05/04/2000-4B-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA 4B CORPORATION THURSDAY, MAY 4, 2000 7:00PM 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: March 27, -1999 vo 0 Disbursements. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Expending Funds for Fill Dirt. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Expending Funds to Architects Phelps/Wood for Providing Construction Documents on the Ballpark Concession Pavilion, for a Maximum of $4,000.00. 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjourn. MINUTES: 4B CORPORATION March 27, 2000 PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Beverly Branch, Glenn Ervin, John Payne, Randy Thompson ABSENT: Terry Jones and Steve Hollingsworth OTHERS PRESENTS: Jack Smith, City Manager and Rose Chavez, City Secretary 1. Nel Armstrong called meeting to order. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a) Approve Minutes October 25, 1999 b) Disbursements Some of the board members expressed that the copies of the financial reports were not legible which made it very difficult to read. City Secretary apologized and indicated that they would be legible the next time they got a packet. Glenn Ervin made the motion to approve consent agenda. Beverly Branch seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Engineering Study for Railroad Park. City Manager briefed the board on the engineering study and the dirt that was needed at the site to bring the land up to grade. Discussion followed concerning the existing fields, the new fields to be built, the concession stand and the work that must be done. Nel expressed that the responsibility of the 4B is mainly the money. The Parks Board needs to make the recommendations to the 4B on what is needed. Nel inquired as to a final bill on the engineering study. City Manager indicated that the Board bas already paid around $1800.00. The final bill will be around $5000.00 or so but the entire cost will not exceed $7000.00 which is what the board approved at a previous meeting. City Manger briefed the board on the information he received from Richard Huckaby, City Manager in Corinth. The City of Corinth received funding on a grant for a new park. The grant writers for the project were Hoover and Kline Inc. City Manager indicated that the city needs to pursue a grant in July for possible funding next year. Beverly Branch expressed concern as to why was there a need to pursue for applying for a grant. Lengthy discussion followed. City Manager explained that if in January the fields were brought up to the right elevation and they possibly received funding on the grant then the money they had spent on the park would be reimbursed. Discussion. Nel indicated that they should encourage the members of the Parks Board to pursue the grant. Nel reminded the members that at a previous meeting Julia Beavers had brought some brochures for equipment for the other parks. Nel expressed that they certainly want to complete Railroad Park and it is first priority but the other parks in town also need attention. Discussion. 4. Any other Such Matters City Manager briefed the board on the status of the distribution center and the funds that 4A has committed for this project on the purchase of the land. City Manger asked if the 4B Board would even consider helping fund the land for the distribution center. Discussion. Nel indicated that at some point in time they might pledge some of the 4B funds to help with the purchase of the land for the distribution center. John Payne asked if there was any indication as to when this company will make a decision as to whether Sanger will be the site and how long is it in the future before the 4B has to consider this. City Manager indicated he was not sure but possibly in April. Beverly Branch indicated that it was her understanding that 4B funds could not be used for economic development projects. City Manager explained that the 4A funds cannot be used for Parb Projects; however, the 4B funds can be used toward Economic Development Projects. There was a discussion as to other projects 4B funds can be used for. John Payne asked if there was a figure given of financial support for Railroad Park. Nel indicated that a figure of $350,000 was discussed, it was not a pledge, but a limit as to how much the board would spend. Discussion followed concerning the sales tax that is received in a year which was approximately $120,000. The discussion continued concerning the distribution center, and the possibility of the 4B funds to be used as a commitment toward repayment of a loan at some later date. John Payne expressed that City Hall and the Police Department are "busting out at the seams" the 4B funds could also be used for a building for a new City Hall and Police Department. The Fire Department is also in a similar situation. John indicated that if they made a list of entities that could come at some point in time and ask for funds $120,000 a year is not going to be enough. Discussed again was the grant application. It was also discussed, the need to pay for dirt. Nel asked City Manager if he could possibly consider when preparing the city's budget for next year allocating funds for improvements at Railroad Park. City Manager indicated that he would certainly include funds. Nel emphasized that the city council needs to be convinced that this project is a priority. Discussion continued as to what board needs to proceed to get this project going. It was decided that since they know how much dirt is needed, the City Council needs to decide to proceed to get the cost and if they cannot afford the cost, then City Council needs to make recommendation that the 4B fund the cost. Randy Thompson asked if there was a grand plan on the Railroad Park. City Manager indicated that a grand plan does exist. He indicated that when the Grant was submitted to the Texas Parks and Wildlife, being a 50/50 grant, and it being turned down twice the staff took the "Grand Plan" and minimized it to where it could be done in-house to cut down on cost. Nel Armstrong expressed how the City Council and the Parks Board need to coordinate the steps to be taken to proceed on this project - City Manager indicated. he will get the estimated cost for the architectural engineering on the concession stand from Art Phelps. Once the cost is give~ it will then be taken to City Council for a decision for funding. If the City Council decided they are not funding the cost they can recommend that it be sent to the 4B for their consideration. Discussion concerning the bids and pursuing advertisement. City Manager indicated that even after plans are approved on the concession stand the plans still need to be approved by the Park, Board and the City Council. Nel indicated they will try to meet again on April 27. S. Adjournment Motion was made by John Payne to adjourn. Randy Thompson seconded. Motion carried. .. ', '. -...... ----:.,.T--'--.,..' .~ '~· 4-28-2000 9:51 AM FUND : 42 -4B CGRPORATION DEPT : N/A GIL DETAIL LISTING :-· rr .. •./-~: :r:fJ ':I!.'.'~"~~•"'!"' "'·• ~ ~, ·-··· ' .......... ,...,...~ .. -~-. __ .,. ........... .,...,...,._,..::t-- , .. ·-----·PERIOD:~ 10/1999.,THRlfr10/2008f~~- ACCOUNTS: ,, .. · · ---· •· -.,THRU zz-zizizzzizzi' ~ATE POST TRAN# REFERENCE ===DESCRIPTION!=== VEND INVOICE P.O.i NOTE ===AMOUNT== .BAl.ANCE."" 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DEPT : NIA .ATE POST TRAN i REFERENCE ACCOUNTS: THRU zi:zzzzz~zz~zi =--------DESCRIPTION!==== VEND INVOICE P.O.# NOTE =--~=--= =~- 00-4800 INTERST INCOME * ( CONTINUED l * 1/31/00 2/21 B58801 INTEREST INTEREST FOR JANUARY ---------= JANUARY ACTIVITY 2/23/00 3/16 B63701 INTEREST INTEREST EARNED --FEBRUARY ACTIVITY 3/31/00 4/27 868601 CHECK 1017 ROSE CHAVEZ 3/31/00 4/27 B68601 INTEREST INT EARNED ==== MARCH ACTIVITY ACCOUNT TOT~ 00-4940 DONATIONS B E G I N N I N 6 • •.,-t , .. -, OB: DB: DB: DB: BALANCE \. ., . 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 000776 CR: 22. 35CR 000834 CR: 26.66CR 000910 000910 CR: 38.13CR CR: 218.65CR • .. ... ') 22,35CR 22,JSCR 26~_66CR 26.66CR 100.00 .:38. 13CR ., 6t:ai ,::: I ' ,. " ,. . ' , . . -. ~- 180, 52CR • .,_ ·,, ' " ·-I 4-28-2000 9:51 AM 6/L DETAIL LISTING FUND : 42 -4B CORPORATION DEPT : 76 4B CORPORATION ACCOUNTS: _ATE gjST TRAN It REFERENCE =--------DESCRIPTION11====-VEND INVOICE P. 0.1 NOTE ------------------ 76-5000 CHECK CHARGES B E 6 I N N I N 6 BALANCE 76-5210 OFFICE Su'PPLIES B E 6 I N N I N 6 BALANCE 76-5215 TRAVEL & REGISTRATIONS B E 6 I N N I N 6 BALANCE 76-5220 DUES B E 6 I N N I N 6 B.A LANCE 76-5225 PUBLICATIONS/SUBSCRIPTIONS B E 6 I N N I N 6 BALANCE 76-5410 INSURANCE B E 6 I N N I N 6 BA.LANCE 76-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES B E 6 I N N I N 6 BALANCE 10/31/99 11/16 B51001 CHECK 1012 ROSE CHAVEZ OCTOBER ACTIVITY DB: 100.00 11/30/99 12/08 853001 CHECK 1014 ROSE NOVEMBER ACTIVITY DB: 100.00 12/31/99 1/21 D55301 DECK 1015 SECRETARHl -BK66 DEC DECEMBER ACTIVITY DB: 100.00 1/21/00 1/21 855401 CHECK 1616 SECRETARill. BKKS JANUARY ACTIVITY DB: , 100.00 2/29/'lla 3/16 863701 CHECK 1019 ROSE CHAVEZ ---= FEBRUARY ACTIVITY 'DB: 100.00 4/04/00 . 4/27 868801 DECK' 1018 r •,~ .,. ROSE CHAVEZ ,, ,.. APRIL ACJI~ITY DB: 100.00 . ' . . , ACCOUNT TOT!i. DB: • ; I ,. CR: CR: CR: CR: 000664 0.00 000687 -0.00 · ~,, 000732 0.00 000733 0.00 ''.!>000834 CR:' 0,00 ,-·.000913 . CR: 0.00 CR: ., .. , ) - I , .. , .. ,t rt PASE: 4 ' •.' PERIOD: 10/1999 THRU 10/2000 ,,,_; . ,;, - THRU ZZ-ZZZZZZZZZZZ ===="40.INT= ==B~ ~.-· . ~' . '• -~ ;.' ,., . -;. ' .,. ; •;"' -~i'. iL ~· ' .100,00 ,. ioo.if· 100:00 )00.00· .. .... ' • ·_. iee.~·· ·100.·~ !r . 1 1 • l ~ ,t ( 4-28-2000 9:51 AM 6/L DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 5 . FUND : 42 -4B CORPCRATION PERIOD: 10/1999 THRU ·10/2000 DEPT : 76 4B CORPORATION ACCOUNTS: THRU ZZ-ZZZZZZZZZZZ DATE POST TRAN It REFERENCE ---------DESCRIPTION1=:-===-VEND INVOICE P.O.# NOTE ===-=AMOUNT= =BALANCE_:_ ---------------- 76-5450 ENGINEERING FEES B E G I N N I N 6 B A L A N C E 2/29/00 3/16 B63701 CHECK 1019 HUNTER AND ASSOCIATES --FEBRUARY ACTIVITY DB: 1,851.45 4/04/00 4/27 868801 CHECK 1021 HUNTER AND ASSOCIATES APRIL ACTIVITY DB: 1,865.06 ----------ACCOUNT TOTAL DB: 3,716.51 000834 CR: 0.00 000913 CR: 0.00 CR: 0.00 1,851.45 1,851.45 1,865.06 1,865.06 0,00 1,851.45 3,716.51 -------·---------------------------~:----:-:---:-, .. . • 76-5500 PROJECTS ND OF REPORT 111 ., BEGINNING BALANCE 000 ERRORS IN THIS REPORT! I I I I I 1-rt·I I I I I I 11 REPORT TOTALS 11 BEGINNING BALANCES: REPORTED ACTIVITY: ENDING BALANCES: -DEBITS - 86,988.73 175,420.48 ~,409.21 --CREDITS - 86, 988. 73CR 175,~.48CR 2621 409,21CR ,J . ., 'r -. '. . . ··~-~~~~·. · .. ~ I l'J.IJV 1 • ,. ,. 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