04/07/2005-4B-Agenda Packet-Regular1: Call Meeting to Order. 3. Citizen's Input AGENDA 4B CORPORATION A~ril7, 2005 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR I 5.· Consider and Possible Action on Lighting for the Downtown Park. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Me~bers Attending the TML Retail Development Summit Meeting. 7. Discussion on any Other Future Projects. 8., Adjournment. ~,,,,,mm111111111l ' .. ~ rs ~k • , ..,_ 9 ...... i:';' G ~_.Rosalie Chavez, City Se et ry i ~-~···\\ J/-/-05"' 5:osfN"\ = \ •• ~ .. / Jte ~nd Time Posted ·•... ..~"' .. •-. ······· This facility is wheelchair accessible anlil .. ·. ·i~;pi~king spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services m1;1st be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. P,lease contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. • MINUTES: 4B CORPORATION Monday, .March 17, 2005 PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Beverly Branch, Kim Shaw, Glenn Ervin, Thomas Muir, Tommy Kincaid, John Payne OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack S,nith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Michael S. Davis 1. Nel Armstrong called Meeting to Order. 2. Consent Agend~ a) Approve Minutes John Payne indicated he would like the following corrections made: #2. Glenn Ervin mov~d to elect Nel Armstrong as President. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carri.ed. John Payne made a motion out of order to elect Beverly Branch. Glenn •Ervin moved to elect John Payne as Vice President. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. John Payne moved to elect Beverly Branch as Secretary/Treasurer. Seconded by Glenn Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. Tommy Kincaid moved to approve minutes as corrected. Motion was seconded by Kim Shaw. 3. · Citizen's Input None. 4. Discussion and Possible Action on Parks Improvement Project. John Henderson addressed the Board and gave a presentation concerning· the downtown park improvements. The improvements are as follows: 1. Angle parking -will open 13 additional parking spaces 2. Handicap ramps -tied to existing sidewalks that are in the park area 3. Lighting at the Park -New Light Poles 4. Irrigation installed . ,. ' Discussion followed concerning the iDiprovements in regards to the electrical, lighting, aqd the installation of new light poles. 5. Conduct Public Hearing on Parks Improvements Project. John Henderson advised that all the lights, down to the gazebo,will be replaced. Discussion. City Manager explained that the amount of "Z" c~mtent in that aluminum is causing shortages. Nel expressed concerns in the rem~valpf the.lights due to the historical picture that the park has presently. Discussion continued with the estimated proposal of about $50,000.00 that John Henderson submitted. This amount did not include Mike Prater's request for the electrical and lighting. Discussed Playground equipment replacement and the preservation of the bigger trees at the park. John Henderson advised that he had s~oken with Mike Prater and he was waiting on a contractor for an estimated cost on electrical and lights on this project. City Manager indicated·that Mike Prater had $20,000.00 in his current budget for this project. John Payne moved to allocate $125,000.00 to do the improvements that John Henderson discussed, along with the improvements brought to them by Mike Prater and the consideration of playground equipment to be included in this amount. Motion was seconded by Kim Shaw. Nel Armstrong advised the Board that Mike Prater has an additional $20,000.000 that can be utilized for this project. Thomas Muir asked if the motion could be amended to include that if some trees are .lost and funds are still available, in addition to the equipment, that it be used toward the purchase of bigger trees.• Motion carried unanimously. 6. Discussion on any Other Future Projects . I, Nel gave a brief report to the Board on the Restoration of the Sanger Presbyterian Church. Plans have been modified with changes and the TX. Historical Commission '.has approved changes on the foundation which will reduce cost. Discussio_n on the improvements and uses for the building. Discussion on the following: 1. Golf Course project being "killed" by City Council 2. Thomas Muir indicated .if the developer of the golf course was contacted to possibly donate land for a park. 3. City ~anager indicated del;eloper still intends to pursue the development of a golf course. 4. Recreation Center for the City. JQhn Payne indicated a recreation center could be a great future project. Discussion. John Payne advised April 9,.20Q5 Opening Day at the Railroad Park. , 7. Meeting adjourned. • MEMO April 4, 2005 To: 4B Board Members Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Minutes I apologize for not having the previous minutes prepared. They will be ready for the next planned meeting . MEMO March 31, 2005 To: 4B Board Members Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Lighting for the Park Bill!McCain ofHADCO Lighting, will be present to speak on proposal for Park lighting. I. MEMO April 4, 2005 To: 4B Board Members Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: TML Training Attached is a TML Retail Development Summit Meeting coming up in May. If anyone would like to attend this very informative seminar, please inform our office. ·1 TML Economic Development Workshop Page 1 of 4 / M.u n i c I p a I L ea g u e / Retail Development Summit II Due to an overwhelming response, this is an encore of the ·February 25 event Friday, May 13, 2005 Tex~s Municipal Center 1821.Rutherford L1tne Austin, Texas Topics include: ,. RETAIL: COMMUNITY OR ECONO.MIC DEVELOPMENT? -SELE(:TING-COMMUNITIESISITES FOR RETAIL OR RESTAURANT LOCATIONS RETAIL CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT HOW COMMUNITIES USE INCENTIVES FOR RETAIL DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITYID AND SMALLCITYID PROGRAMS 4A/4B: USEFUL ANYMORE? RETAIL BEST PRACTICES QUE~TION and ANSWER OPPORTUNITIES Retail development today is a significant contributor to the economic health of a community. For example, employment by the retail sector now exceeds manufacturing employment. Do you need additional revenues to fund services? Do you need to bring retail to underserved areas? Do you ·want to stop retail dollars from leaving your community? Now you can learn,_ to accomplish all of these goals and more. This workshop will take you step-by-step through the development process for the 'attraction and expansion of retailers, restaurants, and shopping centers. 1 "This was one of the mo5t informative seminars I have attended. The speakers were all very good and had good advice to slJare. " Denise Miran~ Main. StreetProgram Man~er--City of Winnsboro . "The W:orkshop was very beneficial and I look forward t(! implemer,ting what I learned." , Georgia A. Vines, City Manager--City of Kermit · ·-· "I thin~ everyth_ing was excellent; a good balance of l~rge _and small_ conutUlnities. " Ron -, Fulkenl:>erry, Director of Economic Development --City of Burnet http://~.tml.org/ed_economic.html 3/28/2005 .t' ¥•,. ,/7 I /.tL ~onomic Development Workshop /r . Page2 of4 / ,,,, ..... ,,/ / Workshop Description: Retail development as an economic development strategy is new for many communities. This intense one-day summit gives you the hands-on tools, techniques, and know-how to effectively mar~et your community to attract and keep retailers and restaurants. You will hear from indi~iduals who actually select locations, and community leaders will share their best practices and how to puJ them into actions that grow your retail sector. Who Should Benefit from Attendance: I • Elect~d officials and city staffs who desire to grow their sales tax revenues and economic development officials who have the responsibility to grow their retail base. Registration Fee: $145 to attend the workshop if payment is received at TML by April 29, 2005. The fee incn~~ses to $170 after April 29, 2005. The registration fee includes tuition, handouts, lunch, and refreshment breaks. WORKSHQP SEATING IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 80 PAID REGISTRANTS. · ·· · Confirmations/Badges: Workshop confirmation and badges will be mailed in advance. Name badges are required for admittance to the workshop. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR BADGE TO THE WORKSHOP. Cancellations an~ Substitution Policy: If you ¥e registered and cannot attend, we encourage you to send a substitute. If you cannot send a substitute; a $45 registration cancellation fee will be assessed if written cancellation is received by April 29, 2005. No relunds 'W'ill be honored after April 29, 2005. Workshop Location: The workshop.will be held in the first floor conference room of the Texas Municipal Center, located at 1821 Rutherford Lane in Austin. ' 1 Hotel !~formation: The Wingate Inn, located at 8500 North IH-35;is extending a room rate of$69, including a .continental breakfast buffet. To receive this rate, mention the Texas Municipal League and VIP Code TXML "':'hen you call 512-821-0707 to reserve a room. 1 AmeriSuites at 7522 North IH-35 is offering a room rate of $69, which includes a continental , breakfast buffet. Ask for the Texas Municipal League rate when you call 512-323-2121 to make a reservation. . j The DoubleTree North Hotel, located at 6505 ".N"orth IH-35, has a room rate of$95, or $109 with breakfast and cocktail vouchers. To receive this rate, mention the Texas Municipal League I ' preferred rate when you call 800-347-0330 to make reservations. http://www.~.org/ed _ economic.html 3/28/2005 I :I i I I . •· •, .. _ / /iL Economic Development WorksQop Page 3 of 4 / / Special AccommodatioJ!s: Let us know if you need special accommodations of any kind. We want to help. In order to respond to any special requests, w~ ~ould appreciate as much advance notice as possible. Continuing Education Credit: Elected officials (mayors and councilmembers) can earn Texas Municipal League Institute (TMLI) credits for attending this workshop. TMLI is the continuing education program for elected city officials only. This workshop is worth 8.1 CEU credits, and forms will be available on site. For further information on the TMLI program, .~,dick ~:i:e , or call us at 512-231-7400, call TML's automated Fast Facts line at 888-285-0898. Questions: Please call TML's Program Development Deparµnent at 512-231-7400 or e-mail us at , retailsummit@tml.org. F.rid.ay, May A 2005 8:30 -9:00 am Registration_ 9:00 ~ 9:30 am Agenda l{etail: Community or Economic Development? Bill R.. Shelton; Partner, Community ID-Buxton, Ft. Worth 9:30 -10:15 am ;, Selecting Com~unities/Sites for Retail Locations Todd Wallace, Vice President;Staubach, Austin 10: 15 ~ 10:30 am Break 10:30 ~ 11:15 am Retail Challenges and Opportunities in Downtown Development 11:15 am-Noon . How Communities Use Incentives for Retail Development Bill R.. Shelton, Partner, CommunityID, Buxton, Fort Worth ' Noon-·1:00 pm Lu.nch/CommunityID . Chip R(!dgers; Texas Business Manager, Buxton, Fort Worth 1:00-1:30 pm Retail Best Practices: McKinney http://www.tml.org/ed _ economic.html 3/28/2005 ( ' 'Y ,,.LL Economic Development Workshop / / // -- John C Kessel, Director, Development Services, McKinney ' 1:30-2:00 pm Rrtail Best Practices: Hewitt Ba,:ry L. Sullivan, Assistant City Manager, Hewitt 2:00 ~ 2:15 pm ! Break I 2:1~ -2:45 pm Retail Best Practices: Eden Genora C Young, Economic Development Director, Eden 2:45,-3:15 pm 4A/~B: Useful Anymore? Bennett Sandlin, General Counsel, TML, Austin 3: 15 ~ 3:45 pm Questions and Answers All Speakers 4:00pm Adjourn (back to top) , ~er Online Now I If you prefer to register by fax or mail: I • Download and fax a .pdfversion of the registration form to: 512-231-7495, or • Mail the .pdfversion of the registration form to: · TML Administrative Services 1821 Rutherford Lane, Suite 400 Austin, TX 78754-5128 I EDUCATION CALENDAR I TOP ©2005 Texas Municipal League Austin, Texas (512) 231-7400 http://www.-tml.org/ed _ economic.html Page4 <?f 4 3/28/2005 -