05/13/2002-4B-Agenda Packet-Regular-
1. Call Meeting to Order.
2. a) Disbursements
3. Citizen's Input
MONDAY, MAY 13, 2002
7:00 P.M.
4. Consider and Possible Action on Issues/Expenditures Regarding Railroad Park.
5. Adjourn.
Rosalie Chavez, City Secret ry
//,'50 /./If.
Date and Time Posted
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests
for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting.
Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information.
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May 9, 2002
To: 4A Board Members
Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager
Re: Railroad Park Improvements
Attached are the proposals received on the Park. John will be present to address them.
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1'ToPs. 3409-0 MADE IN U.S.A.
127 45 Henderson
Sanger, TX 76266
SOLD Tci2_J 7 u-') ~&v..(;..O b
OF LEAD _____ _
ADDRESS { r-NUMBER _____ _
ZIP ____ _
JOB lOG NO. -----
Total Height ___ _
Post Spaced ___ _
Style Fence ____ _
Gauge 9 -11 11112 -121,z
Knuckled D /\M
Safeguard D X X X
112 DOWN
SPECIFICATIONS: All work will be performed in a WOttunanliu manner and in accordance with the standard practice
Check Caption Pref9rnd. Acldlional Spec:ificaliona ·
Top Rail ____ • 1-318"O.D.
Line Post ___ D 1-518"O.D.
End Post O 2-318" O.D.
Corner Post ___ D 2-318" O.D.
Walk Gala Post __ 0 2-318" O.D.
Driw Gate Posts_ D 2-318" O.D.
Gate Frames __ D 1-318" O.D.
Terminal Post ............ 0
Exialing Fence )( )( )( )( )( ~
Walk Gata __IS' ~
Double Gate __tr '""'b,_
Top Rail
Line Poat
End Poat
Corner Post
Walk Gata Post
Oriw Gate Post --
Gate Frames
NOTES ____ _ Top Rail of Fence to Follow Ground • Be Ltvel w~h Lowest Grad,0 Be Level with Highest Ground D
\ . n 1 .. ../ £.,O 2t.t--a ce,,c;, l/3 Q\N. '5' 1 ,l:C -, -JTota~:)9 t•c~ ~-
ll . , . . ·ppJ 5 ~ Tax _____ _
-{ u.,.; ~ (9 (.'! :; 1.-'lo_-:;.,--Down_-_______ _
"6 I --(~~Balance on (£.~~<,r"-l. °11.. 1 o?-Completion
Sales Manager __________________ _
Accepted for /). ,J J U 4 ---
the Company_.U__..,_jvU__lJ-~L_.a..i.j ~~~'-'-'=::;.._. ---
NOTICE: If under~ rock is located on prOl)erty lhal requires eX1ra labor and/or
driPing or blasting, property owner ag,Ns to pay actual cost of work plus 20%.
1. Property owner responaitlle for Htabfiahing property lines.
2. Company not rnponsitlle for underground obstructions such as utility lines.
waler pipes. underground sprinklers. etc.
3. More or less material other than contracted for will be deb~ed or credited.
4. In lhe ewnt payment ia not made accord:cy,to agreement, al materials will be
repossassed with no recourse 0110 •-•-iila.
5. No warranty on wood products.
6. No warranty on powder coated process/ornamental iron.
ACCEPTED _____________ _
May 3, 2002
John Henderson
City of Sanger
201 Bolivar Street
Sanger, TX 76266
DENTON, TX 76209
940-566-1971 -940-367-4819
Kalan Property Maintenance proposes to provide all labor, supplies, equipment and
materials to install an automated lawn irrigation system for the new baseball fields
in Sanger, Texas as outlined below:
All trenching, schedule 40 PVC main lines, class 200 lateral lines, 16 gauge
direct bury wire, electric valves, programmable controller, rain and freeze
sensors, backflow prevention assemblies and popup rotors.
Total Cost per Field -$7,723.00
Kalan Property Maintenance will provide all labor, material, equipment and
supplies, a one year warranty on parts and workmanship, and testing of the
backflow prevention assembly as specified by the TNRCC regulations and the City
· of Sanger Water Department. This proposal includes the City of Sanger permit but
excludes any and all impact fees, tap fees, water meters etc.. Electrical power to the
controller to be furnished by the City of Sanger.
Ken Cartwright ~
From to 458-4180 at 05/13/2002 8:55 AM
May 10, 2002
City of Sanger
201 Bolivar
Sanger, Texas 76266
Proposal for installation of irrigation system of two new ball fields being 300' from home
plate to the center field fence and somewhat less at the foul lines at the Rail Road Park
Softball facility to include:
Base bid:
64 Hunter PGP series rotor heads w/rubber covers mounted on swing joints (50'
14 Rainbird PEB series electric valves in 10'' round boxes w/:King waterproof wire
Rainbird ESP-16LX+ controller mounted in existing concession building by
existing controller. Rain/Freeze stat and remote control unit included.
Febco 2" Double Check Assembly in jumbo box installed as per City of Sanger
codes and tested and installed as per TlvRCC regulations
All PVC pipe to be minimum class 200 solvent weld. Mainline to be 3" and laterals
to be sized to limit velocity to 7 feet per second or less.
All wiring to be minimum #14 ULUF solid copper wire with King waterproof wire
Water tie in to be done just d0\\,11 stream from existing 2" water meter.
Static water pressure is to be a minimum of 76 PSI as provided by the city of
Liability insurance and workmens compensation certificates provided on request.
System and installation guaranteed for two years from final invoice date.
Invoice for stored materials payable on delivery, balance due upon project
Total installed cost base bid: $~
Add option:
A. Up size Double Check Assembly frorG• to 3" and relocate point of connection to
water supply to north side of parking 101\.nowing access to 4" water main. (This would
also require the city to install a new 2" or 3" water meter at this point on the 4" main.)
$ 2,687.00
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May 10, 2002
John Henderson
City of Sanger
201 Bolivar St.
Sanger, Texas 76266
to 458-4180 at 05/13/2002 8:55 AM
Please find enclosed the proposal for the irrigation of the ball fields at Rail Road Park.
I have given you a base bid price which includes the features as outlined. In discussing
possible future development with you, it seems reasonable to build the irrigation system
so that it can be expanded more easily so I have included a larger controller than required
with extra wires stubbed to different locations and service "T"'s in the mainline at these
locations. With the 14 valves required as part of the new installation this leaves 10 spare
zones. Also, the mainline will be 3" rather than 2" or 2 ½". In addition, the future
development within and outside the park may affect the water pressure and availability
and so I have given the option of increasing the size of the double check assembly from
2" to 3 '' to help offset this.
Current scheduling would allow us to begin this work within 7 working days and
installation time is about 8 to 10 working days.
It was good to meet you and check out the park. It is a nice facility and the plans you
have for it are exciting. If you have any questions on this proposal please contact me at
your earliest convenience.
Thank you!
Ed Gibson
Gibson and Associates
1021 Bolivar
Denton, Texas 76201
to 458-4180 at 05/13/2002 8:55 AM
Thank you for your consideration of this proposal. If you have any questions please call.
Respectfully submitted by:
Ed Gibson
Gibson and .!\ssociates
1021 Bolivar
Denton, Texas 76201
Office: 940-382-5690
Cell: 940-453-1239
Irrigation in the State of Texas is regulated by the TNRCC, Austin, Texas
Texas Irrigators License# 890 and# 5683
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