11/09/2004-4A-Agenda Packet-Regular•
1. Call Meeting to Order.
TUESDAY -November 9, 2004
2:00 P.M.
2. Approve Minutes: October 4, 2004
3. Consider and Possible Action on Lazart Production Inc. Possibly Relocating to Sanger.
4. Adjournment.
11/o/<f{ 4.'~5p
Date and Time Posted
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests
for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting.
Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information .
OCTOBER 4, 2004
PRESENT: Carroll McNeiU, Vickie Jenkins, Bill Fuller, Gordon Lurry, Richard Muir
PRESENT: . City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez
1. Richard Muir Called Meeting to Order.
2. Executive Session: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section
551.071 Consultation with City Attorney -Edward F. Wolski vs. City and Others
Convened into Executive Session at 7:01 p.m.
3. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any on Item Discussed in
Executive Session.
Reconvened into Regular Session at 8:01 p.m.
No Action Taken.
4. Meeting Adjourned •
November 5, 2004
To: 4A Board Members
From: Jack Smith
Subject: Lazart Production Inc.
I have been speaking with the Lazart company about relocating to Sanger.
Enclosed please find the correspondence that has transpired between
myself and Lazart. If the Board feels that this is an opportunity to attract this
business, then we need to plan our strategy.
Thank you .
, '
September 17, 2004
-Laurie Leahy, President
Lazart Productions Inc.
1411 Southland Drive
Gainesville, Texas 76240
Ms. Leahy,
City of
Jack L. Smith
City Manager
Thank you for the wonderful tour of your fine facility. Lazart is
exactly the type of industry that the City of Sanger is trying to
encourage. Your people are not only skiffed in their positions but
appeared to be helpful and extremely friendly.
As I mentioned in your office, the City_ of Sanger citizens have
voted a one-half cent sales tax for economic development. The board
that oversees the economic development corpor?tion seeks to attract
businesses sµch, as yqurs and wants to get you_ her~~ We are
currently estaqlishing an arrangement with a developer to obtain the
land needed for your project and at the same time establish a much
needec:f street to the area. Unfortunately these arrangemehts take
time but I want you to know they will be done.
I look forward to your company locating in Sanger and rest
assured you have a friendly ally at City Hall.
Jack L. Smith
City Manager -
P.O. _BOX 1729
SANGER, TEXAS 76266 940·4S8·7930
940•4S8·4180 FAX
, '
September 3, 2004
Mr. Jack Smith
City Manager
City of Sanger
P.O. Box 1729
Sanger, TX 76266
Dear Jack,
A Blend of Rne Graphics and Laser Technology
It was nice speaking with you again about the information I sent you outlining the ·
benefits LAZART could bring to Sanger.
Enc.losed is a "footprint" of the space that would be needed for LAZART
Produdion, · inc. · · ·
. Barry ereen
· coritro11er
cc: Laurie Leahy·
: ~ ~ _;. . . •. . .. :i' ... , .. , ... ;.'-•·· ; . ---~
,r..,,. .. . ~ . i. .
14.11 Southland Drive • Gainesville, Texas 76240 • 80~896-7001 • Fax 940-665-6850
www.lazartproduction.com • email: sales @lazartproduction.com • Phone 940-665-3097
C::J C:J
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August 23, 2004
Jack L. Smith
City Manager
City of Sanger
P.O. Box 1729
Sanger, TX 76266
Dear Jack,
A Blend of Fine Graphics and Laser Technology
It was gf;~atrp~etjng.w!th ·you on August 17th and learning mor~ about-fhe·city o(_ '
Sang e~ ::,W~ . .fe~(thaJ~~Rli: f:?roduct(on; ,11-c, -w.oµlc;t fiHptci:th&:cq_mmui;lity:.-:vew,r.:.--
~~c:~:~::i jf it~~::::::::::::~:::~:::j~!i~i!Ir. ·
apprqxiril~f~lyig ptofe~sion~J _ positions; 4 technical, and 2Q in·tng.·g_~ri'~ral • wii[k~•r~~'.Blf;/ .. · · .. · . . . . . .. ,' ·:);;JG .···
-• Be.tj~.fit~:~,JN~;p'tpyiq~:group·.health. deritaftho'liday~i-sick.'qc1y~~~tefh<t4.9.1;K,
whfo°fi:franslates'.;i&-ajnore stable workforce which reduces'the~6drden;ofr·. -
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1411 Southtahlorive ;,tG~iriesvllle; Texas 76240 • 800-896-7001 • Fax -~0:S65-p850 _:_
www.lazartprodu'ction.com/ • email: sales @lazartproduction.com • Phone 940-665-3097_
. -.•: . . .... ,.._' ·, ,:: :_-.. ' . ~:~.-: . . .
,, ... . .
• Hotel/ Restaurant-LAZART has numerous meetings for various
customers and representatives that would utilize local businesses during
their stay.
• City Services -LAZART would be users of all city services and thereby
add additional funds to the city as well as taxes.
• Increased Presence -UPS would add a major presence to Sanger
because of our volume of business with .them.
• Pride of Ownership --LAZART is proud of our products and is a good
company. We would treat the opportunity as a partnership and do
everything to maintain a positive, cooperative, working relationship with
• LocaJ Support_; We provide various organizations with donated products
to help support fund raising activities.
We look forward to t~e next steps in the process and will begin getting some
"footprintsn of the space needs so rough estimates can begin to be maqe.
xc: Laurie Leahy
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,,. '
Mr. Jack Smith
City of Sanger
P.O. Box 1729
Sanger, TX 76266
A Blend of Fine Graphics and Laser Technology
Ref: Economic Development Incentives
Dear Mr. Smith,
. . -· .:.--::-::• .................. -..: .. ~-~:.....::.::.·• .. ·.: . ;: -
It was nice talking with you on July 28, 2004. As I indicated, LAZART
Production, Inc. is interested in relocating south from our present location in
Gainesville. Our reasons for doing this are to secure a larger warehouse and
office area and to be closer to a larger labor market (f?enton). "r'e are projecting
continued positive growth for LAZART Production.
LAZART has been in business since 1991 and is privately owned by RAF
Industries. I have enclosed a catalog of the products we sell. We have light
assembly operations and currently have forty employees.
Our needs are these:·
• Approximately 60.000 sq. ft. of warehouse space which would include
5000 sq: ft. for offices.
• 24 Ft. clear height
• 4 ..... 9x1 O ove.rhead dock door 1
• ESFR sprinkler system
• Easy acqesf to 1:.35
•. Secµrity fighting
• Parking.fo:r 6Q+cars
--------.•-· .4&-x-48-cqft1mr.g-ri:"'----------------.--:-~--------
• Unit heaters
• Metal haJide lighting in warehouse
• Professionally larisdscaped
1411 Southland Drive • Gainesville, Texas 76240 • 800-896-7001 • Fax 940-665-6850
www.lazartproduction.com • email: sales @lazartproduction.com • Phone 940-665-3097
• 130 ft. track apron
• Large acreage for additional raw materials
We would expect to receive:
• Economic tax incentives
• Freeport exemptions
• Foreign Track Zone
• Newly constructed concrete painted tilt-wall facility
• Office and finish out built-to-suit
• All utilities available
• Land environmentally certified
• Fast track construction schedule
Please let me know how we can proceed with exploring the possibilities for a
relocation to Sanger.
Barry K. Breen
CC: Laurie Leahy -President
OCTOBER 4, 2004
PRESENT: Carroll McNeilJ, Vickie Jen.kins, Bill FulJer, Gordon Lurry, Richard Muir
PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez
1. Richard Muir Called Meeting to Order •.
2. Executive Session: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section
551.071 Consultation with City Attorney-Edward F. Wolski vs. City and Others
Convened into Executive Session at 7:01 p.m.
3. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any on Item Discussed in
Executive Session.
Reconvened into Regular Session at 8:01 p.m.
No Action Taken.
4. Meeting Adjourned.
November 5, 2004
To: 4A Board Members
From: Jack Smith
Subject: Lazart Production Inc.
I have been speaking with the Lazart company about relocating to Sanger.
Enclosed please find the correspondence that has transpired between
myself and Lazart. If the Board feels that this is an opportunity to attract this
business, then we need to plan our strategy.
Thank you .
September 17, 2004
· Laurie Leahy, President
Lazart Productions Inc.
1411 Southland Drive
Gainesville, Texas 76240
Ms. Leahy,
City of
Jack L. Smith
City Manager
Thank you for the wonderful tour of your fine facility. Lazart is
exactly the type of industry that the City of Sanger is trying to
encourage. Your people are not only skilled in their positions but
appeared to be helpful and extremely friendly.
As I mentioned in your office, the City of Sanger citizens have
voted a one-half cent sales tax for economic development. The board
. that oversees the economic development corporation seeks to attract
businesses such as yours and wants to get yov hef~; We are
currently estc1blishing an arrangement with a developer to obtain the ·
land needed for your project and at the same time establi~h a much
needect street to the area. Unfortunately these arrangemehts take
\ time but I want you to know they will be done.
I look forward to your company locating in Sanger and rest
assured you have a friendly ally at City Hall.
Jack L. S_mith
City Manager ··
P.O~ BOX 1729
SANGER, TEXAS 76%66 940·4S8·7930
940-458·4180 FAX
September 3, 2004
Mr. Jack.Smith
City Manager
City of Sanger
P.O. Box 1729
Sanger, TX 76266
Dear Jack,
A Blend of Rne Graphics and laser T echno/ogy
It was nice spea~ing with you again about the information I sent you outlining the ·
benefits LAZA.RT could bring to Sanger.
Enclosed is a "footprint" of the space that would be needed for LAZART
Production, -l_nc. ·
. Barry ereen
. Controller .· ·
cc: Laurie Leahy·
:"'f ~ .. ~ . . : •.. ,:. ·, ., ...... , ... , .. . ... · ~
--~ ;-" . ... · ~ . i. .
: • t
14.11 Southland Drive • Gainesville, Texas 76240 • 800-896-7001 • Fax 940-665-6850
www.lazartproduction.coin • email: sales@lazartproduction.com • Phone 940-665-3097
C::l C:l
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/4za.r-r /J-1Jclochon r L/1t',
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Jack L. Smith
City Manager
City of Sanger
P:O. Box 1729
Sanger, TX 76266
Dear Jack,
A Blend of Fme Graphics and Laser Technology
It was g(~al:rp~et1pg)yjth 'yo~ on August 17th and learning more 'abe>utcfoeic;iJ 'o(:: •
SangeE::i\JV~.J~'E:rJJh.~(~Rli'.(:?roductf;on;)(l.c, woµlc;t fit,ipto,:the;:qq,iirriµQityiVt3(Yt::.: '
~~s:~;:::f liit!j!f ::::::y:e:~:::::~i1.1i1IPt•·.
approximijt~lt,gptofessionaf positions; 4 technical, apd 2Q in th~·g~o·~ral wo~er~rt,f%~;f:,:' ; ..... ·•.· . . . . . . • ..... :' ··:> ;~)} .
• . B~~efi.~s-~,W~·.Rt9"!~:e groul? health. deritaJ,, hol!day~. sic~;,d_ay~.:in~-'.191_~.'
wh,ch:translates. to ·a more stable workforce which reduces the burden 011 ,;
• · :;::tt&(;{!~tt~~;~r produc~ are shipped t~rou9.~9Mt\H;.y;§ .. '. ./
C~naqa;_:c1nc;tgy~.t$¢~$~(V\(e .also show our,_ products, atm~r~~t~:Jflxc;,~ghp_ut. -
. '·'· ':'·
1411Southlanibrive· .· ~dLGain~ville; Texas 76240 • 800-896-7001 • Fax -94~6&-6850 :, wWw.~lazartproductiq'n.corn '' • email: sales @lazartproduction.com • Phone 940-665-3097. .
. .:•: .· · ... ,.·, .· · ... ' ·, ':: ·: .... .i:~.. . '-i . . . .
e Hotel I Restaurant -LAZART has numerous meetings for various
customers and representatives that would utilize local businesses during
their stay.
• City Services -LAZART would be users of all city services and thereby
add additional funds to the city as well as taxes.
• Increased Presence -UPS would add a major presence to Sanger
because of our volume of business with them.
• Pride of Ownership -LAZART is proud of our products and is a good
company. We would treat the opportunity as a partnership and do
everything to maintain a positive, cooperative, working relationship with
• Loc~J Support_: We provide various organizations with donated products
to help support fund raising activities.
We look forward to t~e next steps in the process and will begin getting some
"footprints" of the space needs so rough estimates can begin to be made.
xc: Laurie Leahy
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Mr. Jack Smith
City of Sanger
P.O. Box 1729
Sanger, TX 76266
A Blend of Rne Graphics and Laser Technology
Ref: Economic Development Incentives
Dear Mr. Smith,
. . ... :r--:=-~~.,...,.r .. .,., .... -.: .. ::.?:...~·, .• •.;. . ~ -
It was nice talking with you on July 28, 2004. As I indicated, LAZART
Production, Inc. is interested in relocating south from our present location in
Gainesville. Our reasons for doing this are to secure a larger warehouse and
office area and to be closer to a larger labor market (r;>enton). We are projecting
continued positive growth for LAZART Production.
LAZART has been in business since 1991 and is privately owned by RAF
Industries. I have enclosed a catalog of the products we sell. We have light
assembly operations and currently have forty employees. ·
Our needs are these:·
• Approximately 60,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space which would include
500() sq:-ft. for offices.
• 24 Ft. clear height
• 4 ..... 9x1o·overhead dock door
• ESFR.sprinkier system
• Easy acqe~s to 1:.35
• Sec~rity lighting
• Parking. fo'r SQ+ cars ------•• ~· .48-x-40-cok1mn-g-ri,.,__ ______________ ~----------
• Unit heaters
• Metal halide lighting in warehouse
• Professionally larisdscaped
1411 Southland Drive • Gainesville, Texas 76240 • 800-896-7001 • Fax 940-665-6850
www.lazartproduction.com • email: sales @lazartproduction.com • Phone 940-665-3097
• 130 ft. track apron
• Large acreage for additional raw materials
We would expect to receive:
• Economic tax incentives
• Freeport exemptions
• Foreign Track Zone
• Newly constructed concrete painted tilt-wall facility
• Office and finish out built-to-suit
• All utilities available
• Land environmentally certified
• Fast track construction schedule
Please let me know how we can proceed with exploring the possibilities for a
relocation to Sanger.
Barry K. Breen
CC: Laurie Leahy -President