04/22/1999-4B-Agenda Packet-Regular• AGENDA 4B CORPORATION THURSDAY, APRIL 22,1999 7:00 PM 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: February 25, 1999 Disbursements. 3. Discuss Status on Railroad Park Project. 4. Any Other Such Matters. 5. Adjourn. Date and Time Posted • MINUTES: 4B Corporation February 25, 1999 PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Terry Jones, Steve Hollingsworth, Beverly Branch, Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Chuck Tucker, Beverly Howard OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary Rose Chavez, Julia Beavers 1. Nel Armstrong called meeting to order. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a) b) Approve Minutes: November 24, 1998 Disbursements Terry Jones asked about sales tax on the invoice from the Attorney General. Rose indicated they had not gotten a tax exempt number, and were subject to sales tax until they get one. Brief Discussion. Terry Jones moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Steve Hollingsworth seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Discuss, Consider and Possible Action on Railroad Park. Nel Armstrong indicated as of February the board has $23,740.13 in the account less the expenses to go out, which is $632.00. Discussed Grant application. Nel Armstrong addressed a letter that the City Administrator had shown to her, Rose made copies of the letter for the board, she indicated the letter was supposed to be from the board saying they will pledge $325,000:00 to the Railroad Park. Ms. Armstrong indicated she felt the board should support the park, but felt the city should be obligated for part of that money. Julia Beavers indicated Jeff Krueger had sent in a letter stating that he will give them In- Kind services for grading and leveling. She indicated they can not use grant funds for planning and engineering, but 4B money can be used for engineering costs. Julia Beavers indicated the city could give them In-Kind services, and indicated there were others who are willing to donate services. Discussion. Julia Beavers indicated Curtis Gilley's company is going to do the plumbing. Discussion concerning concession stand. Nel Armstrong indicated she is in favor of completing the park, but they need to say they will spend approximately $325,000.00, or something other than just the figure of $325,000.00. Nel Armstrong suggested they come up with a way to say they give them total support, monetary, or whatever is needed, but not to put a figure to it. Ms. Armstrong indicated they could list the people who are donating In-Kind services in the grant. Julia Beavers indicated she would like to see engineering studies done. Board instructed Rose to contact the City Engineer, Mark Hill, regarding studies on the park. Discussed completion of the ball park. Discussion regarding funds from the 4B Corporation. Motion was made by Beverly Branch that the 4B Development Board will commit to donate funds from the City of Sanger half-cent sales tax funds in order to complete the proposed improvements to Railroad Park to be completed within grant time limits. Seconded by Glenn Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Any Other Such Matters. Nel Armstrong instructed Rose to contact Beverly Howard to write checks, and for her to contact a bond agency to get bonded. Board agreed to get an estimate for engineering fees for the park, and to ask City Council if they can contact the City Engineer for this estimate. 4. Steve Hollingsworth moved to adjourn. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. UPCOMING EXPENSE: Rose Chavez: Secretarial/Aoril $100.00 4-19-99 1:13 PM 6/L DETAIL LISTING PASE: FUND : 4B -SANGER DEVELOPEMENT CORP. PERIOD: 12/98 THRU 4/99 DEPT : N/A ACCOUNTS: 00-1010 THRU 00-1010ZZZZZZZ DATE POST TRAN I REFERENCE ===DESCRIPTIONI===== VEND INVOICE P.0.1 NOTE -----AMOUNT-------BALANCE-- 00-1010 CASH B E 6 I N N I N 6 BALANCE 0.00 12/31/98 1/21 B18501 DEPOSIT SALES TAX DEC 000266 7,376.63 7,376.63 12/31/98 1/21 B18501 CHECK CHECK CHARGES 000266 111.50CR 7,265.13 12/31/98 1/21 B18501 CHECK CHECK CHARGES 000266 22.50CR 7,242.63 DECEMBER ACTIVITY DB: 7,376.63 CR: 134.00CR 7,242.63 1/15/99 2/24 B21601 DEPOSIT SALES TAX 000303 6,691.04 13,933.67 JANJARY ACTIVITY DB: 6,691.04 CR: 0.00 6,691.04 2/19/99 2/25 821801 DEPOSIT SALES TAX 000305 9,806.46 23,740.13 2/28/99 3/20 824401 CHECK 1001 ENT.FD REIM 000341 133.95CR 23,606.18 2/28/99 3/20 824401 CHECK 1002 6F REIM FOR 000341 449.40CR 23,156.78 2/28/99 3/20 824401 CHECK 1003 ATTORtEY GENERAL 000341 48. 72CR 23,108.06 2/28/99 3/20 824401 CHECK 1004 ROSE CHAVEZ 000341 100.00CR 23,008.06 FEBRUARY ACTIVITY DB: 9,806.46 CR: 732.07CR 9,074.39 3/22/99 3/20 B24501 DEPOSIT SALES TAX MARCH 000342 6,700.02 29,708.08 3/25/99 4/19 826701 CHECK 1005 ROSE CHAVEZ SECRETARIAL 000366 100.00CR 29,608.08 3/31/99 4/19 826901 INTEREST INTEREST EARNED 000370 1.62 29,609.70 MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 6,701.64 CR: 100,00CR 6,601.64 4/13/99 4/19 826601 CIECK SALES TAX 000365 10,075.18 39,684.88 APRIL ACTIVITY DB: 10,075.18 CR: 0.00 10,075.18 ACCOUNT TOTAL DB: 40,650.95 CR: 966.07CR f-f-f-f-i-f-f-f-t-1-1-t-f-000 ERRORS IN THIS REPORT! f-f-t-t-t-1-f-f-t-t-f-f-f-f ff REPORT TOTALS ff -DEBITS ----CREDITS - BEGINNING BALANCES: 0.00 0.00 REPORTED ACTIVITY: 40,650.95 966.07CR ENDING BALANCES: 40,650.95 966.07CR 111 END OF REPORT*** 4-19-99 1:01 PM 6/L DETAIL LISTING PASE: 1 FUND : 4B -SANSER DEVELOPEMENT CORP. PERIOD: 12/98 THRU 4/99 DEPT : N/A ACCOUNTS: 00-4425 THRU 00-4425ZZZZZZZ DATE POST TRAN It REFERENCE ===DESCRIPTIONI==== VEND INVOICE P.0.1 NOTE ==-=AMOlM'= ===BALANCE= 00-4425 STATE SALES TAX B E 6 I N N I N 6 BALANCE 0.00 12/31/98 1/21 B18501 DEPOSIT SALES TAX DEC 000266 71 376.63CR 7,376.63CR DECEMBER ACTI V ITV DB: 0.00 CR: 7,376.63CR 7,376.63CR 1/15/99 2/24 B21601 DEPOSIT SALES TAX 000303 6,691.04CR 14 1 067.67CR JAtlJARV ACTIVITY DB: 0.00 CR: 61 691.04CR 61 691.04CR 2/19/99 2/25 821801 DEPOSIT SALES TAX 000305 9,806.46CR 23 1 874. 13CR FEBRUARY ACTIVITY DB: 0.00 CR: 9,806.46CR 9,806.46CR 3/22/99 3/20 824501 DEPOSIT SALES TAX MARCH 000342 6,700.02CR 30 1 574.15CR MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 0.00 CR: 6, 700.02CR 61 700.02CR 4/13/99 4/19 826601 CHECK SALES TAX 000365 10,075. 18CR 40 1 649.33CR APRIL ACTIVITY DB: 0.00 CR: 101 075.lBCR 101 075.lBCR ACCOONT TOTAL DB: 0.00 CR: 40,649.33CR f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-t-f-f-f-000 ERRORS IN THIS REPORT! f-1-f-f-l-t-t-l-f-f-f-f-l-f tt REPORT TOTALS It -DEBITS ----CREDITS - BESINNING BALANCES: 0.00 0.00 REPORTED ACTIVITY: 0.00 40,649.33CR ENDING BALANCES: 0.00 40,649.33CR Ht END OF REPORT Ht 4-19-99 01:04 PM C I T V 0 F SANGER PAGE: 1 TRIAL BALANCE AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 1999 4B -SANGER DEVELOPEMENT CORP. Hff MONTH TO DATE fHf fffff VEAR TO DATE fHff ACCOlM NOi TITLE DEBITS CREDITS DEBITS CREDITS ASSETS 00-1010 CASH 10,075.18 39,684.88 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE REVENUES 00-4425 STATE SALES TAX 10,075.18 40,649.33 00-4800 INTEREST INCOME 0.00 1.62 00-4940 DONATIONS 0.00 0.00 EXPENSES 00-5000 CHECK CHARGES 0.00 134.00 00-5210 OFFICE SlPPLIES 0.00 283.35 00-5225 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 48.72 00-5420 CTIITRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 500.00 Hf TOTALS Hf 10,075.18 10,075.18CR 40,650.95 40 1 650.95CR • UF -L~ C!TY !"'F SAr-.G::~ f'.J. 1h.1X 1729 ~~NG~R .rx 7b2&6 ~~= / ij!~e ~fate of ij!,xa1 / ,f 6 jecretal'\? of jtate '"lt.k. ::i, 1999 5~~~c~ TEXAS ryiV~LOP~ENT :u~P •~lTI~N IT YAS B~=N JU~ PL:AS~~E TO APP~JVc AN) PLACc J~ RcCORD TH~ A~TICL:S OF INCLJ~PO~ATTu~ T~AT C~~ATEU Y)JR CuRPO~ATION. Wf EXTEND JU~ B~ST ~I~Hi5 ~Li~ SJC~~55 IN YOU~ ~fW V:NTUK~. AS A f.uPP1~AfJJ~, (OU A~~ ~UBJ::r TJ STATE TAX LAWS. SOME N•~-PROFIT C0~0 UP~Ti~N5 A~; ~XEMPT FRO~ r~: 0 AYM~NT •F F~A~CHlSE TAXFS ~ND ~Af ALSi qt ~Xi~PT ~KO~ TH: P4f~~~I UF 5ALE5 •ND USE TAX ON THE ?URCHASE ~~ TAXAqL~ !f~~5. IF YJJ F~~L TH•T uN~~K THE L~~ YOUR CORPORATION IS ~~TITL~O Tu o~ c~~MPT Y1u ~~S: ~?PLf TJ THE C1MPTPULLER OF Pu3LIC ~C- CQ~~TS FuQ TH~ cArMPil •N. TNE SirkETAkY •F STATf CA~NOT MAKE SUCH ~=l~K~l~~TlQ~ fn~ YQu~ :U~fJ~ATIJN. ~=~y TkULY Y~U~S, ) Ji~~ Elton Bomer, Secretary of State