07/26/1999-4A-Agenda Packet-Regular• AGENDA 4A CORPORATION MONDAY, JULY 26,1999 6:00 PM 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: June 28, 1999 Disbursements. 3. Consider and Possible Action on FY 1999-2000 Budget. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Possible New Business. 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjourn . MINUTES: 4A CORPORATION JUNE 28,1999 PRESENT: Joe Skiles, Frank Ballard, Garland Thornton ABSENT: Mike James, Carroll McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz 1. Joe Skiles Called Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: March 22, 1999 Disbursements. Garland Thornton moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Frank Ballard seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Any Other Such Matters. a) Discussed pattern of sales tax and how it is collected and paid. b) Discussion concerning which businesses contribute the most sales tax. c) Frank Ballard indicated there was a company called Pepsico, this company owns Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Taco Bell. He explained the concept of putting all three restaurants in one building for rural areas, and indicated Sanger might think about approaching the company to come to Sanger. d) City Administrator gave an update on the future developments coming to Sanger. e) Discussion concerning future development. t) Discussed future annexations, and how taxes will be affected. 4. Meeting Adjourned. 7-22-1999 5:18 PM 6/L DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 1 FlH) : 4A -SNER INOOSTRHl DEV. PERIOD: 19/1998 THRU 7/1999 DEPT : NIA OCCOUNTS: 0&-1010 THRU 0t-1010zzzzzzz E POST TRAN I REFEROCE ===DESCRIPTI~ -VEND INVOICE P.0.1 NOTE ===Atrufl= =IW.ANCE= 00-1010 CASH 12/31/98 1/21 818301 DEP 12/31/98 1/21 818481 CHECK 12/31/98 1/21 818481 CHECK 1/15/99 2/24 821501 DEP 1/31/99 3/20 823901 CHECK 1001 1/31/99 3/20 823901 DECK 1002 1/31/99 3/20 823901 DECK 1003 BEGINNING BALANCE SALES TAX DELUXE DECKS DB.UXE DECKS DECEMBER ACTIVITY DB: SALES TAX CITY OF SANGER REIMB CITY OF SANGER 6F ATTORtEY GENE~ 090263 800264 000264 7,376.62 CR: 134.00CR 000302 000333 000333 000333 ==== JINJARY ACTIVITY DB: 6,691.04 CR: S82.28CR 2/22/99 3/01 821701 DECK 1004 2/22/99 3/01 821701 DEPOSIT 2/26/99 3/20 824001 CHECK 1005 3/10/99 3/20 824201 DEPOSIT 3/20/99 3/20 824101 DEPOSIT 3/22/99 4/19 826881 DECK 1006 1/99 4/19 826901 INTEREST 4/13/99 4/19 1126601 DEP 4/30/99 5/24 833701 DECK 1007 4/30/99 5/24 833701 INTEREST 5/24/99 5/24 833801 DECK 1008 5/24/99 5/24 833801 DEPOSIT 5/31/99 6/18 836101 INTEREST 6/14/99 6/24 837101 DEPOSIT 6/14/99 6/24 837301 CHECK 1009 6/30/99 7/16 840201 INT 7/13/99 7/16 840301 DEP t-¼-t-t•-t•-t••••-t- tff END Cf REPORT Hf llJIR MENCY SALES TAX ~ RENZ FEBRUARY ACTIVITY DB: FR DIS. OF IND. CORP. SALES TAX MARCH ~ RENZ INTEREST EARtED MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 000304 000304 000334 9,806.45 CR: 200.00CR 6,891.23 000338 000335 000369 000370 CR: 100.00CR SALES TAX SAMANTI4l RENZ INTEREST IPRIL ACTIVITY DB: 101 104.04 SAMANTHA RENZ SALES TAX FOR MAY INT. EARNED THRU MAY 000458 000458 080487 MAY ACTIVITY DB: 10,007.79 CR: 100.NCR JUtE SALES TAX SAM RENZ INT JlJE JI.IE ACTIVITY SALES TAX JULY ACTIVITY DB: DB: 000499 000503 000540 71 436. 51 CR: 100. 00CR 000541 81 733. 02 CR: 0. 00 ACCllJNT TOTAL DB: 67,046.70 CR: 1,316.28CR 000 ERRORS IN THIS REPORT! t-t I I I I I -t•-t-t-t•-t ** REPORT TOTALS H BEGINNING lruNIS: REPORTED ACTIVITY: ENDING BAUKES: -DEBITS - 0.00 67,046.78 67,946.70 -CREDITS - 0.00 11316,28CR 11 316.28CR 7,376.62 111.58CR 22.58CR 7,242.62 6,691.04 124.58CR 409.06CR 48,72CR 6,188.76 100.NCR 9,806.45 100.00CR 9,686.45 189.59 6,700.02 100.00CR 1.62 6,791.23 10,075.18 100,M::R 28.86 10,004.04 100.00CR 9,978.22 37.57 9,907.79 7,392.45 100,M::R 44.06 7,336.51 8, 733,02 8,733.02 0.00 7,376.62 7,265.12 7,242.62 13,933.66 13,889.16 13,400.10 13,351.38 13,251.38 23,057.83 22,957.83 23,147.42 29,847.44 29,747.44 29,749.06 39,824.24 39,724.24 39,753.10 39,653.10 49,623.32 49,660.89 57,053.34 56,953.34 56,997.40 65,730.42 ,-22-1999 05:17 PM C I T Y 0 F SANGER PAGE: 1 TRIil BALANCE AS OF: Jli.Y 31ST, 1999 4A -SANGER INDUSTRill DEU. Hff IOffil TO DATE HH fHH YEAR TO DATE Hfff ~T NOi TITLE DEBITS CREDITS DEBITS CREDITS ASSETS 00-1010 CASH 8,733.02 65,730.42 LIABILITIES AND FIH) BALANCE REUEtlES 00-4425 STATE SALES TAX 8,733.02 66,745.00 00-4800 INTEREST INCOME 0.00 112. 11 00-4940 DCHITIONS 0,00 189.59 EXPENSES 00-5000 DECK CHARGES 0.00 134.00 00-5210 OFFICE SIJ>PI..IES 0.00 233.56 00-5225 BOOKS SUBSCRIPTION 0.00 48. 72 00-5410 INSURANCE 0.00 100.00 00-5420 COORACTIR. SERVICES 0.00 800.00 fff TOTllS fff 8,733.02 8,733.02CR 67,046.70 67,046.70CR 7-22-1999 5:18 PM 6/L DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 4ABOARD UPCOMING EXPENSE: Samantha Renz secretarial/Ju Iv $100.00 ' 1999-2000 BUDGltT 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation Revenues Sales Tax $ 115,000.00 Interest $ 1,000.00 Total Income $ 116,000.00 Expenditures Bank Charges $ 100.00 Office Supplies $ 200.00 Dues & Memberships $ 250.00 Travel & Registrations $ 500.00 Publications & Subscriptions $ 200.00 Insurance $ 100.00 Contractual Services $ 1,200.00 Projects $ 113,450.00 Total Expenditures $ 116,000.00 9TXU July 20, 1999 TO: Economic Development Allies PROM: ~ Pat Jamison. TXU Economic Development RE: Project "Truck" I have recently been contacted by consultants representing a major firm who i• looking to site a very largo regional distribution center. We have identified your community as having potential for being in a good looation regarding their geographic boundaries and would like to uk your assictanee in helping ua with the first phase of the search. Enclosed are two pieces of'informatio11 I would like you to complete. First is the Irumtive/Lagislatjvo Summmy. Pleas~ provide your responses to Section J, Ttp:ntiycCiu, regarding the Jocal lcvcl gnJ.x, Heather Richanlson with tho Texas Department of Economic Development is providing responaes to the atate lpye1, questions as wen as Section n, Law/Labor. The second piece ofin!onnation is tho three-page document titled Commun;ty, 'QcrnQIDUJhics & Labat Infonuat:ion. Please provide this information in the fonnat of the form provided. The project specifications arc as follows: . • approximately SlO -$40 million capital investment • · 1.2 million square fcot • 200-acie site {175 acn,s i, the absolute minimum) • 600 employees; average wage rate -SlO/hoUT • approximately 700 track movements per day and 1,200 car movements In addition to the information requested above, if you have general community brochures. please provide aix copies. · • " Office of the Secretary of State Corporations Section P .0. Box 13697 Austin, Texas 78711-3697 ARTICLES OF DISSOLUTION NON-PROFIT CORPORATION Pursuant to the provisions of article 6.05 of the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following articles of dissolution. 1. The name of the corporation is ~l'./6t:1<-/4JiJ._;s,g11h.. VEV~LoPM€1-1T t:tYll. 2. The charter num her of the corporation is 00 i, S 71':/ 9 ·-o / 3. A resolution to dissolve was adopted in the following manner: (Check the applicable statement below.) A. / A resolution to dissolve if. adopted at a meeting of members held on i)f "-, I t , 19 ° , at which a quorum was present, and the resolution to dissolve received at least two-thirds of the votes which members present or represented by proxy at such meeting were entitled to cast. B._ A resolution to dissolve was adopted by consent in writing by all members entitled to vote with respect thereto. C._ A resolution to dissolve was adopted at a meeting of directors held on ___ _ ________ _, 19 __ , and received the votes of a majority of the directors in office, there being no members having voting rights in respect thereof. Check either A or B in items 4, 5, and 6 below: 4. A.L All debts, obligations and liabilities of the corporation have b~en paid and discharged or adequate provision has been made therefor. OR B._ The corporation's property and assets were not sufficient to satisfy and discharge all its liabilities and obligations. All the property and assets have been applied so far as they would go to the payment thereof in a just and equitable manner and no property or assets remain available for distribution among its members. 5. A./ All remaining property and assets of the corporation have been transferred, conveyed or distributed in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Non- OR B._ Profit Corporation Act. The assets of the corporation were received and held subject to limitations permitting their use only for charitable, religious, eleemosyna~~' benev~l~nt, educational or similar purposes, but not held upon a condition requ1nng return, transfer or conveyance by reason of the dissolution and the assets were distributed in accordance with the attached plan of distribution: (Attach a copy of the plan of distribution.) 6. A.~,There are no suits pending against the corporation in any court. . " • OR B. Adequate provision has been made for the satisfaction of any judgment, order or decree which may be entered against it in any pending suit. ( INSTRUCTIONS 1. Submit two copies of the articles of dissolution. We will place one document on record and return a file stamped copy to you for your files. The documents must be signed by an authorized officer of the corporation. Prior to signing, please read the statements on this form carefully. A person commits an offense under the Texas Business Corporation Act, the Texas Limited Liability Company Act or the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act if the person signs a document the person knows is false in any material respect with the intent that the document be delivered to the secretary of state for filing. The offense is a Class A misdemeanor. 2. Attach $5.00 remittance for the filing fee for the articles of dissolution. The check should be made payable to the secretary of state. 3. Two copies of the form along with the filing fee should be mailed to the address shown in the heading of this form. The delivery address is James Earl Rudder Office Building, 1019 Brazos, Austin, Texas 78701. We will place one document on record and return a file stamped copy. The telephone number is (512) 463-5555, TDD: (800) 735-2989, FAX: (512) 463-5709. 4. Under article 10.07 of the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act, a non-profit corporation may choose to make the filing of certain documents effective as of a date within 90 days of the date of submission. This can be accomplished either by sta_ting a future date or describing a future event within the document submitted for filing. Please refer to article 10.07 of the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act for the specific requirements necessary for filing documents with a future effective date .