03/05/2007-4A-Agenda Packet-Regular1.
4A Sanger, Texas Industrial Development Corporation
Monday, March 5, 2007
1:00 P.M. -201 BOLIVAR
Call Meeting to Order.
Approval of Minutes: February 15, 2007
Update on Economic Development Activities.
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests
for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting.
Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information.
FEBRUARY 15, 2007
PRESENT: President Richard Muir, Vickie Jenkins, Bill Fuller, Carroll McNiell
PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager, Cecile
Carson Economic Development Director
1. President Muir called meeting to order.
2. Approval of Minutes: September 19, 2006
Corrections to the minutes were as follows:
Item 3 -6th paragraph down, correct the dollar amount to reflect the $100,000.00.
Item 4 -after last paragraph to add the statement that the motion carried.
Motion made by Bill Fuller to approve the minutes with the corrections as noted.
Seconded by Vickie Jenkins. Motion carried unanimous.
3. (4) Review Proposed Thoroughfare Plan for the City of Sanger
President Muir introduced Dan Boutwell with MPRG to the 4A Board Members.
Mr. Boutwell gave a presentation that included a draft thoroughfare map of the City
and reviewed principal, secondary, and collector and arterial roadways. His review
included new locations for new roads based on future growth. The presentation
involved circulation of traffic, right-of-ways, return radius, drainage, and alignment
of the roads. Mr. Boutwell indicated that the Thoroughfare Plan will be fmalized
withing the next few months. There will be several layers that will go on top of it to
distinguish land use, commercial and industrial growth and zoning.
Discussion followed.
4.(3) Review Financials
The financials were reviewed. City Secretary explained the concern member Mr.
McNeill had regarding line item 75-5420 and 75-6500. There as an error in the new
budget figures in the financials not reflected was budgeted for 06/07 based on the
budget City Manager presented on September 19, 2006. City Secretary advised she will
check into this matter and get with the City Manager and see if possibly those figures
did not come across when the budget was installed.
Discussion concerning the monies allocated for the Economic Development Director.
Mr. McNiell advised that the board member that the Economic Development Director
had an agreement for two years and ask if any other board member was aware of that
fact. Mr. McNiell expressed a concern as to why the 4A members were not advised.
City Secretary advised that the contract was drafted by the City Attorney Mr. Dillard.
She did advise that it was during the interview process to set guidelines. (The
guidelines were the conditions for the incentive package for the additional
compensation for services, Exhibit A)
Discussion continued regarding the reasons for the contract. It was discussed that a
status report needs to be presented.
President Muir advised that the 4A Board fund pays half of her salary and the
personnel issues should be left up to the chain of command involving Jack Smith and
the City Council.
Vickie Jenkins advised she would like to have a progress on what is going on in the
city to allow them to respond to citizens intelligently with their answers.
Discussed was to schedule a meeting in March to allow Ms. Carson to prepare a
Progress Report.
Motion was made by Vickie Jenkins to schedule a meeting in March and to have
another semi-annual meeting for a Progress Report. Seconded by Bill Fuller.
Motion carried unanimously.