01/06/2011-4A-Agenda Packet-Regular• AGENDA 4A SANGER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 2011 1:00 P.M. 502ELM 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes: March 23, 2010 3. Election of President. 4. Update on C&M Steel Lease. 5. Review Financials. 6. Adjournment. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said notice was posted on the following date and time: /-/J -c20// e at 6{:t/6 p.m. and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned . • \\\I\ 1111111//// ! 7: 1~ , ~ ,,, .-SA ,,/ -\tJivLC (~~~.?-~ ....... :•:<}~·'.;. I--3-~ol/(? M5pnt../ T · T b c· s ffd~./ _Jl\~·· .. :·-pD\~. d T. P t d , am1 a er, 1ty ecreta~. : "''S __ J\--;:-: :!lte an 1me os e City of Sanger, Texas % \ /~ / ) ~ . .• ::_ ... This facility is wheelchair acce§sJble p'f!:-d._;f~ssi~ parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive s'C!oYJfi'ifmM~ .. 'b'e made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (9~l/f ~158-7930 for further information . • MINUTES: 4A MEMBERS SANGER TEXAS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION March 23, 2010 PRESENT: Bill Fuller, Vickie Jenkins, Carroll McNeill, Gary Bilyeu MEMBERS ABSENT: Fred Yeatts, OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price Administrative Assistant 1. Call Meeting to Order. President Fuller called meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes: July 30, 2009 Motion was made by Gary Bilyeu to approve the minutes of July 30, 2009 with the correction removing a statement by Carroll McNeill who was not present at the July 30, 2009 meeting. Motion with correction was seconded by Vicki Jenkins. Motion carried unanimously. 3 Discussion and Consideration of possible lease of 103 Bolivar and consider authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease based on the Terms in the letter of intent. Mike Brice noted that Steve Watkins with Elk River Real Estate was in the audience. His company marketed and is brokering the lease agreement for 103 Bolivar. The company that is proposing to lease the property is C & M Steel. The proposal to lease includes an offer of up to $150,000 to finish the building out. This amount would be amortized over the life of the lease. The lease amount is about $2.50 a foot; however, the 1st two years with the finish out amount included would be about $3.15 a foot. Gary Bilyeu questioned if this $150,000 was a hard amount or credit? Mike noted that it is a loan over the life of the lease. Steve Watkins noted that the City would be getting their loan, plus administration fees and interest back monthly. He noted that C & M Steel had been at their present facility for 19 months at Corbin Road in Denton. Their current lease is a 5- year lease. They have negotiated the lease obligation with their current Landlord to • continue with lease payments for one year after vacating the property. The proposed agreement will discount the tenant for one year beginning on commencement date up to $100,000 in existing lease obligation discounted monthly. Steve Watkins advised that C & M Steel is a company that does engineered steel structure building and their clients are mainly municipalities. They are currently only able to do one job at a time onsite. If they lease this facility they will be able to construct 3 to 5 jobs at a time. He noted that they have approximately 27 employees and their payroll was 1.3 million last year. One of the principals of the company owns land in Sanger and intends to build a home on it. Mike Brice referred to "C & M Steel Six Year Lease Cash Flow Summary", noting the numbers are estimates and did not include the finish out cost which would be amortized over the life of the lease. He emphasized that these are only estimates and that after the first year there would be cash flow of $3,000 to $5,000 per month. Mike referred to the "Sanger Economic Development Project Impact Estimate" and noted the "estimated" property tax impact the proposal for C & M Steel would have. Vicki Jenkins questioned if they have checked the references on the proposed tenant. Steve Watkins advised that they will make sure that the proposed tenant's set of finances meet with the City's criteria. Gary Bilyeu asked why this was on the agenda, that he thought they already gave permission for the City Manager to negotiate a lease. Mike Brice noted that the reason we brought it before the 4A Board is to be sure that the board is satisfied with the terms that are being proposed. If the 4A Board is not satisfied with the terms then we can bring it back with changes. It is really the board's decision. He noted that if something changes they will bring it back to the board again. Vickie Jenkins wanted to reiterate the importance of getting a solid background on this company before the lease is signed. Steve Watkins noted that at this stage it is just an ok to move forward and they will proceed with requesting corporate returns, 2 years tax statements, guarantors, etc. A motion was made by Vicki Jenkins to authorize the City Manager to execute a lease based on the terms submitted in the letter of intent provided the 'tenant has a favorable financial report. The motion was seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried unanimously . 4. Discussion and Consideration of Various Options on Financing the Finish-out of 103 · Bolivar and Authorize City Manager to Proceed with the Finance Method Chosen by the Board. Mike Brice summarized the various options available to the board on financing the finish-out of 103 Bolivar. He noted they have approximately $400,000 and they were looking at about $190,000 in expenses including the 4% gross lease amount due to Elk River as broker. He noted the funding of the Commission fee is discussed in the next agenda item. He advised that he has spoken to one of the banks and both CD's are maturing in April on the 2 nd and one on the 14th • The Board could get a loan on the CD's at a very good rate. Gary Bilyeu asked if the $100,000 for the Wal-Mart improvement has gone through yet. Mike Brice noted that it has not. He said they have $300,000 in unobligated funds in the bank now and there are currently no other outstanding obligations. Vicki Jenkins noted that we are really not getting paid that much interest on the CD; just 1 %. Gary Bilyeu stated that they would not want to finance the Commission to Elk River. There was additional discussion as to whether to finance or pay cash for the commission and finish out amounts. Vicki Jenkins asked when they would be moving forward on this if approved. Steve Watkins advised that it would be as soon as possible. Max would be 75 days to 90 days out. Vicky Jenkins suggested putting the big CD which was only yielding 1 % into the Money Market account and pay out the draw schedule. Vickie Jenkins said that she did not feel it was necessary to borrow any money at this time. Gary Bilyeu agreed. A motion was made by Vickie Jenkins to authorize the City Manager put the largest CD that matures on April 14 th into the Money Market account and commence with a pay to draw schedule for the finish out of 103 Bolivar. If any additional funds are necessary they can review. No money will be borrowed. Motion was seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Authorize Payment to Elk River Regarding Commission Fee for Marketing and Brokering Lease Agreement as per Contract. Mike Brice advised that we would pay Elk River the 4% of the gross lease commission fee when the lease is signed. It was noted that the typical fee is 6% and that it is typical that the landlord pays commission to the broker. A motion was made by Carroll McN eill to authorize payment to Elk River regarding commission fee for marketing and brokering lease agreement as per contract. Motion was seconded by Gary Bilyeu. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Discussion and Consideration of Authorizing the City Manager and Staff to Sign Checks for Expenditures Authorized by the Board and to Serve as Signatories for 4A Bank Accounts and Investments. Mike Brice advised that Dusty resigned a few weeks ago and our CPA was going through financials and suggested we handle expenditures for the 4A and 4B Boards the same way we do for City Council. He noted that for City Council we provide a register of the expenditures at each meeting. This request was also included on the agenda for the 4B Board who approved the change at last night's meeting. Consensus among members that this was a good idea since staff had to track down two members to get signatures to pay for items that have already been approved by the board. A motion was made by Gary Bilyeu to authorize the City Manager and staff to sign checks for expenditures authorized by the board and to serve as signatories for 4A Bank accounts and investments, provided a list of expenditures is provided to the 4A Board at each meeting. The motion was seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Review Financials Mike Brice noted the sales tax revenue was down about 8% from last year. He noted that March's revenue will come in at about $20,000. Bill Fuller asked where we get the sales tax revenue from. Mike advised that he did not have a list available but could get the top ten tax payers. There was discussion about which business brought in the sales tax revenue. Mike noted that Red River Pump recently moved their business from Sanger and were probably a contributor to the sales tax revenue. He noted that the sales tax revenue is about 2 months behind explaining that November's revenue would be in January. Mike noted that Bolivar Water is not a sales tax contributor in response to questioning by Bill Fuller. 8. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 1:43 p.m. Investments 12/15/2010 .~~ ~E!~i~~~tes of Deposit, Mor1~y Mark_et, and _Cash Acct. ___ , Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Balance Restricted Cash #900020693 00-1010 0.50% $ 66,168.02 Y 4A Money Market #902551273 00-1012 0.75% $213,395.69 Y Sanger TX Ind Corp CD#486639 00-1013 6MO 1.10% $ 91,964.11 Y Sanger TX Ind Corp CD#568058 00-1014 90Day 1.00% Redeemed Y l TOTAL INVESTED $371,527.82 I __ 48 Certificates of Deposit, Money Market, and Cash Acct. --. Name .. . . . . Acct. # Maturity . Yield . . . Balance ..... Restricted Cash MMKT 2379694 00-1010 0.75% $153,257.22 Y 48CD461024(6669) 00-1012 30D 1.00% $191,905.13 Y 48 CD #653500 00-1013 1 YR 1.30% $ 20,662.57 Y 48 CD #659924 00-1014 1 YR 1.30% $ 20,614.55 Y 48 CD# 664243 00-1015 1 YR 1.30% $ 20,617.72 Y 48 CD# 673277 00-1016 1YR 2.50% $ 20,595.75 Y 48 CD#686115 00-1017 · 1 YR 2.50% $ 20,573.03 Y 48 CD#689521 00-1018 1 YR 2.50% $ 20,541.77 Y 48 CD#694371 00-1019 1YR 2.50% $ 20,526.67 Y 48 CD #697230 00-1020 1YR 2.50% $ 20,505.77 Y 48 CD #699934 00-1021 1 YR 2.50% $ 20,463.72 Y 48 CD# 00-1022 1 YR 2.50% $ 20,420.36 Y 48 CD#702285 00-1023 1YR 1.30% $ 20,172.37 Y /148 CD#720097 00-1024 1YR 1.30% $ 20,081.00 Y 48 CD#720119 00-1025 1YR 1.30% $ 20,081.00 Y J TOTAL I_NVESTED $611,018.63 ! •