05/05/2003-4A-Agenda Packet-Regular.r
MONDAY, MAY 5, 2003
6:00 P.M.
1. Call Meeting to Order.
2. a)
Approve Minutes: April 24, 2003
3. Citizen's Input
4. · Consider and Possible Action on Aiding Miguelito's Restaurant in Bringing a Gas Line
to their Proposed Site in Sanger.
5. Consider and Possible Action on Proposal from Paul Vineyard Regarding Possibly
Locating Babe's Chicken in Sanger. ,, .• ,
6. Adjourn.
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Date and Time Posted
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.... 'IP:
APRIL 24, 2003
PRESENT: Richard Muir, Vickie Jenkins, Gordon Lurry, Carroll McNeill
ABSENT: Bill Fuller
PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant
Samantha Renz, Eddie Branham, Ron Williamson, Bob Johnson, Jerry Jenkins,
Mr. Payne
1. Richard Muir called meeting to Order.
2. a)
Approve Minutes: December 9, 2002
Gordon Lurry moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Vickie Jenkins
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Citizen's Input
4. Consider and Possible Action on Aiding the City of Sanger in Construction of Sewer
Line Under m-35.
Carroll McNeill indicated they were trying to find a method to get development to the
West side of town, and to find a method to recoup the money.
Discussed that this was to get sewer underneath the interstate near Belz Road on the
west side.
Richard Muir indicated the 4A operated in connection with Economic Development
Issues, and he felt this would be considered Economic Development.
Jerry Jenkins, 2507 Chippewa Trail, indicated that during the 14 years that he served
on the Council, this item, on numerous occasions had come before the Council. On
Keaton Road, to the North, development is happening because sewer was extended to
that area. With the installation of facilities it is being developed. Now where the new
post office is, Radio Shack is talking about relocating in that area. That particular 97
acre tract of land will develop with sewer facilities in the area. Further North many
new businesses are going in on the East side and the sewer is being used to the max at
this time. This has been an ongoing problem. The only way the property will be
utilized North of Jack in the Box is to bore the highway and get the sewer over there.
There are a lot of possibilities and plans have been submitted to the city, there has been
interest, but the lack of facilities is a problem. It is the responsibility of the developer
to bring utilities to their property. Mr. Williams would have to bring the sewer from
Sanger Industrial Park to the North then under the highway in order to be able to
develop his property. There is a definite need for this bore, and possibly one North of
Discussed city requirements for developers and installation of utilities.
Ron Williamson, indicated he owned the property at Belz Road, advised the board that
he was interested in developing his property as Commercial and possibly some
residential. He indicated that he had been approached many times in the past by
different types of businesses; however, when the sewer is discussed they seek a different
location. Discussed different businesses that had aprroached him.
Jerry Jenkins indicated the state approved the Belz Road change. He explained what
the change would be and how it would provide access to Mr. Williamson's and Mr.
Johnson's properties.
Discussion regarding the plan that was originally drawn up for this area, and the
proposed access from Belz.
Jerry Jenkins indicated roads would be inside commercial districts to provide access
to the other properties.
Bob Johnson, 1860 Lucas, owns 300 acres just north of Ron Williams property, he
indicated the general land plan was to have the front 1/3 of the property developed as
commercial. The main concern has been sewer. There is no doubt that if sewer was
there that something would happen. They have had several inquiries that ended up
being placed at different locations because of lack of sewer. He showed a flyer of his
general land plan.
Discussed possible Development plans for the area.
Eddie Branham indicated the 8 inch line is clay tile and they are experiencing a lot of
problems with infiltration. After doing some figuring, they felt an 18 inch line would
be plenty for that area, it would carry almost 5 million gallons per day.
Discussion regarding the proposed line.
Discussion regarding the topography of the land and how the sewer line would run.
Vickie Jenkins asked how much they were asking for.
Figures were discussed. Eddie Branham indicated they were looking at between $275
and $600 per foot.
City Manager indicated there would be two bores, one under the railroad, and one
under the highway.
Mr. McNeill indicated the development would benefit the city and the 4A board. He
felt if this was not done, the growth will stop.
City Manager indicated that he felt the line would be funded by the City, and that they
would request that the 4A Board cover the bore, and that perhaps tap fees to this line
would help pay back the 4A board. The city needs to do this to make the west side to
where its open for development, it also helps us on the east. All of the property on the
service road on the east side will benefit from sewer laid in the easement along the
railroad. If they could get a loan to get the bore, they would then use capital
improvement money to put the rest of it in.
Discussed specifics of the bore, and the casing size.
Discussed cost factors.
Gordon Lurry felt there job was economic development, he felt growth would come, but
he was looking a the opportunity cost in the future, if the growth happens ten years
from now, what could they lose in that time.
City Manager indicated this meeting was to acquaint the 4A with the situation and get
the property owners involved. Staff will take information to the Council to make
requests about possible repayment of the loan.
Richard Muir asked that possibly letters could be provided from other land owners that
are not here, so that they could see the desire and need for this, then check with Council
and meet again.
Lengthy discussion continued regarding the proposal.
Ron Williamson indicated they have completed all of the engineering on their property
and they have no hidden problems. The land is natural for development.
Vickie Jenkins indicated that she liked the idea of quality, first class development, and
felt she would be in favor of it if they could encourage quality economic development.
Gordon indicated he felt the investment would have a great return.
City Manager indicated Wal-Mart had over 900 employees. The project was a good
Consensus of board that it looked favorable, get more information and Council approval
and come back to them.
5. Meeting Adjourned.
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 I
IAN. $81083.931 $81937.431 $10,348.821 $101188.221 I
FEB. $9 806.45 $9 763.37 $11 840.64 $14 870.78 $14 840.34
MARCH $61700.021 $101384.631 . $81984.18 I $91209.151 $121446.361
APRIL $10075.18 $8,416.52 $9 517.25 $9195.02 $9 202.14
MAY I $91970.221 $1o,323.15 I $141946.441 $101623.56 I I
JUNE I $71392.451 $71953.661 $10 1131.01 I $111911.061 I
$8,733.021 $7,642.301 $12,784.181 $101597.47 I l
AUGUST' $121935.491 $101854.25 I $17 I035.oo I $141962.171 I
$81584.581 $7 1103.501 $11 1612.08 I $121928.161 I
' OCT. ~ $91164.481 $101136.27 I $28,586.971 $13,940.441 I
NOV. ~ $81912.471 $111975.61 I $161166.701 $14,246.901 I
' DEC. I $121594.421 $71860.371 $101397 .07 I $101198.24 I I
TOTAL I 111 1559.82 I 1101497 .56 1160.938.95 1143.031.77 146.677.06