10/03/2005-4A-Agenda Packet-Regular1. Call Meeting to Order.
MONDAY, October 3, 2005
2. Consider and Possible Action on Funding Expenditures for Bridal Bath Intersector
Sewer Line.
3. Adjournment.
Date and Time Posted
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests
for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting.
Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information.
September 30, 2005
TO: Board Members/ Sanger Texas Industrial Corporation
FR: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Asst. City Manager
RE: Agenda
I apologize for not having the minutes typed for this meeting. I have been short handed in the office.
I will get the minutes typed for our next meeting.
Item 2: Expense Funds for Bridal Path Sewer Line
This item has been discussed by the Board and agreed that it was a project that the 4A could help
fund. There was an amount mention of $150, 000.00; however, no action was officially taken to
fund this amount. This is to make sure that we comply with the rules. I have attached a certificate
for payment for your review. The total bid project was $284,100.00. I have not been approached
on any future change orders so this amount is the total.
News Flash: Economic Development Director Position was advertised as instructed. We did
advertise in TML Magazine. I have received three resumes that look promising. One applicant is
currently employed with the City of Gainesville as an Economic Development Director.
,.. . ., ..
___ 1_20_-_Days Estimate No. __ O.;;:..:..:..ne;:___ Period 6/20/05 tc -----8/30/05
Name of Owner:· City of Sanger . Address: P. 0. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76~:66-1729 ·
Name of Contractor: Dickerson Construction Comeany, Inc
Na·me.of Pro~e~~ ·, 'Brida(Path Sewer M~in
Address: P. 0. Box 18.1 . Celina. :Texas. 75C_09-':_·.~_· __ _
EstimatedQor.itractCost · $284;100.00 .· ~· :··· ....
1. Original Contract Amount .................................... , ........................................... . $284,100.00
2 .. Owners Change OrderThru No .................................................................... · ... . $0.00
3. Total Current Contract Amount ....................................................................... . $284,100.00
4. Total Completed To Date .............................................................................. .. $172,500.00
5. Tota! Materials Stored To Date ............. ,, ........................................................ . $0.00
6. Tota! Completed and Stored To Date .............................................................. . $172,500.00
7. Retainage (10% of Line 6) ............... , ............................................................. . $17 250.00
8. Total Completed, Less Re~inage .................................................................. . $156,250.00
9. Less Amount of Previous Estimates .............................................................. . $0.00
10. Amount Due This Application .......... ,. ............................................................ .. $155,250.00
11. Balance 'To Finish, Plus Retainage (Line 3 -Une 6) $111,600.00
12. Percent Completed To Date (Line 6/line 3) -61%
~ntractor Hereby Certifies That The Work Covered By This Application For the f\llonth of ______ Has 81~n Completed
m Accordance With The Contract, That All Work Previously lnvoice.d Has Been Paid For By The 'Contractor And Tt e Amourit ·
Requested Is Ctfrr~ntlY, 'Due: · ·
Contractor's Na~;;:_ -~-'ic"""k_e~~c..,<.-n_C"-'o'""'n...;;..s:-.. u-. c_ti_on--=-C.:.;om"'-"-pa...:n-'-'-y-'-, _ln...:..c•:-----Dme• £-'l Q-.o~~
Title: P~ident -=
State Of: Texas ------------County Of: Collin
Subscribed and Sworn To Before Me This 3() tA.. Day of
Notary Public: NAA;e ,V LI TTL~
My Commission Expires:
,.j~ . e
Recommended For Payment in the Amount of$-~"~ ~~~~:..._..!.?-~'4..=~~------=---
By ~-~ Date~r/4....L.-,,/~~r_r-
roved For Payment:
er's Signature:.~--'----~----------
Date _________ .......,_
ntre: ~-------------~-----
----. --•--