10/17/2000-4B-Agenda Packet-Regular1. AGENDA 4B CORPORATION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2000 7:00PM 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: September 19, 2000 Disbursements. 3. Citizen's Input 4. Consider and Possible Action on Issues Involving Railroad Park. 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjourn. Jo-l3 ✓oo C/-30A/VI Date and Time Posted • MINUTES: 4B CORPORATION SEPTEMBER 19, 2000 PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Terry Jones, Glenn Ervin, John Payne, Steve Hollingsworth, Beverly Branch ABSENT: Randy Thompson 1. Nel Armstrong Called Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) Approve Minutes: Disbursements. CONSENT AGENDA July 20, 2000 Motion was made by Terry Jones to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Steve Hollingsworth. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input None. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Railroad Park Expenditures. Jack Smith informed the Board that the City has received permission from Wolski to cross his property. Jack indicated that Jim Conley was going to load 8,000 yards at $1.75 per yard for $14,000.00 total. Roger O'Brien has assured him that the City can have that all the dirt they want. Don Bartel, a contractor that once has indicated the dirt is at the Railroad Park, he will spread it and level it. Bartel has indicated it would probably take ten hours at $25.00 per hour. Discussion. John Payne made motion to pay Jim Conley up to $14,999.00 for hauling the dirt to Railroad Park and Mr. Don Bartel $1250.00 for the spreading of the dirt. Beverly Branch seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. A). Board members discussed having next scheduled meeting on October 17, 2000 at 7:00 P.M. B). Discussion continued on how much gravel is needed for the parking lot at Railroad Park. Meeting Adjourned. 4B EXPENSE: Rose Chavez: Secretarial/October 2000 Architects Phelps/Wood TOTAL ........................................ I $100.00 $3,000.00 $3,100.00 ARCHITECTS PHELPsawooo October 6, 2000 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Jack, Enclosed is Invoice # I for the Sanger Concession project. I hope to have the MEP drawings for you by next week. P~ease call if your have any questions. AVP:lkm enclosure 8992 Tatt Powell Rd. Frisco, Texas 75035 972/335-9382 - lf-8 INVOICE FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES PROJECT: TO: Sanger Concession Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 In accordance with the Owner-Architect Agreement dated Verbal DATE: October 6, 2000 INVOICE NO. 1 ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 0005 there is due at this time for architectural services and reimbursable item on the above project, for the period ending 6 October 2000 the sum of Three Thousand and no/100 The above amount shall become due and payable FIFTEEN Dollars ($3,000.00) days from the date hereof. INTEREST ON OVERDUE ACCOUNTS SHALL ACCRUE AT ONE AND ONE-HALF PERCENT (1.5%) PER MONTH The present status of the account is as follows: Architectural Services: Based on a Total Fee of $4,000.00 -75% Complete Total due this billing: ARCHITECTS PHELPS/WOOD 8992 TAFT POWELL RD. FRISCO, TEXAS 75035 (972) 335-9382 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 ( •,, ~ I ( C . ' -. -· .. --..... ~• -__ , -· _______ ; ___ ._ ..... --·- ""~if" I ,. ~S OF: SEPTEMBER 30TI( 2000 ··~· -." ~ . ~ 5 42 ··1~ CfJR:'0~AH0i·I I,,••~• • ,, ., II 17 I REVENUE~ 21 , ~- XPE'NSES 21 27 ' 28 121 j3( 31 32 00··1010 (.)0•· 1ll11. 00-:.4425 ··00..;;1,i~o 00-,iSIJO' , 00-494• n~~ooo 76iS?.10 71,.;~•,11 !'i . CASH 48 CiJH5961. STAT¢.~LfSTAX HffER£ST ., .,, . "-'... .., NTE . ~ • · CHECK CH.,RGES OF"F-ICE SUPPLIES ... T,Ptiun I. P.E(HSTP.f.ilIOill<l .. a" 2.06 0.00 ,. Q.01) o.oo 4 ... H·H, ***** Y A /'.1.1,1:' ; 1,504,79 o.oo 0.00 DIJP~ 0 , 00 0 , Oll PU3LICATIC~S/SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 7,S-5410 HIBURANC[ 0.00 (.),00 76··5-f·!O COtffRACTUAL SEP.VICE.S 100:.CtO 1-, 10/J :'60 -". ·.,. ··• .·, l 76··5450 , l:NGINEERING FEES 9. o~ s ,.ns~'o? ~/. ,,:1~?·•1t',{ 33 ~ ___ 7!.!,1.,L·-·.::!:50!:!!·o~o:...._:-..!..P.!.l:P.O~J!l:E~cr.!..::s!..,_~;.;__---'--------....!o:..!.,~oo~------'---'----'------'·-----'--·--'--·_,,_o.,,.,.o..,6'------'--"--'--·:;;_;,·::.;.;..-·"-' ·-..... 1'""',1 f:"--. :_~•t 34 35 36 ·~H TQTALS ¼H 2!5 ,29,4. 22 L___ _______________________ __:__,----,---;-:------::;: .. ,_:--:;:._:. -;:-, -;:;n-.-::-1 V ; ~~ . ;,;1i>-· . 38 a, '.; ,ila ;-J.£,1• ' ,. ~ !; ._ 39 . ; . .J ~ • • ... ,1',,.;~. 401---------------.::_ _ _!;_ __ _;__...::_ ____ _;_.:,___ _____ ~__.:,-_;__.,;,;;.._ __ ..c._,.;_;_::......;...:.:.;.;;::.==... 41 • ARCHITECTS PHELPS •WOOD October 6, 2000 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P. 0. Box578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Jack, Enclosed is Invoice # 1 for the Sanger Concession project. I hope to have the MEP drawings for you by next week. Please call if your have any questions. AVP:lkm enclosure 899_2 ,Taft Powell Rd."ll!BJ 1Frisc_p,\Te~~5035JIIIII i 972/335;9_38~ --