS Real Estate Services HOMESITES FOR SALE LAWN MOWING 1 Acre lots in Sanger & Valley View Deed Restricted - Facility for Rent No Mobile Homes Choose your Builder with view of Lake Contact Daphne Trimming, Hedges, Ray Roberts: for information General YardworkFREE ESTIMATES Need a place for a s4o-300-0003 daphne@ Local in Sanger. party, Wedding recep- daphnerealestate.net Call Casey at lion or reunion? Large Daphne Real Estate, LLC 940.231-9387 building with beautiful All About view of Lake Ray Rob- REP.i ftGroominerts. Very reasonable EST,,-rErates. Call 940.458-2862 or 940.595.6326. Mike Morris_---_ CertitiedLandSpecfalfst Call 940-390-9574 or 940- 482.0186. Public Notices ORDINANCE #10-31-19 AN ORDINANCE OFTHECITYOFSANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 13 "UTILITIES", ARTICLE 13.1600 "UTILI- TY BILLING PROCEDURES"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVER - ABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the 7th Day of October, 2019. APPROVED: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor; ATTESTED: Cheryl Price, City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 10.29-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 3,2100 "EXTE- RIOR CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS" BY REPLACING IT WITH AN "EXTERIOR FACADE DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL". ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIB- IT "A"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVID- ING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVID- ING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE IN ACCOR- DANCE WITH SECTION 1,10� OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE FOR VIOLATIONS AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the 7th Day of October, 2019. APPROVED: Thomas E: Muir, Mayor; ATTESTED: Cheryl Price, City Secretary we Deliver -Any Site Load - • Rock • Blended SOILS • Compost •Topsoil Sand 'Etc' • Mulch •Hex Base 10S31 FM 2450 Sanger TX' 11IKE'S HANDYMAN; �SE1iV--ICE - S{\NGER Owner Mike Howard Underwaod's •.�98® ►" � Heating&Air j ' can do anything It from seryice -v "d calls to system replacements. .Weglvefreesys- tem replacement 'I estimates and do not -s '- ex trafor �. -charge evenings or weekends. = 940-367-9739•TACLB58842E Email: todd@undetwoodshvaccom website: wtvvuundenvoodshvaccom >3Ii+1DIC DIS HEATMG &Lr Film SANGER, TEXAS INDUSTRIAL BEARINGS AND DRIVES Beadngs Unmounted V-Bells �l - -d Vs. Boadngs • Mounted �, Sheaves ,e P pa of sprockets eoli¢r Chnln Industrial Bearing Co. 4312 W. Hwy 82 . Gainesville 940-665-6971 "Fast Dependable Specializing Im Service" • Delivery of All Materials • Ddvevvay & Parking Area Installation & Repair Since • Roads & Culverts 1980 266 / Steve & Paula Shackleford - Owners GORDON CO. 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