06/01/2006-4B-Agenda Packet-Regular,l AGENDA 4B Sanger, Texas Development Corporation Thursday, June 1, 2006 7:00 P.M. -201 Bolivar 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes: May 4, 2006 3. Discuss and Motion to Proceed with Quail Run Park Project in regards to Public Hearing and Public Notice. 4. Discuss and Possible Action on Transfer of Funds on the Salary for Director of Economic Development. 5. List of Future Agenda Items. 6. Adjournment. l40k/ Rosalie Chavez, City s~etary 5-2-!--o-Wolo L/: 30 pm Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests · for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Pie~~ contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. ;· Minutes: Sanger Texas Development Corporation May 4, 2006 Members Present: Others Present: President Nel Armstrong, Beverly Branch, Thomas Muir, Kim Shaw, John Springer, Glenn Ervin Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director and Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Paul Edelman, Victor Ortiz, Brad Rozh, Sharon Rozh, Trenten Simmons, Cynthia Simmons, Seth McDoi:man(940-231- 1032), Shane Sweeney, Rani Poroz 1. President Nel Armstrong Called Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss Update Improvements on PresbyterianChurch Restoration -Historical Site at 403 N. 7th Street. President Armstrong gave an update on the Project for the Restoration of the Presbyterian Church. The doors.and framing around the doors will be two projects that will need to be completed in the near future. She has asked the Electric Department to inspect the wiring inside the building and see what.needs to be done. She advised that they can apply for another grant; however; the grant deadline will be until the end of this year and they will award the grant sometime in 2007. This will allow time for funds to be raised to finish the building. The floors need to be replaced and there is wood on the side that has .been damaged also. President Armstrong indicated that there.has been citµen concern on the funds that hav~ been used to repair this building. She continued by giving a brief history of the building that is more than 100 years old. She indicated the school used this building years ag«:> for music classes. The building was one of the first buildings in Sanger to have a slanted floor. This building is part of Sanger's history and as President of the Historical Society their goal is to try to preserve it. President Armstrong indicated that they hope to use the building for weddings, meeting room for some of the organizations of the city, possible art and cultural displays. President Armstrong advised how the' first Phase of this project was funded. A grant by the state which was a match of .50/50 match. The 4B Board did match this and then there were funds from the Hotel Motel Tax which can be utilized for historical projects. The Historical Society which consists of about thirty members also raised some funds. The Histo,tical Society hopes to raise additional funds for the doors and framing around the door. Mr. Springer inquired as to what it would take to finish the building. President Armstrong advised that Mr. Art Weinman is the architect from Fort Worth that is supposed to be preparing a report of what needs to be done. President Armstrong advised that she hopes the painting can be done by donations. She advised that they will be back to the 4B for future funding. The building is owned by the City; however, they want to restore the building with other funding sources. 3. Discuss Park Improvements. Paul Edleman, Chairman of the Park's Board, addressed the Board to request funding for the development of a Park in the Quail Run Addition. There is approximately 7 acres and.the Parks Board has been working on this project for almost a year. Mr. Edleman proceeded to discuss their recommendation of a Park Plan, baskeball area, child playground area, and skate area for roller skating and skate boards. The City Council did approve the Park Plan at their last council meeting. Their will be a bar- be-que covered area and a walking trail. The detention pond faces the south side of the subdivision. He discuss,ed the parking in this area. Mr. Edleman advised the Parks Board is recommended the Park not be lighted. The request for funding is approximately $170,000.00. Mr. Edleman indicated that most of the residents in the neighborhood are not in objection to the Park Project. Discussion that the subdivision donated the land. There were questions as to why the developer did not build the park. Thomas Muir inquired as to how much land is available for this Park. He is in agreen.ient that this Park will not support the traffic for a soccer field; however, he would like to see a practice field. Paul Edleman indicated the project they proposed encompasses 3 acres. Discussion continued on possible land sites for parks, cost of practice soccer fields, and the disadvantages of not utilizing this area for future soccer field due to the parking. Thomas Muir inquired as to how the cost of $170,000.00 was derived. , John Henderson, Street Supt. indicated that he met with a representative from Playground Equipment who gave him estimates on the CQSt of the equipment. This gentleman al~o met with the Park's Board and discussed those estimates. John Henderson discussed that the developer would still be responsible for the sidewalks around the park and the trees. Thomas Muir inquired on the concrete cost. Mr. Edie man advised that the residents in that area were told two years ago , that a park would be built in that area. He expressed. the need for that to be done. A. ' Motion was made by Thomas Muir to place this item as a future agenda item. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried. This item will be considered as a future agenda item at the next meeting. Discussion continued. Glenn Ervin ind~cated he would like to see all the proposals on the entire project. Seth Morman, a young man who was present at the meeting, advised the Board that his dad does painting and maybe they can paint the building. 4. Discuss Goals and Objectives for Economic Development • Creation of Enterprise Zone Cecile Carson Director of Economic Developnient provided the Board with information that needed to be com,pleted in regards to the strengths and weakness of Economic Development. Ms. Carson is working on a plan for the city which will lead and implement economic development. There is a proposed request for a Master Plan that will be presented to City Co_uncil on May 15, 2006. She has met with a number of companies that are inter~sted in producing the document. Ms. Carson indicated that in creating the document it will be a living, br~athing and working plan. There will be .public participation. It includes transportation planning, lands use, public facility. Thomas Muir inquired if the Master Planning includes zoning. Ms. Carson advised that in her document she has included an item for their recommendations to changes in the zoning ordinance that will help with the implementation of the plan. She emphasized the importance of them to link together. Ms. Carson discussed the document that related to the quality of life community profile. The strengths and the advantages of the community were discussed. a. Interstate 35 and Lake Ray Roberts (need to be promoted more). b. Proximity to two major airports. · c. Proximity to the Metroplex area. d .. Proximity to two Major college campuses and one community college. e. Railroad f. Small town atmosphere and being close to big city. Discussion continued with listing the obstacles for future growth of area being Retail development, restaurants, grocery stores, and apathy to do something. The Board discussed the following and identified and ranked in order of importance. The ranki1_1g from a scale from 1-5 with the highest priority being a 5. Attracting New Industry (3), Expand Local Industry, Retail (3) & Commercial Development (4), Expand Tourism (4), Expand Community Services (4), Create a Sense of Community (4), Promoting Service B~ards (3), Downtown Revitalization (4), Lake Related Development, Create home grown businesses/entrepreneurial programs (4), Develop land plan/codes to promote community & businesses (5). Ms. Carson continued to discuss an Enterprise Zone. Sanger does not have many areas that qualify for, State Funding. She indicated that tax incentives and economic development need to be considered to offer businesses. She advised that the members review the forms she gave them, complete and return back to her. 5. Possible List of future Agenda Items. 1. Quail Run Project. 2. Scheduled meetings to be scheduled monthly. 3. Salary for the Director of Economic Development Director. 6. President Armstrong adjourned the meeting. MEMORANDUM May 26, 2006 To: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Fr: John Henderson, Streets/Parks Superin(endent Re: Quail Run Park I will be installing eight (8) trees as part of the landscaping. The estimated cost'for the trees is $200.00 to $300.00 per tree. This estimated price was given by Lovelace Nursery and D&D Landscape. Hydro mulch is estimated at $1.00 per sq. ft. This is not a set price. The estimated quote that I figured for the concrete would run $152,000.00 forthe parking area, which is approximately $3,000 per parking space- Cc: 4-B Kraftsman PLAYGROUND & PARK ~QUIPMENT ,19535 Haude Road Spring TX 77388 Phone: 281-353-9599 Fax: 281-353-2265 ~ lsanger, City of l! !John Henderson ~ louail Run Park IP. 0. Box 1729 lsanger Inc 176266 Phone: r-Fax=-"--: ------------< 1940-458-2571 !940-458-4180 Terms: ,..c.P--'--'.o=.#'-'---: ___ _ )SO% down, Bal At Completion I ~ /Sanger, City of .9-!John Henderson ~ )Quail Run Park IP: 0. Box 1729 )sanQer Main Phone: )940-458-2571' Ship Via: Proposal ,#Q27026 Page:1 Date: f-----=---11=-/=-14-'-'-/2=0~0.c..iS Project 3868 ~-----.._._J By: Pat Kennedy /T)( 176266 Mobile Phone: )940-390-1136 K~ Map: Total Ship Weight 1 I . -Qty-Prodyct _Descrip!!_on ___ ___ ________ _ _ _ Size Weight Color Unit Price Ext. Price 1 I 67506 1 I 67507 '1 I 67509 1 I 67558 1 I 67567 4 I 67587 1 I 67620 1 I 67641 1 67646 1 67647 1 67724 70 FTB-00001 220 I CUSHION PINE 2.5 FABRIC 1 DISC I Free Standing Track Ride-12' By: Park Structures I Triclimb By: Park Structures I Free-Standing Long Wave Slide By: Park Structures !Arch Swing -8' Beam -3-1/2" OD -2 Position By: Park Structures JS" O.D. Arch Tire Swing By: Park Structures I Belt Seat w/Chain, S-Hook, Hangers 3.5" 8' or 10' H By: Park Structures I Add-A-Bay 3-1/2" O.D. Arch Swing By: Park Structures I 3-Level Chinning Bar By: Park Structures !Tetherball By: Park Structures I Ball Toss 8' By: Park Structures I MaxClimb Matrix By: Park Structures ) 4' Funtimber Poly playground curb w/ 12"x48 I spike, manuf. by Childforms " I Engineered Wood Fiber, Pine, cu. yd. ! Delivered only, Mfg. by Novus I Polyspun Soil Separator, 1800 SF I 6'x3oo·I I Discount on Sales-BuyBoard I 343 264 613 222 454 13 137 152 41 85 522 11 choice 1,920.00! 1,920.001 choice 1,3ss.ool 1 3ss.ool I I choice I 3,365.ool 3,365.oo! I choice I 799.ool 799.ool I choice I 2,09s.ool 2,09s.ool 148.ool 592.ool choice 490.ool 490.00! . . choice 6ss.ool 6Ss.ool 130.00! 130.ool 645.ool 645.ool choice 4,495.oo! 4,495.ool Black 34.951 2,446.so! Natural 24.so! s,390.00I 275.oo! 687.sol -1,159.ool -1,159.ool Subtotal: I $23,906.00 Shipping: I $3,187.14 Equipment Subtotal: $27,093.14 ;___o"'--0=vol Tax: I $0.00 Install: ~, ----$-8-,5-4-5.-1-3 Total: I $35,638.27 Kraftsman PLAYGROUND & PARK EQUIPMENT 19535 Haude Road , Spring TX 77388 Phone: 281-353-9599 Fax: 281-353-2265 r ~ lsanger, City of i ~ bohn Henderson ~ !ouail Run Park IP. 0. Box 1729 lsanger Phone: 1940-458-2571 In< l76266 Fax: !940-458-4180 Terms: r-P~.O=.#'-'--: ___ _ Isa% down, Bal At Completion I --Qty Product Descriptio~---____ I 1 I Canopy Shade structure by Custom Canopies 4 I PIERS16X48 I Con.crete piers, for pavilion & canopy columns, with anchor bolts set if required 2 I SF-241 ! standard Grill-Hvy Duty Galv. Steel ·• (360 Rotation) By: Park Structures 2 I F1080 I Square Ing round W/4 Traditional Seats. By: Fusion Products 2 I Fl0,61 J 5• Inground Bench W/Back. By: I Fusion Products l ' I I 32 Gallon Trash Recept .. By: Fusion 2 F1021 Products 2 I F1023 I Flat Top Cover For 32 Gallon Recpt .. By: Fusion Products 2 I F1017 J Plastic Liner For 32 Gal Recpt .. By: Fusion Products 2 I F1094 I Ing round Mount For Recpt .. By: I Fusion Products 3 I LBRSPVCING Is Bike Pvc Coated Bike Rack Inground. By: Fusion Products 1 DISC I Discount on Sales-BuyBoard Proposal #Q27025-1 ~ lsanger, City of .e-!John Henderson ;j louail Run Park IP. 0. Box 1729 lsanQer Main Phone: 1940-458-2571 Ship Via: Size Weight 20x40xl 8' 16;481 61 I 46" I 330 I 6' I 120 I 32 Gal I 66 I 32 ga1. I 21 I 32 gal. I 6 I 9 I 75 I Page: 1 Date: f---------"-'11"-/1;:;_4"--'/2::.c:0....:._05=--i Project 3868 r---------J By: Pat Kennedy 1TXJ76266 Mobile Phone: 1940-390-1136 I Key Map: I Total Ship Weight ---------Color Unit Price Ext. Price ' --------- choice I 4,115.00! 4,us.ooi 425.ool 1,700.001 126.ooi 2s2.ooi choice I 886.ool 1,n2.ool choice I 36s.ooi 736.ool choice I 196.ool ! 392.ool choice I 98.ooi 196.ooi black I 22.00I 44.ool na I 45.ool 90.ool choice I 322.00I 966.ool -309.ool -309.ool Subtotal: I $9,954.00 Shipping: I $1,830.00 EqulpmentSubtotal: I $11,784.00 c=o%] Tax: r--j -----$-0-.0-0 Install: I $4,652.10 -;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Total: I $16,436.10 1 Kraftsman PLAYGROUND & PARK EQUIPMENT 19535 Haude Road Spring TX 77388 Phone: 281-353-9599 Fax: 281-353-2265 ~ lsanger, City of :g !John Henderson ~ louail Run Park IP. 0. Box 1729 isanger Phone: !940-458-2571 IT)( 176266 Fax: I 1940-458-4180 Tenns: r'--P-'-'.o""".#"-'-: ___ _ !so% down, Bal At Completion I ~ !Sanger, City of .e-!John Henderson ~ !Quail Run Park IP. 0. Box 1729 lsanqer Main Phone: !940-458-2571 Ship Via: ' Proposal #Q27024 Page: 1 Date: 1---------'1'-"1/'--'1:...c4'---'/2::..:0...:._05~ Project: 3868 ,----------I By: Pat Kennedy Frxl16266 Mobile Phone: 1940-390-1136 ~ Ma~_ Total Ship Weight l I ~uct -Description ---________ Size __ Weight-------z;;j;;: --Unit Price Ext. Price I 1 6 1 CONCRETE I Basketball Court 541-616 I Basketball Backstop, Alum. Fan Shaped board, 4-1/2" post, super goal, steel net, By: Sportsplay DISC I Discount on Sales-BuyBoard I s0x90 I 29,oso.ool 29,oso.ool 4' 215 I white 548.ool 3,2aa.ool overha ng -99.ool -99.ool Subtotal: $32,239.00 Shipping: $780.00 Equipment Subtotal: $33,019.00 L_o%J Tax: $0.00 Install: Total: I $33,019.00 v, -h, ,. €1~-,~ 'V ~ G') -~I; ... l!i:!I IHI @ i ~ D ;,<; -i C ""C =l 0 ""C r- -i m !"' m ""C i' ;o e () m 0 -i -C '< ;II: 0 I -h (/) Ql ::::, cc CD .., I I (/) ,o 0 j!? ~ ~ m !"' (/) ~ ' z [lJ ;;::: :$ "C .... ~ ill. .... -.... :,-;,,; ~ :D I\.) il ::, ~ J ~I DI ;· I I ;o (/) (/) .. I 0 :0:: m ~ ~ 0 il .... ii, ,i ::, ~ < I ,. ! l . , , 8 8 ~Oz ~~ ~~i ZOi 6i ,0 z m C) , ~ ... 1· i Ji i ~ a ' . . -- 1· THS DOCUMENT IS lHE SOLE PROPERTY OF KRAFTSMAN PLAYGROUNDS AND R\RKEOJPMENT. RB'ROOLCTION CR RBJISlRIBUTION IN WHOLE OR PART WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENTOFKRAFTSMAN R.AYGROJNDSANDFAAKEQUPMEm-lS FROHBllED. ' MEMO Date: May 26, 2006 To: 4B Board Members Fr: City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Salary for Economic Director I Transfer of Funds I sent a previous letter concerning the tt;ansferring of funds for the salary of the Director of Economic Development. This was not an action item at the last meeting and I advised the Board it would be on the next agenda for action. At the beginning of the budget year the 4B and 4A Boards agreed to match half of the $45,000.00 , for this salary. Ms: Carson was not hired until January 23, 2006. I need to be given direction on 1 the amount of funds I need to transfer for this budget year. . FINANCIAL REPORTS THRU 04/28/06 5-26-2006 01:39 PM 42 -4B CORPORATION REVENUE SUMMARY 4B REVENUES *** TOTAL REVENUES ••• EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 76-4B EXPENSES *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES*** ** REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES•• TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) ,t C I T Y O F S A N G E R FINANCIAL STATEMENT CURRENT BUDGET 220,000.00 220,000.00 181,800.00 181,800.00 38,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2006 CURRENT PERIOD 17,231.45 17,231.45 8,810.00 8,810.00 8,421.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 Y-T-D ACTUAL 146,444.66 146,444.66 99,761.42 99,761.42 46,683.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 % OF BUDGET 66.57 66.57 54. 87 54. 87 122.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 Y-T-D ENCUMB. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: 1 BUDGET BALANCE 73,555.34 73,555.34 82,038.58 82,038.58 8,483.24) 0.00 0.00 0.00 5-26-2006 01:39 PM C I T Y 0 F SANG E R PAGE: 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2006 42 -4B CORPORATION IUE,S CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D % OF Y-T-D BUDGET BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ENCUMB. BALANCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUES 4B REVENUES 00-4425 STATE SALES TAX 00-4800 INTEREST INCOME 00-4940 DONATIONS TOTAL 4B REVENUES *** TOTAL REVENUES ••• 220,000.00 0.00 0.00 220,000.00 220,000.00 ============== 17,198.17 129,784.86 33.28 16,659.80 0.00 0.00 17,231.45 146,444.66 17,231.45 146,444.66 ============== ==========---- 58.99 0.00 90,215.14 0.00 0.00 16,659.80) 0.00 0.00 0.00 66.57 0.00 73,555.34 66.57 0.00 73,555.34 =============-==========---- 5-26-2006 01:39 PM 42 -4B CORPORATION on-NON-DEPARTMENTAL '.TMENT EXPENDITURES *** DEPARTMENT TOTAL ••• *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES••• OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) *** END OF REPORT••• C I T Y O F S A N G E R FINANCIAL STATEMENT CURRENT BUDGET 0.00 0.00 0.00 AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2006 CURRENT PERIOD 0.00 0.00 0.00 Y-T-D ACTUAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 % OF BUDGET 0.00 0.00 0.00 Y-T-D ENCUMB. 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: 3 BUDGET BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 \ . 5-26-2006 01:40 PM 42 -4B CORPORATION ASSETS ACCOUNT NO# TITLE 00-1010 CASH MONEY MARKET 00-1012 4B CD#6669 00-1053 RECEIVABLE-OTHER 00-1060 DUE FROM GEN. FUND 00-1062 AMT TO BE PROVIDED FOR L-T-D LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENSES 00-2201 00-3020 0004425 00-4800 00-4940 00-4985 76-5200 76-5210 76-5215 76-5220 76-5225 ,76-5410 76'-5420 76-5450 76-6500 N/P GNB FUND BALANCE STATE SALES TAX INTEREST INCOME DONATIONS TRANFERS OUT TO 4B/PARK EXP CHECK CHARGES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL & REGISTRATIONS DUES PUBLICATIONS/SUBSCRIPTIONS INSURANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES i;;NGINEERING FEES PROJECTS ***TOTALS*** C I T Y O F SANGER .._ TRIAL BALANCE AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2006 **** MONTH TO DATE**** DEBITS 8,421.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 8,710.00 17,231.45 CREDITS 17,198.17 33.28 17,231.45CR ***** YEAR TO DATE***** DEBITS 49,789.85 j; 487,578.77 * 13,866.47 2,078.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 99,161.42 653,074.87 CREDITS 506,630.21 129,784.86 16,659.80 653,074.87CR PAGE: 1 ,