03/17/2005-4B-Agenda Packet-Regular•· 1. Call Meeting to Order. 3. a) Approve Minutes 4. Citizen's Input AGENDA 4B CORPORATION March 17, 2005 7:00 1P.M. 201 BOLIVAR Consent Agenda 5. Discussion and Possible Action on Parks Improvement Project. 6. Conduct Public Hearing on Parks I~provements Project. 7.1 Discussion on any Other Future Projects. 8. 1 Adjournment. ~~\\\\\\lli!II/U:1 11 • ... ~-s-~ oF SA1i'~~ ~w "'-~ .... •~······•·te~ ~ , 0'.··w,~~.....:..==~'--..l,.,-~~ f { -\ ~osalie Chavez, City Secretar l \ · / i§{o/rxs tf:(XJprn '"%. ·•.... -•••• ~ / Date and Time Posted ';'!; ••••••• ~ ~"'11. '°/~XAS -~~ .,,,lfn11ri1n1\\\,,,w·· This facility is wheelchair acce.ssible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. !. ., MINUTES: 4B C::ORPORA TION Monday, February 3, 2005 PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Beverly Branch, Kim Shaw, ·Glenn Ervin, Thomas Muir, Tommy Kincaid, John Payne OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Roger Otwell, John Spr~nger, Liz Springer, Bill Fuller, Gayland Howell, D?.n McClure, Joyce Fuller, Robert Patton 1. Nel Armstrong called Meeting to Order. 2. Discussion'and Poss_ible Action-to Elect Officers. Glenn Ervin made motion to elect Nel Ar~strong as President. Seconded"by Beverly' Branch. Motion carried. ' John Payne ma~e.a motion out of order to nominate Beverly Branch. Glenn Ervin moved to elect John Payne as Vice President. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. John Payne moved to elect Beverly Branch as Secretary/Treasurer. Seconded by Glenn · Eryin. Motion carried unanimously. Consent Agenda 3. I a) Approve Minutes Motion was made by Glenn Ervin to approve the minutes. Seconded by Beverly Branch.· Motion carried unanimously. 4. Citizen's Input 5. Discussion and Possible Action on a Feasi~ility Study for the Development of a Municipal Golf Course. Lengthy Discussion. John Payne indicated that before he makes a·decision, on this project,it would only be in the interest of,the city and the ·citizens for the .Board to take the steps that are necessary in finding out whether or not this w:ill be a benefit to Sanger or not. He then expressed that the Study was necessary. Beverly Branch indicated that at the last meeting, the citizens did not speak in favor of a golf course. Thomas Muir expressed concern that since he does not know what this study entails, it would be difficult for him to vote one way or the other. Discussion continued. Other issues addressed were the following: The other project needs of Sange~. The benefit to the City. The determination of the study and the citizens input concerning the expense for this project. Discussed was not having adequate information for the Board to make a decision~· l The Board discussed. that they would like a Representative from the $20,0~0.00 company and the $2,500.00 to come. and addressed the •Board concerning their proposals •. John· Springer addressed the Board to possible consider conducting ~ master plan and land use study which would incorporate the golf course, recreation area. Once this is ' accoinplish~d, the Board could pursue not only a golf course but multiple·golf courses through retirement ~enters. · Discussion continued. Beverly Branch made a motion for future action on a feasible study and to invite these companies to come and make a presentation concerning the study, what they entailed and the cost. Seconded by Tommy Kincaid. Motion carried. Glenn Ervin voted No. 6. Discussion on any Other Future Projects. John Henderson, Street Superintendent, and City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez addressed the Board in the possibility of getting assistance in the resurfacing of the utility ro,ad. · Discussion followed as to whether this type of project would be in the guidelines of what the 4B could consider. Possibly this could ·be considered under a Bond Issue. Staff instructed to check the guidelines before they could consider. 7. Meeting adjourned. ! ' MINUTES: 4RCORPORATION ~onday, February 3, 2005 PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Beverly Branch, Kim Shaw, Glenn Ervin, Thomas Muir, Tommy Kincaid, John Payne OTHERS ~RESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Roger Otwell, John Springer, Liz Springer, Bill Fuller, Gayland Howell, Don McClure, Joyce F~ller, Robert Patton 1. Nel Armstrong called Meeting to Order. 2. Discussion and Possible Action to Elect Officers. 3. Beverly Branch niade motion to nominate Nel Armstrong as President. Seconded by Glen Ervin. Motion .carried. John Payne made a motion to nominate Beverly Branch. Motion died from-lack of a second. Glen Ervin moved to nominate John P~yne as Vice President. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. John Payne moved to nominate Beverly Branch as Secretary/Treasurer. Seconded by Glen Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. Consent' Agenda a) Approve Minutes Motion was made by Glen Ervin to approve the minutes. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Citizen's Input None 5. I Discu_ssion and Possible Action on a Feasibility Study for the Development of a Municipal Golf Course. Lengthy Discussion. John Payne indicated that before he makes a decision, on t~is project, it would only be in the interest of the city and the citizens for the Board to take the steps that are necessary in finding out whether or not this will be a benefit to Sanger or not. He then expressed that the Study was necessary. Beverly Branch indicated that at the last meeting, the citizens did not speak in favor of a golf course. Thomas Muir expressed concern that since he does not know what this study entails, it would be difficult for him to vote one way or the other. Discussion continued. Other issues addressed were the following: The other project needs of Sanger. The benefit to the City. The determination of the study and the citizens input concerning the expense for this project. Discussed was not having adequate information for the Board to make a decision. The Board discussed that they would like a Representative from the $20,000.00 company and the $2,500.00 to come and addressed the Board concerning their proposals. ,!ohn Springer addressed the Board to possible consider conducting a master plan and land use study which would incorporate the golf course, recreation area. Once this is accomplished, the Board could pursue not only a golf course but multiple golf courses through retirement centers. t Discussion continued. Beverly Branch made a motion for future action on a feasible study and to invite these companies to come and make a presentation concerning the study, what they entailed and the cost. Seconded by Tommy Kincaid. Motion carried. Glen Ervin voted No. 6. Discussion on any Other Future Projects. John Henderson, Street Superintendent, and City Secretary/Assistant City Manager ~ose Chavez addressed the Board in the possibility of getting assistance in the resurfacing of the utility road. Discussion followed as to whether this type of project would be in the guidelines of what the 4B could consider. Possibly this could be considered under a Bond Issue. Staff instructed to checkthe guidelines before they could consider. 7. Meeting adjourned. ' . MEMO March 10, 2005 To: 4B Board Members Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary, Assistant City Manager Re: Parks Improvement Project I contacted Mr. Dillard, City Attorney, in regards to the procedure to conduct the process of the Public Hearing. He advised the Board has to make a decision to approve the project and then conduct the Public Hearing. ' Th~ Board has to wait 60 days after the Public Hearing to act on expending the funds. The City co'uncil has to take actiol). on the expenditure on the 60 th day. John Henderson and Mike Prater have included some estimated cost to do this project. Staff . understands that this will be a bid project. This meeting is to decide to proceed with the project then expend the funds after the time frame of 60 days has ~xpired from the publication. This will require a meeting date, if approved, on May 13, 2005, so City Council can approve on May 16, 2005. November 3, 2004 John Henderson City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, TX 76266 KALAN PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 2022 KENDOLPH DRIVE DENTON, TX 76205 940-566-1971 -940-367-4819 FAX-940-243-7801 LI10909 Kalan Property Maintenance proposes to provide all labor, supplies, equipment and : materials to install an automated lawn irrigation system for the Downtown Park in Sanger, Texas as outlined below: All trenching, schedule 40 PVC main lines, class 200 lateral lines, 16 gauge direct bury wire, electric valves, programmable controller, rain and freeze sensors, rotors and popup sprays in the turf, twelve inch popup sprays in the beds, quick connect valves. 'Total Cost per Field -$9,168.00 Kalan Property Maintenance will provide all labor, material, equipment and supplies, a one year warranty on parts and workmanship, and testing of the backflow prevention assembly as specified by the TCEQ regulations and the City of Sanger Water Department. This proposal includes the City of Sanger permit but , ex~ludes any· and all impact fees, tap fees, water meters etc.. Electrical power to the 1 controller to be furnished by the City of Sanger. Sincerely, ~~~Gt 'Ken Cartwright Owner DATE: . 9-Feb-05 QUOTED --,: Jack Smith Park Parking Sanger, TX. QUANTITY DESCRlmON: l Saw Cut Excavate & Remove Sidewalk + Curb; LS 425 4" 3000 PSI Sidewalk · SF 4 Handicap Ramp: EA '485 7" 3500 PSI Concrete Pavina w #4@ 18" OCEW· SF 289 1 O' Wide Level Up Course· Sy l Stripinq; LS 1 Desiqn Build· LS • Includes Backfill and Placinq Bermuda Sod • In Lue of 6" Lime Stabilization Add 1" Concrete To 6" Concrete Pavinq The Stated Price Above Does Not Include: Enaineerina Testina Removina. reoairing, relocatina or cannina off existina underaround utilities. Temoorarv fencina Bonds oermits or fees of anv kind. Erosion Control Other Than Stated Above UNIT PRICE s 6 630.00 s 4.00 s 1 250.00 s • 44.50 s 7.00 s 1 500.00 s 2 300.00 Sales tax. Please orovide certificate if this is a tax-exemot oroiect or oraanlzation. Traffic Control lmoort Toosoi/ Selec:t Fill Vapor Barrier We a pp reciate the opportunity to quote this project and look forward to working TOTAL: with YOU on thi• ...... ot ... pv c::·ajects. EXTENDED PRICE s 6 630.00 s 1,700.00 s 5000.00 s 21,SBZ.S0 s Z.023.00 s 1 500.00 s Z,300.00 s 40,735.50 Resp,llOtf•·"· · The price stated is good for 30 days from the date of this quote . .. • ' SANGER TEXAS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED PROJECT Notice is hereby given that such Public Hearing will be held by the Sanger Texas Development ,Corpqration in the City Hall Chambers at 7:00 P.M., on March 17, 2005 for the purpose of considering expending funds to conduct a Publ~c Hearing for a Park Improvement Project at the Downtown Park. ' All interested citizens and property owners are hereby notified of their right to appear and be heard regarding this matter or address your written concerns to: Sanger Texas Development Corp~ration Att: Rose Chavez City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 ..