08/26/1999-4B-Agenda Packet-Regular- AGENDA 4B CORPORATION THURSDAY, AUGUST 26,1999 7:00PM 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: April 22, 1999 Disbursements. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding FY 99-00 Budget. 4. Any Other Such Matters. 5. Adjourn. :?/;1/r7-5'.'35/7_AJ Dale~e Posted MINUTES: 4B CORPORATION APRIL 22,1999 PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Glenn Ervin, Randy Thompson, Steve Hollingsworth, Beverly Branch. ABSENT: Chuck Tucker, Terry Jones OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez 1. Nel Armstrong Called Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: February 25, 1999 Disbursements. Steve Hollingsworth moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Discuss Status on Railroad Park Project. Discussed that the grant application was in, and they would hear from them the firdt part of July. Discussion concerning the board paying for the Engineering Studies on the park, and the possibility of getting opinions from the City Engineer. Board instructed staff to talk to Mark Hill and ask him to look at the plans and have him give an opinion. Discussed drainage in the park. Nel Armstrong indicated the board has about $40,000.00, which is approximately $8,000.00 a month. If this figure stays consistent, by the end of the year they will have close to $100,000.00. Discussed amounts collected in different months. Nel Armstrong asked if they do not get the grant, couldn't the board meet and talk about trying to put in another baseball field. • Board agreed they should. Consensus of board to have the Parks Board apply again if they do not get this grant. Discussed the possibility of the County dumping dirt at the park. Randy Thompson indicated he would like to get copies of the plans. 4. Any Other Such Matters. Discussed when the board will meet next. Board agreed to meet the fourth Monday in July to discuss the grant application, then to meet every other month. 5. Meeting Adjourned . i=liNb9-1999 : ~A~s!LR DEUELOPaENT CORP. 6/L DETAIL LISTING PE~li; 10}1998 THRU 7/1999 DEPT : N/A ACCOl.NTS: 00-1010 THRU 00-1010ZZZZZZZ DATE POST TRAN I REFERENCE ===--=DESCRIPTION~== UEND INVOICE P.0.1 t«lTE ====AMOOO'= BALANCE= 00-1010 CASH BEBINNINB BALANCE 12/31/98 1/21 818501 DEPOSIT 12/31/98 1/21 818501 DECK 12/31/98 1/21 818501 CHECK 1/15/99 2/24 821601 DEPOSIT 2/19/99 2/25 821801 DEPOSIT 2/28/99 3/20 824401 CHECK 1001 2/28/99 3/20 824401 CHECK 1002 2/28/99 3/20 824401 CHECK 1003 2/28/99 3/20 824401 DECK 1004 2/28/99 7/16 839901 MISC 2/28/99 7/16 840101 MISC ==== 3/22/99 3/20 824501 DEPOSIT 3/25/99 4/19 826701 CHECK 1005 3/31/99 4/19 826901 INTEREST --=-= 13/99 4/19 826601 CHECK 4/30/99 5/24 833901 CHECK 1006 4/30/99 5/24 833901 INTEREST 5/24/99 5/24 833902 CHECK 1007 5/24/99 5/24 833902 DEPOSIT 5/31/99 6/18 836101 INTEREST 6/14/99 6/24 837101 DEPOSIT 6/14/99 6/24 837201 DEPOSIT 6/14/99 6/24 837201 CHECK 1008 6/14/99 6/24 837401 DEPOSIT 6/30/99 7/16 840001 INT 7/13/99 7/16 840401 DEPOSIT SALES TAX DEC CHECK CHARGES CHECK CHARGES 000266 000266 000266 DECEMBER ACTIVITY DB: 7,376.63 CR: 134.00CR SALES TAX 8303 JAtllARY ACTIVITY DB: 6,691.04 CR: 0.00 SALES TAX ENT.FD REIM BF REIM FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL ROSE CHAUEZ JE CORRECTIOO CORRECTION SALES TAX FEBRUARY ACTIVITY DB: SALES TAX MARCH ROSE CHAUEZ SECRETARIAL INTEREST EARNED 9,806.48 MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 6,701.64 SALES TAX ROSE CHAUEZ INTEREST FOR APRIL APRIL ACTIVITY DB: 101 103,92 ROSE CHAUEZ SALES TAX FOR MAY INT. EARNED THRU MAY MAY ACTIVITY DB: 10,007.68 JllE SALES TAX SALES TAX ROSE CHAUEZ JE CORRECTIOO INTEREST ME JIJE ACTIVITY DB: 14,828.83 CR: 000305 000341 000341 000341 000341 000536 000539 732,08CR 000342 000366 000370 CR: 100,00CR 000365 000459 000459 CR: 100,00CR 000460 000460 000487 CR: 100.00CR 000499 000500 009500 000504 000538 CR: 7,492.45CR STATE SALES TAX 000542 JlLY ACTIVITY DB: 81 733.02 CR: 0,00 ==== ACCOONT TOTAL DB: 74,249.24 CR: 8,658.53CR .. *" END OF REPORT*" 000 ERRORS IN THIS REPORT! ¼-t-rl-1-1-t-f•-I I I I I H REPORT TOTALS H BESINNING BALANCES: REPORTED OCTIUITY: ENDING BAL~S: -DEBITS - 0.00 74,249.24 74,249.24 -CREDITS - 0.00 81 658.SJCR 81 658,53CR 7,376.63 111. 50CR 22.50CR 7,242.63 6,691.04 6,691.04 9,806.46 133,95CR 449.40CR 48. 72CR 100.00CR 0.01CR 0.02 9,074.40 6,700.02 100,00CR 1.62 6,601.64 10,075.18 100,00CR 28.74 10,003.92 100.00CR 9,970.22 37.46 9,907.68 7,392.45 7,392.45 100.00CR 7,392.45CR 43.93 7,336.38 a, 733.02 8,733.02 0.00 7,376.63 7,265.13 7,242.63 13,933.67 23,740.13 23,606.18 23,156.78 23,108.06 23,008.06 23,008.05 23,008.07 29,708.09 29,608.09 29,609.71 39,684.89 39,584.89 39,613.63 39,513.63 49,483.85 49,521.31 56,913.76 64,306.21 64,206.21 56,813.76 56,857.69 65,590.71 7-19-1999 05:35 PM C I T V O F SANGER PAGE: 1 TRIAL BIUlNCE AS OF: JlLV 31ST, 1999 4B -SAt&:R DEVELIJIBENT CORP. fHf MONTH TO DATE HH HHf VEAR TO DATE HfH ACroJNTtm TITLE DEBITS CREDITS DEBITS CREDITS ASSETS 00-1010 CASH 8,733.02 65,590.71 LIABILITIES AND FIMD BALANCE REVENUES 00-4425 STATE SALES TAX 8,733.02 66,745.03 00-4800 INTEREST IN:OME 0.00 111. 75 00-4940 DONATIONS 0.00 0.00 ENSES 00-5000 CHECK CHARGES 0.00 134.00 00-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 283.35 00-5225 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 48.72 00-5420 CONTRACTIR. SERVICES 0.00 800.00 Ht TOTll.S Ht 8,733.02 8,733.02CR 66,856.78 66 1 856. 78CR