10/25/1999-4B-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA 4B CORPORATION MONDAY, OCTOBER 25,1999 7:00PM 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: August 26, 1999 Disbursements. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Engineering Fees for Railroad Park. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Investing Funds in Certificate of Deposit. 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez,City ~tary MINUTES: 4B CORPORATION AUGUST 26,1999 PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Glenn Ervin, Randy Thompson, Steve Hollingsworth, Beverly Branch ABSENT: Chuck Tucker, Terry Jones OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez 1. Nel Armstrong called meeting to order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: April 22, 1999 Disbursements. Motion was made by Glenn Ervin to approve consent agenda. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding FY 99-00 Budget. Jack Smith, City Administrator reported that Mark Hill will do all the surveying at the park for no more than $2000.00 on all four fields, including the two existing, parking lots, and all drainage area, basically the whole complex. Mr. Smith also indicated that for less than $5000.00 they will do all the engineering, drafting, and layouts. The entire cost would be less than $7000.00. City Administrator continued by presenting the budget for FY 1999-2000, and explained his estimated projections for revenues and expenditures. Nel Armstrong indicated that in this proposed budget there is no expenditure listed if the board decides to spend funds on other projects. City Administrator explained that if the Board does decide to spend some of the revenues on projects, a line item would be created for that project expense. Nel reminded the Board that at the last meeting in April the Board talked about the 4B Board paying for the Engineering Study since the grant would not pay for this. Nel informed the members that the City did not get approved for the Grant Funds, and recommended to staff that the City seek someone else to write the Grant Application. She also suggested that staff check to see who did get funded and find out who wrote their Grant Application. She thought it might be helpful to go to Austin and meet with the people and find out what the City is doing wrong in the application process. She would like to see if the Electric Department could include installation of lights for another ballfield in their budget for the coming year. Discussed was finishing one more ball park, and the deadline for another grant application. Discussion followed regarding the scoring of the grant application. Nel Armstrong expressed that if they did not score on an item, that usually meant it was not clear on the application. Discussion on the issue. Discussion followed for the installation of lights at Railroad park. Beverly Branch indicated she thought the equipment was already bought and she knows the poles are there. She indicated the Parks Board members expressed, at the last meeting they would like both ballparks completed, the concession stand completed, and the old concession stand to be converted to restrooms. Nel Armstrong indicated in the proposed Budget for FY 99-00 the projected revenues are $113,450.00 to be designated in the budget as funds available for projects. Nel Armstrong again expressed that staff needs to reapply for the grant and try to go with another firm to write the grant. Motion was made by Beverly Branch to accept the budget for FY 1999-2000 as presented with the one change that the $113,450.00 be designated as funds available for projects. Seconded by Glenn Ervin. Motion Carried unanimously. 4. Any Other Such Matters. Nel Armstrong asked Beverly Branch, since she is a member of the Parks Board, to get a definite cost in finishing the fields at the park. Nel Armstrong inquired as to the status on an item discussed at the last meeting, that had • to do with the county possibly having dirt they do not want that can be dumped at the park. City Administrator did not have anything to report. Nel Armstrong indicated the 4B needs to meet on September 2rt, to discuss and take action on the engineering fees and investments. Discussion on the concession stand and the pump system. 5. Meeting Adjourned . 9-24-1999 7:41 AM 6/L DETAIL LISTING PASE: 1 FUND : 42 -4B CORPORATION PERIOD: 10/1998 THRU 10/1999 DEPT : N/A ACCOI.JHS: 00-1010 THRU 00-1010ZZZZZZZ DATE POST TRAN I REFERENCE DESCRIPTION --VEND INVOICE P.O.1 NOTE ===AMOUNT= ===BALANCE= 00-1010 CASH B E 6 I N N I N 6 BALANCE 0.00 12/31/98 1/21 B18S01 DEPOSIT SALES TAX DEC 000266 7,376.63 7,376.63 12/31/98 1/21 B18501 CHECK CHECK CHARGES 000266 111. 50CR 7,265.13 12/31/98 1/21 B18501 CHECK CHECK CHARGES 000266 22.50CR 7,242.63 ~ DECEMBER ACTI V ITV DB: 7,376.63 CR: 134.00CR 7,242.63 1/15/99 2/24 B21601 DEPOSIT SALES TAX 000303 6,691.04 13,933.67 -------JANUARY ACTIVITY DB: 6,691.04 CR: 0.00 6,691.04 2/19/99 2/25 B21801 DEPOSIT SALES TAX 000305 9,806.46 23,740.13 2/28/99 3/20 B24401 CHECK 1001 ENT.FD REIM 000341 133.95CR 23,606.18 2/28/99 3/20 824401 CHECK 1002 6F REIM FOR 000341 449.40CR 23,156.78 2/28/99 3/20 824401 CHECK 1003 ATTORNEY 6Et£RAL 000341 48.72CR 23,108.06 2/28/99 3/20 B24401 CHECK 1004 ROSE CHAVEZ 000341 100.00CR 23,008.06 2/28/99 7/16 839901 MISC JE CORRECT!~ 000536 0.01CR 23,008.05 2/28/99 7/16 B40101 MISC CORRECTION SALES TAX 000539 0.02 23,008.07 FEBRUARY ACTIVITY DB: 9,806.48 CR: 732.08CR 9,074.40 3/22/99 3/20 B24501 DEPOSIT SALES TAX MARCH 000342 6,700.02 29,708.09 3/25/99 4/19 826701 CHECK 1005 ROSE CHAVEZ SECRETARIAL 000366 100.00CR 29,608.09 3/31/99 4/19 826901 INTEREST INTEREST EARNED 000370 1.62 29,609.71 MARCH ACTI V ITV DB: 6,701.64 CR: 100.00CR 6,601.64 4/13/99 4/19 B26601 CHECK SALES TAX 000365 10,075.18 39,684.89 4/30/99 5/24 833901 CHECK 1006 ROSE CHAVEZ 000459 100.00CR 39,584.89 4/30/99 5/24 833901 INTEREST INTEREST FOR APRIL 000459 28.74 39,613.63 APRIL ACTIVITY DB: 10,103.92 CR: 100.00CR 10,003.92 5/24/99 5/24 833902 CHECK 1007 ROSE CHAVEZ 000460 100.00CR 39,513.63 5/24/99 5/24 833902 DEPOSIT SALES TAX FOR MAY 000460 9,970.22 49,483.85 5/31/99 6/18 836101 INTEREST INT. EARNED THRU MAY 000487 37.46 49,521.31 14AY ACTIVITY DB: 10,007.68 CR: 100.00CR 9,907.68 6/14/99 6/24 837101 DEPOSIT JUNE SALES TAX 000499 7,392.45 56,913.76 6/14/99 6/24 837201 DEPOSIT SALES TAX 000500 7,392.45 64,306.21 6/14/99 6/24 837201 CHECK 1008 ROSE CHAVEZ 000500 100.00CR 64,206.21 6/14/99 6/24 837401 DEPOSIT JE CORRECTION 000504 7,392.45CR 56,813.76 6/30/99 7/16 840001 INT INTEREST JUNE 000538 43.93 56,857.69 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 14,828.83 CR: 7,492.45CR 7,336.38 7/13/99 7/16 B40401 DEPOSIT STATE SALES TAX 000542 8,733.02 65,590.71 7/22/99 8/26 842801 CHECK 1009 ROSE CHAVEZ 000571 100.00CR 65,490.71 7/31/99 9/17 844101 INTEREST 4B 000586 52.59 65,543.30 Jll.Y ACTIVITY DB: 8,785.61 CR: 100.00CR 8,685.61 8/17/99 8/26 B42701 DEPOSIT SALES TAX FOR llB.IST 000570 12,932.50 78,475.80 8/31/99 9/17 844201 INTEREST INT FOR AU6UST 000587 59.91 78,535.71 8/31/99 9/17 844201 CHECK 1010 ROSE CHAVEZ 000587 100.00CR 78,435.71 • AOOUST ACTIVITY DB: 12,992.41 CR: 100,00CR 12,892.41 9-24-1999 7:41 AM FUND : 42 -4B CORPORATION DEPT : NIA DATE POST TRAN I REFERENCE 00-1010 CASH 9/13/99 9/17 844301 DEPOST 9/30/99 10/08 848201 INT 10/14/99 10/21 B49101 DEPOSIT I I I I I I I f-~f•- fH END CF REPORT *" 6/L DETAIL LISTING PASE: 2 PERIOD: 10/1998 THRU 10/1999 ACCOUNTS: 00-1010 THRU 00-1010ZZZZZZZ ===DESCRIPTION===== VEND INVOICE P.O.1 NOTE ==AMOl.NT== ====BALANCE=== * ( CONTiltlED > * SALES TAX FOR SEPT. INTEREST EARNED FOR SEPT SEPTEMBER ACTIVITY DB: 81 653.02 SALES TAX FOR OCTOBER OCTOBER ACTIVITY DB: 91 164.48 000588 000633 CR: 0.00 000645 CR: 0.00 000 ERRORS IN THIS REPORT! f-f• I I I I I I I I I I • ** REPORT TOTALS H BEGINNING BALANCES: REPORTED ACTIVITY: ENDING BALANCES: --DEBITS - 0.00 105,111. 74 105,111.74 --CREDITS - 0.00 81 858.SJCR 81 858.53CR 8,584.58 87,020.29 68.44 87,088.73 8,653.02 9,164.48 96,253.21 9,164.48 --= UPCOMING EXPENSE: Rose Chavez: Secretarial/October $100.00 •