03/27/2000-4B-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA 4B CORPORATION MONDAY, MARCH 27,2000 7:00PM 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: October 25, 1999 Disbursements. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Engineering Study for Railroad Park. 4. Any Other Such Matters. 5. Adjourn. 3 j:z/?_tP f,2o/,',4~ I I Date ancl Time Posted UPCOMING EXPENSE: Rose Chavez: Secretarial/March 2000 $100.00 --- Railroad Park Concession Stand Donation: Design: Timothy Piatt Donation: Acme Brick: Bob Stover Donation: Mortar: Jim Conley Donation: Mason: Scott Brown Donation: TXI: Danny Patton, Randy & Carolyn Jones Donation: Pour concrete: Robert Mccuistion Donation: Plumbing: Curtis Gilley Donation: Electric: Humphreys Electric Company Donation: Sand: Randy Sons Donation: for labor Scott Brown , Rowdy Patterson & Scottie Howard Donation: benches Donation: Denton County leveling and grading Finishing cost $2,000 Wood,nails,paint, etc. Roof $10,000 Hurricane Fence:$ 30,000 Jeff Miller !field with 200' baseline @$15,389 Deduct $560.00 for field with 175' baseline Deduct $630.00 for labor to do the outfield fences and gates Concrete for fence: $2,000 Bleachers: Stands $ 2,000 Shade screen $500 Field Lights Sanger Electric $30,000 Parking lights: $10,000 Parking Lot and Path: 3/8 Flex base $25,000 Restrooms/ finish Doors,Paint, tp holders,etc $2,000 Dirt $10,000 ($50,000) Batting Cage $1,000 Fence for road $2,000 Sign $500 Trees: City Total $127,000. Railroad Park Concession Stand Donation: Design: Timothy Piatt Donation: Acme Brick: Bob Stover Donation: Mortar: Jim Conley Donation: Mason: Scott Brown Donation: TXI: Danny Patton, Randy & Carolyn Jones Donation: Pour concrete: Robert McCuistion Donation: Plumbing: Curtis Gilley Donation: Electric: Humphreys Electric Company Donation: Sand: Randy Sons Donation: for labor Scott Brown , Rowdy Patterson & Scottie Howard Donation: benches Donation: Denton County leveling and grading Finishing cost $2;000 Wood,nails,paint, etc. Roof $10,000 Hurricane Fence:$ 30,000 Jeff Miller lfield with 200' baseline@ $15,389 Deduct $560.00 for field with 175' baseline Deduct $630.00 for labor to do the outfield fences and gates Concrete for fence: $2,000 Bleachers: Stands $ 2,000 Shade screen $500 Field Lights Sanger Electric $30,000 Parking lights: $10,000 Parking Lot and Path: 3/8 Flex base $25,000 Restrooms / finish Doors,Paint, tp holders,etc $2,000 Dirt $10,000 Batting Cage $1,000 Fence for road $2,000 Sign $500 Trees: City Total $127,000. 3-22-~J 4:13 PM G/L DETAIL LISTil~6 PA3£: 1 mm : 42 -4B CORPORATI~l PERIOD: 10/1999 THRU 3/20:2 DEPT : N/A ACCOU:;TS: THRU ZZ-ZZZZZZZZZZZ DATE PJST TP.AN I REFERE'.:CE ---------~ESCR!PTION----------VEND INVOICE P.O.# NOTE =====A:'.QU;lT==== ====BAI..A.\'CE=== 00-1010 CASH BEGINNING BALANCE 10/14/99 10/21 849101 DEPOSIT 10/31/99 11/16 B510J1 CHECK 1012 10/31/99 11/16 B51201 INTEREST ---'=-== 11/08/99 11/16 B.51101 CHECK 1013 11/08/99 11/16 851101 DEPOSIT 11/30/99 12/CB B53£J1 DECK 1014 11/30/99 12/eB B53001 INTEREST 12/31/99 1/21 B55301 DEPOSIT 12/31/99 1/21 B553J1 INTEREST 12/31/99 1/21 B553J1 CHECK 1015 1/21/M 1/21 8554~1 DEPOSIT 1/21/00 1/21 B55401 CHECK 1616 1/31/Ci 2/21 B588J1 INTEREST 2/22/00 2/21 B58901 DEPOSIT :/29/0'3 3/16 BfJ701 CHECK 1019 2/29/63 3/16 B63701 CHECK 1019 2/3/~j 3/16 863701 INTEREST 3/15/~ 3/2:2 864601 DEPOSIT SALES TAX FOR OCTOBER ROSE CHAVEZ INT FOR OCTOBER OCTOBER ACTIVITY DB: st;B INVESTl:.ENT IY.'l CD SALES TAX ROSE INTEREST FOR DECEY.BER NOvEMBER ACTIVITY DB: SALES TAX DECEritER INTEREST DEC8-1BER SECRETARIAL-BKGG DEC DECEMBER ACTIVITY DB: SALES TAX JANUARY SECRETARIAL IBKG INTEREST FOR JANUARY JAl~UARY ACTIVITY DB: SALES TAX 1-11.DlTER AND ASSOCIATES ROSE CHA~EZ INTEREST EARtlED FEBRUARY ACTIVITY DB: 9,242.88 8,955.49 12,604.51 8,106.28 9,790.04 --------------- CR: CR: CR: CR: CR: 0~45 0~64 (1;mfi6 100.00CR ~,~665 0lio65 000687 0~7 94,401.0lCR ~~732 000732 0~732 100.COCR 000733 ei0733 000776 100.00CR 0'i,VJ777 00~34 0l~34 00e334 1,951. 45CR 000845 SALES TAX t:'JlRCH ACTIVITY DB: 10,384.64 CR: 0. e0 -------------ACCOUNT TOTAL DB: 59,083.84 CR: 96,652.45CR ------------------- n-1011 48 CD1i66%1 B E 6 I N N I N 6 B A L A N C E 11/08/99 11/16 851101 CHECK 1013 GNB INVESTl~ENT 0.\1 CD 0~0665 -----NOVEKBER ACTIVITY DB: 94,301.00 CR: 0.00 ~-1053 RECEIVABLE-OTHER BEGINNING BALANCE 2/ 15/00 2/15 857701 MISC Ali:lITOR' S ADJUSTING JE 000763 ============ FEBRUARY ACTIVITY DB: 91 164. 48 CR: 0. 00 ------------------ 9,164.48 1e9.C2CR 78.40 9,142.88 94,301.C-M:R 8,912.47 1CJ.COCR 43.02 85 1 445.51CR 12,594.42 10.09 100.00CR 12,5~4.51 8,083.93 1~.00CR 22.35 8,~.28 9,763.38 11 851.45CR 100.82CR 26.66 7,838.59 10,384.64 10,384.64 8&, 988. 73 96,153.21 %,053.21 96,131.61 1,830.61 10,743.08 10,643.eB 10,686.10 23,280.52 23,290.61 23,190.61 31,274.54 31,174.54 31,1%.89 40,%0.27 39,108.82 39,~8.82 39,035.48 49,420.12 --------------- 94,301.00 94,3'11.~ 9,164.48 91164.48 0.~ 94,301.e0 0.~ 9,164.48 3-22-20C0 4:13 PM 6/L DETAIL LISTI~S =· ·;) t'l10C. ... FrnD : 42 -4B CORPORATID:l PERIOD: 10/1999 THRU 3/20JO DEPT : N/A ACCQU;,jTS: TH!ID ZZ-ZZZZZZZZZZZ DATE POST TRAN t REFERENCE ===DESCRIPTION----------~END INVOICE P.O.i NOTE =====AMOUNT==== ====BALAA'CE==== 00-3020 FU~D BALANCE 2/15/C0 2/15 857701 MISC B E 6 I N N I N 6 B A L A N C E AUDITOR'S ADJUSTING JE FEBRUARY ACTIVITY DB: ~-4425 STATE SALES TAX BEGINNING BALANCE 10/14/99 10/21 849101 DEPOSIT SALES TAX FO~ OCTOBER ====-OCTOBER ACTIVITY DB: 11/08/99 11/16 851101 DEPOSIT 12/31/99 1/21 655331 DEPOSIT 1/21/00 1/21 855401 DEPOSIT 2/22/00 2/21 858901 DEPOSIT 3/15/~ 3/2:2 B64601 DEPOSIT SALES TAX NOVEMBER ACTIVITY DB: SALES TAX DECEMBER DECEl-18ER ACTIVITY DB: SALES TAX JANUARY JANIJARY ACTIVITY SALES TAX DB: FEBRUARY ACTIVITY DB: SALES TAX MARCH ACTIVITY ACCOUNT TOTAL DB: DB: CR: 00~763 9,164.48CR 9,164.48CR 9,164.48CR 86,988. 73CR 96,153.21CR ------------------- 000645 0.00 CR: 9,164.48CR 0.0J CR: 0.CJ CR: 0.00 CR: 000665 8,912.47CR 000732 12,594.42CR 000733 8,083.93CR C00777 0.00 CR: 9,763.38CR 000845 0.C~ CR: 10,384.64CR 0.00 CR: 58,903,32CR 9,164.48CR 9,164.48CR 8,912.47CR 81 912.47CR 12,594.42CR 12 1 594.42CR 8,083.93CR 8,083.93CR 9, 763.38CR 91 763.38CR 0.~ 5,164.48CR 18 1 076.95CR 30,671.37CR 38,755.30CR 48,518,GSCR 10,384.64CR 58,903.32CR 10,384.64CR --------------------------------------------------------------·------ 00-~ INTERST INCO.'lE 10/31/99 11/16 851201 INTEREST 11/32/99 12/08 853£01 INTEREST 12/31/99 1/21 B55301 INTEREST 1/31/Ca 2/21 858801 INTEREST B E 6 I N N I N G B A L A N C E INT FOR OCTOBER OCTOBER ACTIVITY DB: INTEREST FOR DEC£1.:BER NOvEMBER ACTIVITY DB: INTEREST DECEr.BER DECEMBER ACTIVITY DB: INTEREST FOR JANUARY --=== JAt\'lJARY ACTIVITY DB: 2/2!1/il/J 3/16 863701 INTEREST INTEREST EARNED --FEB!(IJARY ACTIVITY DB: -------------ACCOUNT TOTAL DB: 0.0~ CR: 0.00 CR: 0.00 CR: 0.00 CR: 000666 78.40CR 000687 43.02CR 000732 10.09CR ~0776 22.35CR 000834 0.00 CR: 26.66CR 0.00 CR: 18C,.52CR 78.40CR 78.4CCR 43.e2CR 43.02CR 10.09CR 10.09CR 2:2.35CR 22.35CR 26.6bCR 26.GbCR 78.40CR 12L42CR 131. 51CR 153.86CR 180.52CR 3-22-20e0 4:13 PM 6/l DETAIL LISTH.;G PAGE: 3 FUND : 42 -4B CORPORATI0'.4 PERIOD: 10/1999 THRU 3/20"J0 DEPT : N/A ACCOI.I'lTS: THRU ZZ-ZZZZZZZZZZZ DATE POST TRAN I REFERENCE ===·DESCRIPTION=---------VEND INVOICE P.0.1 NOTE -----Afil)~T--------BAL~'CE---- ~:H940 DONATIO~S B E 6 I N N I N 6 B A L A N C E 0.~ 3-2"2-2"~0 4:13 PM 6/L DETAIL LISTil:6 PA3E: 4 Ftr..!l : 42 -4B CORPORATION PERIOD: 10/1999 THRU 3/20~J DEPT : 76 4B CORPORATHiN ACC~lTS: THRU ZZ-ZZZZZZZZZZZ DATE POST TRAN i REFERENCE =DESCRIPTION========= VEND INVOICE P.O.i NOTE ====A:.:OUNT==== ====BALA.'!CE==== 76-50a0 CHECK CHARGES B E G I N N I N G BALANCE 0.00 -------- 76-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES B E 6 I N N I N 6 BALANCE 0.C0 76-5215 TRAVEL & REGISTRATIONS B E G I N N I N G BALANCE 0.C0 76-5220 DUES B E G I N N I N G BALANCE 0.00 76-5225 PUBLICATIDNS/SUBSCRIPTIO~S B E G I N N I N 6 BALANCE 0.00 -------------------- 76-5410 INSUAANCE B E 6 I N N I N 6 BALANCE 0.~ -------- 76-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES B E 6 I N N I N G BALANCE 0.00 10/31/99 11/16 B51~01 CHECK 1012 ROSE CHAliEZ 000664 1~.00 1~.C0 --OCTOBER ACTIVITY DB: 100.00 CR: 0.t~ 103.00 11/30/99 12/08 853001 CHECK 1014 ROSE 000687 1~.00 c~.ca NO~EMBER ACTIVITY DB: 100.00 CR: 0.~ 1ea.~0 12/31/99 1/21 855331 CHECK 1015 SECRETARIAL-B~66 DEC 000732 100.e0 3~.C9 -------------DECEl-lBER ACT! V ITY DB: 10j,0J CR: 0.00 100.00 1/21/~ 1/21 855401 CHECK 1616 SECRETARIAL BKKS 000733 1~.00 4~.00 -------------JA.\1JARY ACTIVITY DB: 100.C0 CR: 0.~ 1C0.~ 2/29/00 3/16 863701 CHECK 1019 ROSE CHAvEZ 000834 10;,.0;, 500.00 FEBRUARY ACTIVITY DB: 1C0.~ CR: 0.00 100.00 ------------ACCOl!NT TOTAL DB: 5~0.00 CR: 0.00 ----------------------------- 76-545J E~GINEERIN6 FEES B E 6 I N N I N 6 BALANCE 0.es 2/29/C0 3/16 B637~1 CHECK 1019 EIJNTER Ati:l ASSOCIATES tl0834 1,851.45 1,851.45 ------------FEBRUARY ACTIVITY DB: 1,851.45 CR: 0.00 1,851.45 • 3-2'2-2~ 4:13 p~ 6/L DETAIL LISTING PASE: 5 RJ:J : 42 -4B CORPOAATION PERIOD: 10/1999 THRU 3/200.~ Il::PT : 76 4B CQqpQRATION ACCOUNTS: THRU ZZ-ZZZZZZZZZZZ DATE PCST TRAN II REFERENCE ===DESCRIPTION--------VEND INVOICE P. 0.11 t:oTE =====OOOUNT==== ===BALM'CE=== 76-55C0 PROJECTS *** 8~J OF REPORT*** B E 6 I N N I N 6 B A L A N C E ~~ ERRORS IN THIS REPORT! ** REPORT TOTALS** BEGINN!t;G BALANCES: REPORTED ACTIVITY: ENDING BALANCES: --DEBITS -- 861988. 73 1f.4,~0. 77 251,889.50 --CREDITS -- 861988. 73CR 164 1 9:0.77CR 251 1 889.50CR 0.03 Sent by: HOOVER/KLEIN GROUP 817 283 9189 __ ,., 03/27/00 4:42PM Job 873 , ....... THE HOOVER/ KLEIN GROUP.INC. March 27, 2000 Mr. Jack Smith, City Manager City of Sanger Mr. 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mr. Smith: We appreciate your contact regarding our grant experience, park design, and civil engineering capabilities. It would be our pleasure to meet with you and talk about the project you wish to pursue. In the interim, please accept the attached materials as a brief introduction to our firm. Sincerely, THE HOOVER/KLEIN GROUP, INC. {_} ;jJ , l 'f (_._ __ Bryan b. Klein 1361 W Euless Blvd , Suite 99 • Euless, TX 76040 (817) 283-8830 • Fax (817) 283-9189 Page 1 Sent by: HOOVER/KLEIN GROUP 817 283 9189 03/27/00 4:42PM Job 873 Recreation Services Park Planning Park Layout and Design Grant Development and Administration Ballfields Constructed Wetlands Wetland Mitigation 404 Permits Floodplain Evaluation NatureCenters Trails Civil Engineering Land Planning The Hoover/Klein Group, Inc. A Texas Corporation Founded in 1996 Serving Clients from our office in Euless, Texas Page 2 Sent.by: HOOVER/KLEIN GROUP 817 283 9189 03/27/00 4:42PM Job 873 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE HOOVER/KLEIN GROUP, INC. Background Information ... The Hoover/Klein Group, Inc. is a Euless. Texas firm founded in 1996 to provide customized civil engineering and land planning services for its clients. Since its formation, over 40 clients have been served. Acceptance of the high quality of service provided by this firm is shown in repeat work from clients. Key Personnel. .. Mr. Thomas Hoover and Mr. Bryan Klein are the principals in the firm. They have worked together in various capacities since 1991. Mr. Hoover has 17 years of professional experience, and Mr. Klein has 24 years of professional experience. Smart Business/Production ... Each member of the firm is capable of performing computer design. Designers at the H/K Group have experience working in Metric or English, in AutoCad or Microstation. Strategic Links ... The H/K Group has a strong working relationship with a variety of professional firms. The firm routinely assembles assignment teams to respond to a projects· needs. The firm has a good working relationship with 3 landscape architects. 3 surveyors, 2 structural firms, 2 geotechnical firms, and 4 architects. This relationship allows the firm to bring considerable talent to meet the needs of the client. Corpora~e Citizenship ... The H/K Group believes the firm is an important part of the business and living community. The expression of this belief comes in the form of sponsorship and corporate giving. Recent examples include Boy Scouts. city festivals. and Project Graduation. Public and Private mix ... The H/K Group has developed a balance of workload for municipal clients and private interests. While this fluctuates, a balance of 50/50 is achieved. Mr. Klein and Mr. Hoover worked in former employment as municipal officials. Mr. Hoover was a Public Works Director and Mr. Klein was a Community Development Director. This allows a keen awareness of the public sector decision process and what it takes to obtain favorable review of deliverables Financial Stability/Insurance ... The H/K Group is pleased to offer its clients and employees a financially stable environment. The firm has no debt, and routinely rotates its equipment in order to avoid the need for large periodic capital costs. Insurance coverage is often required by public clients to protect the public interest against errors or omissions of the design professional. The following coverage is maintained: $1,000,000 Professional Liability, Statutory Workers Compensation. and $1,000,000/$500,000 Commercial General Liability. Page 3 • Sent,by: HOOVER/KLEIN GROUP 817 283 9189 03/27/00 4:43PM Job 873 THE HIK GROUP APPROACH TO RECREATION SERVICES ... The H/K Group practice& in the area of recreation design, and related services. This often involves the following: Park Planning Park Layout and Design Grant Development Ballfietd Design Nature Centers Trail Development 404Pennits Wetland Mitigation Constructed Wetlands Facility Rehabilitation A few of the many items we have discovered in our park projects are: Parks are alot like most other municipal projects -they must meet the demands of the public and they must function efficiently. Here's how we address these two items. 1) We work closely with local sports organizations and City Boards to define the City's needs -this is usually based on participation rates (how many kids and adults participate in each given sport and what are the current and foreseeable trends)-If there is an emerging sport, we may recommend giving it more emphasis when preparing layouts. 2) We are a land planning and civil engineering firm. These two items are at the core of most recreation assignments. Much of park design involves entry roads, parking, grading and drainage, and utilities for irrigation and restrooms. As these items are onboard services, we do not need to subcontract these services to other firms. This saves time, improves coordination with the client, and honestly saves money as well (as there would be no markup for such a subconsultant). The team approach is important -but fund only what you need. Some improvement projects need the talent of environmental professionals or landscape designers, or architects. It is more common. however, that such specialists play a limited role in the course of the overall design. Therefore, why hire a firm that carries each of these specialists on the payroll. Instead, hire the talent you need. and only pay for it if you use it Formative work at the outset helps a client develop an improvement program long before it becomes funded. We often work with community groups to identify needs, look at funding alternatives. and schedule the timing for improvements. We can project costs for facilities. and break projects into multi-year components to help make them affordable. We offer this type of assistance because projects are commonly not well funded at the outset. The development of park grants opens up possibilities We work with clients to rate the chances of a prospective grant. In short, let's proceed to write a grant only if it has real potential of being funded. Then let's dedicate oursetves to scoring the highest points so it does get funded. Three examples show this: • Our outdoor recreation grant request for the City of Corinth Community Park was ranked the 3111 highest grant of 33 submitted. It actually was funded for Page 4/8 Sent, by: HOOVER/KLEIN GROUP 817 283 9189 03/27/00 4:44PM Job 873 more than we requested. Note: In this case. we took over an unsuccessful grant written by someone else and reworked it into a funded grant. • Our indoor recreation grant request for the City of Greenville was ranked the highest grant of all submitted. and was fully funded. • The Texas Parks & Wildlife Department asked our consent to use our Corinth application as a model example of how to score points in difficult point categories. Recognition for our work There are many ways to describe a successful project -did it come under budget, was it well received by the public, did it receive recognition and so on. We are pleased to say that our projects meet each of these criterion. • We received the 1999 National Award for Smart Growth and Sustainable Development from the American Society of Consulting Planners. • We recently received the 2000 Texas Award for Design Excellence by the Texas Parks & Recreation Society. Page 5/8 Sent. by: HOOVER/KLEIN GROUP 817 283 9189 03/27/00 4:44PM Job 873 MUNICIPAL EXPERIENCE Personnel from The Hoover/Klein Group, Inc. have worked on a variety of projects over the years. The experience they bring to the next project includes work done as a consultant for a particular municipality, and project experience from private projects where a high degree of interaction with municipal officials was a part of developing a design solution. Mr. Hoover and Mr. Klein also served the public interest in the past as municipal officials -Mr. Klein was a Community Development Director and Mr. Hoover was a Public Works Director. The experience presented below has been limited to the proj~ts developed in a consulting capacity. It is our pleasure to preseni the following list of Texas cities where we have conducted our work: Arlington Addison Burleson Corinth Carrollton Dallas Double Oak Denton Duncanville Euless Farmers Branch Fort Worth Grapevine Greenville Haltom City Hurst Irving McKinney Keller Kennedale Lewisville Longview Midlothian North Richland Hills Plano Richardson Rockwall San Angelo Southlake Terrell Waco Watauga NOTE: The experience of Mr. Klein and Mr. Hoover listed above in BOLD indicates work directly for that City as a consultant. Municipal workload for The Hoover/Klein Group, Inc. for 1999 consisted of 6 project assignments for municipalities. amounting to about 49% of its revenue from work with Cities. The dedication to municipal clients has lead to a keen understanding of working with municipal officials and the public. The H/K Group Page 6/8 Sent by: HOOVER/KLEIN GROUP 817 283 9189 03/27/00 4:45PM Job 873 CIVIL ENGINEERING The Hoover/Klein Group, Inc. provides leadership personnel experienced in engineering, planning. design, and construction phase representation for infrastructure and development projects including the following basic types of services: Infrastructure Water Distribution Systems Water Treatment Facilities Wastewater Collection Systems Sedimentation & Erosion Control Street Paving Bridges Stormwater Control, Drainage and Detention Feasibility Studies Wastewater System Studies Storm Drainage Studies Impact Fee/C.I.P. Statistical Modeling Demographic/Economic Analysis Water Supply Studies Master Planning A successful design project typically includes much more than engineering design. Several of our lead personnel have worked as public officials earlier in their careers. They bring the knowledge of public approval process. and dealing with the public to each project. This often leads to better project coordination among approval agencies. That can reduce the time needed to secure design approvals. We are also accustomed to coordinating the design elements with franchised utilities, and other governmental agencies. We contact each party early in the design process to solicit their ideas and to ask for their involvement as we collectively develop design solutions. We believe that securing everyone's ideas leads to a better design and a more successful product. The H/K Group Page 7/8 Sent by: HOOVER/KLEIN GROUP 817 283 9189 03/27/00 4:45PM Job 873 Page 8/8 • MASTER PLANNING / SITE PLANNING The practice of master planning, whether at a grand scale or at a site-specific level, is part-science, part-art. Successful planning matches engineering, geodesign, landscape architecture and other technical disciplines with sound planning principles. sociology. and community dynamics. The Hoover/Klein Group has experienced personnel with practical experience at a regional, community and site-specific scale. Our personnel have worked in private practice, and as public officials. In their capacity as public officials, they were responsible for community master planning, capital finance, grantsmanship and administration and the implementation of capital improvement programs. During their term In private practice, they worked on master planning, land subdivision projects. development layouts and site plans, municipal ordinance review. floodplain mapping, and resource mapping. The Hoover/Klein Group provides the following basic types of services: Land Planning Mapping ·----Site Planning Resource Mapping ·~--Development Facility Design Cartographic Research Recreation Planning & Design Environmental Mapping Subdivision Design & Platting C.I.P. Information S~stems ,,_ Regulatory Agency Representation Facility Management Systems --·--Zoning Ordinance Review Regional, Community and Economic Development Planning Governmental Assistance Grants ~------_._ ..... -------····- We practice professional planning as a "people process" ~ a process in which people make the difference. We believe our rote is to provide technical direction to planning , elements and to encourage involvement by the client. This often takes the form of meetings, newsletters, public forums, and one-on-one pre-design discussions with our clients. Our experience indicates this leads to finished products that are more acceptable to our clients and the end-user. The H/K Group