03/25/2005-4A-Agenda Packet-Regular1. Call Meeting to Order.
FRIDAY, March 25, 2005
2. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Budget Amendment as Required by Fiscal
Year Audit 2003/2004.
4. Adjourn.
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests
for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting.
Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information.
March 25, 2005
PRESENT: Carroll McNeill, Vickie Jenkins, Bill Fuller, Richard Muir, Fred Yeatts
PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose
1. Meeting called to order by President Richard Muir.
2. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Budget Amendment as Required by Fiscal
Year Audit 2003/2004.
City Secretary addressed the Board by explaining that in order for the audit to be
completed, a budget amendment of $38,000.00 had to be made. This expense was for
the gas line to Miguelito's Restaurant.
Motion was made by Vicki Jenkins to accept amendment to the budget for Fiscal Year
2003-2004 relating to gas line extension for total cost of $38,000.00. Motion was
seconded by Fred Yeatts. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Discuss Future Project on Sewer Line.
Discussion on defined size of line proposed and if it would be adequate to cover the
entire west assuming there is no industrial need.
No reason.
4. Adjourn.
March 25, 2005
PRESENT: Carroll McNeill, Vickie Jenkins, Bill Fuller, Richard Muir, Fred Yeatts
PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose
1. Meeting called to order by President Richard Muir.
2. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Budget Amendment as Required by Fiscal
Year Audit 2003/2004.
City Secretary addressed the Board by explaining that in order for the audit to be
completed, a budget amendment of $38,000.00 had to be made. This expense was for
the gas line to Miguelito's Restaurant.
Motion was made by Vicki Jenkins to accept amendment to the budget for Fiscal Year
2003-2004 relating to gas line extension for total cost of $38,000.00. Motion was
seconded by Fred Yeatts. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Discuss Future Project on Sewer Line.
Discussion on defined size of line proposed and if it would be adequate to cover the
entire west assuming there is no industrial need.
No reason.
4. Adjourn.