09/11/2006-4B-Agenda Packet-Regular,,, r AGENDA 4B Sanger, Texas Development Corporation Monday, September 11, 2006 7:00 P.M. -201 Bolivar 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: July 13, 2006 August 10, 2006 3. Review Financials. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed Budget 2006/2007. *Consider Project with University of North Texas 5. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Officers as Required in the By-Laws Section 5.02. , 6. List of Future Agenda Items. 7. Adjournment. This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. !, MEMO Date: September 7, 2006 To: 4B Board Members Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Re: Rescheduling of 4B Meeting Please bring back up material that was sent to you for the Thursday, September 7, 2006 meeting. , ' Minutes: Members Present: Others Present: 4-B Sanger Texas Development Corporation September 7, 2006 Nel Armstrong, Beverly Branch, Thomas Muir, John Payne, John Springer, Glenn Ervin, and Kim Shaw Jack Smith, City Manager; Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Asst. City Manager; Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director 1. President Nel Armstrong called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: July 13~ 2006 August 10, 2006 Corrections were as follows: August 10, 2006 Minutes: • Item 2, Page 3 should reflect, " Cecile Carson indicated there are many needs and issues" • , Item 2, Page 4, second to the last sentence should reflect, "there was not anyone who spoke for or against this project" • Item 2, last paragraph, should reflect, "TML will insure the park" • Item 3, correct the spelling on the word "Discuss" • Second paragraph on I~em 3 should reflect the correct statement, "The officers serve a one-year term from July through July of each year. The terms of the members are for two years and may serve an unlimited time" • Item 3, th_ird paragraph, add the word "who" in the statement, "Discuss officers who were appointed last year." • Item 4(b ), third paragraph, correct spelling of "purposing" to "proposing" • On the last paragraph, take out the word "the" and insert "that" in the statement. Motion to approve minutes with changes. Seconded by Kim Shaw. Motion carried unanimously . . 3. Review Financials. City Secretary, Rose Chavez, reviewed with the Board asset accounts and expenditures. She advised that the Certificate of Deposit renewed at 7.50%, effective September 1, 2006. On the Financial Reports, the City"Secretary advised that on line item 76-6500 (Projects), the Economic Director's salary expense needed to be shifted to 76-5420, which would decrease the deficit budget balance on that line item. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed Budget 2006/2007. *Consider Project with University of North Texas City Manager, Jack Smith, briefe~ Board members on the year-to-date revenues and expenditures as indicated in the fmancial regarding anticipated revenues and expenditures for next year. Discussed the line item for office supplies. City Secretary advised that the Economic Development Director was needing some office supplies and, if it was possible, to utilize the funds in that line item. Discussion followed. Board members agreed that staff could utilize the $200.00 in office supplies toward the purchase of supplies for the Economic Development Director. Beverly Branch made motion to adopt budget for 2006/2007. Seconded by Kim Shaw. Motion carried unanimously. Consider Project with University of North Texas. Cecile Carson advised that she had spoken to Rose concerning funds and there are funds in this year's budget to fund this project. Cecile Carson reported that she has been working with an informal group to get advice and opinions for economic development about current businesses and how to draw more business into the community. Cecile Carson reported that a survey would consist of getting information on the needs of businesses in the community, their opinions of the City, and the things that can benefit those businesses in order to retain them within the community. She has visited with different business owners and the consensus was that this was an outside source that would be objective. Ms. Carson indicated that, in her conversation with Dr. Weinstein ofUNT, he indicated the study would include a general overview, identifying targets of opportunities, and a review of economic incentives from around the area that could attract new businesses. Ms. Carson advised that Dr. Bernard Weinstein often recommended cities he has studied to businesses he comes in contact with. This study can be funded under promotions in this year's budget or it could be included in next year's budget or the board can, decline it. President Armstrong inquired if there was a difference between this study and the one approved for the Buxton analysis. Ms. Carson gave a brief overview of the Buxton study. It has similar background information, but the goals are different. The UNT study is about current businesses in the community and how to draw more business to Sanger. The other study reviews • Sanger residents, how they spend their money, and what is needed to keep these monies in Sanger. Discussion followed concerning the two different studies and the impact that the UNT study would have on Sanger. Thomas Muir made motion to set this aside in this current year's budget to fund up to $5,000 as requested by staff toward the UNT research. Beverly Branch seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Officers as Required in the By-Laws Section 5.02. President: Motion made by Beverly Branch to nominate Nel Armstrong as President. Seconded Glenn Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. Vice-President: Motion made by Kim Shaw to nominate John Springer. Seconded by Glenn Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. Secretaryffreasurer: Motion made by Glenn Ervin to nominate Thomas Muir. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was the time to set meeting dates according to the Board's by-laws. Motion made by Kim Shaw to schedule meetings as warranted on the 4th Monday of each month starting in October. Seconded by John Springer. Motion carried. 6. List of Future Agenda Items. Ms. Carson reported that September27 is the earliest date, according to State law, that funds can be expended. Buxton has started working on their analysis and they will have target-market maps to staff by Friday of this week. The study is to be concluded by the first of November. 7. Meeting Adjourned • MINUTES: 4B SANGER, TX DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION JULY 13, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: President Nel Armstrong, Glenn Ervin, John Springer, Thomas Muir, Beverly Branch, Kirn Shaw, John Payne. Jack Smith -City Manager, Cecile Carson -Economic Development Director, David Pennington -Fire Chief, Paul Edlernan -Chairperson Parks Board, Kern Green, Paula Morales. 1. President Nel Armstrong called meeting to order and led an invocation for Rose Chavez and family. 2. Approve of Minutes: June 1, 2006 Motion was made by Beverly Branch to approve minutes as presented with one correction on page 2 -"park spaces" should be changed to "parking spaces". Seconded by Thomas Muir. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Discussion and Possible Action for Funding Projects for the Next 1 to 3 Years. Nel Armstrong indicated the Quail Run park was discussed in length at the previous. meeting, and board members suggested a workshop to discuss funding of projects. Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director, presented the Board with information regarding ideas that the Parks Board and Downtown Committee had discussed and addressed. Available funds in the Reserve is $506,791; the Checking total is $24,898; the total Exp!ndable Income is $531,689. This does not include anything that was budgeted this year. The Parks board had discussed Quail Run Park with them, she went through the project and put a price to each element. She outlined the projects below. Project ideas and proposals were as follows: I. The Qnail Run Park Project A. The pavilion was priced at $17,550 B. The basketball court was priced at $34,463 C. The playground was priced at $33,659 D. The skate park was priced at $95,408. E. The parking lot approximately consists of 20-25 spaces ranging in price from $1,500-$2,000; the price per parking was $40,000 F. The total cost for trees was $2,400 G. Hydro-Mulch had no estimate cost. This will be based on what phase will be done and the square footage. Approximate total cost for this project is $223, 430. II. Presbyterian Church project A. Exterior-$40,000 B. Utilities-$41,000 C. Interior-$54,000 Total for this project is $135,000. III. Do.wntown Plan Total-$20,000 IV. Promotion(max 10%); Total-$53,000. A. Buxton Marketing Analysis Total-$45,000; B. Retail Marketing Plan Total-$5,000; V. Economic Development Incentives total $100,000. Total of all projects is $531,481. Discussion regarding the projects and the funding of each ofthem individually. Discussion on getting more state grants and how support has increased. Nel Armstrong discussed painting the Presbyterian Church. She found out they need to get the building scraped. Their organization has decided to hire someone, and due to the lead in the paint, they will need to put down a drop cloth and roll the scraped paint into it and dispose of it. She wants to see if they supply the materials if the city boys wouldn't help paint it. They would like it painted and the doors replaced before winter sets in. Cecile Carson indicated she spoke to John Henderson about the painting. Another city painted there community center using all volunteers. It is realistic that it could be done. Potentially if the board would pledge the funds, it would be secured for assurance that it could be finished. John Payne indicated he had been approached regarding the priority of the restoration of this building, he asked how the restoration of this building would be a cat~lyst for other things. Cecile Carson indicated the unfinished church gave the feeling that the downtown was not ready for new things to happen. When it is completed it will become a community place where they could have meetings, displays, and other addit\ons to touri_st and community interest Nel Armstrong indicated this building is over 100 years old and has a historical marker. The building cannot be torn down. The Historical Committee has a lot of ideas oLwhat this building can be used for. It can be used for small weddings, family reunions, art displays and/or any other community events. Discussion on other historical landmarks. Cecile Carson indicated that representatives from the Texas Historical Commission visited regarding their Main Street application. They commented on the fact that our city has so many historical structures. They asked what the city was known for at the turn of the century. They commented on our downtown structures as well. Nel Armstrong indicated that Frisco had done a wonderful job of preserving their history, and that is what they would like to do in Sanger. There are three Sanger historical markers, and they are in the process of trying to designate another one. At this time it is the Senior Center, the Masonic Lodge and the Landmark Baptist Church. They are going to try to get grants and raise some money, but she hoped the 4B board would consider helping as well. Ms. Carson indicated that the downtown plan is actually an engineering study that is needed so that they can apply for a grant. They need to get a bid before they can get any type of grant funds. Discussed engineering plans for the sidewalks in the Downtown area to satisfy the Disabilities Act guidelines. They need to get a good drawing showing engineering, architecture and landscaping. Beverly Branch asked if part of the problem had been corrected with the sidewalk ramps put in previously. Ms. Carson indicated that did help, but there were other requirements and areas that needed repair/upgrade. They would like to get a plan to have a unified system of sidewalks in downtown. Ms. Carson discussed that 10% of funds can be spent on promotion. Ms. Carson indicated that something that had been discussed was retail marketing materials, she gave them a set of materials from Buxton Marketing Analysis. This company basically studies and knows the market and the.community. Many retailers know where they want to go, but in some cases, a grocery store or retailer may move from a different location and my not see the best location. This is an expensive study but it does give you not only those profile materials, but they call the companies that they work with such as Target and Home Depot. It's almost like hiring a public relations firm. The retail incentive study is a lower technology based through the University of North Texas. They will work with students to identify possible trends in the industry. • I Ms. Carson continued to discuss reserves and expenditures for utility expenses and incentives. Nel·Armstrong asked the Parks Board if they were comfortable with the way Quail Run Park is listed and the price that they have figured. Paul Edelman indicated there seemed to be a lot of discussion regarding if this was a community park or a city park. He indicated the City had ordinances requiring·new subdivisions to donate park land. The City is going to end up with more subdivisions with City parks inside of them as open spaces because of this ordinance. This is a City park and will always be a City park. Nel Armstrong indicated she would like to see the ordinance changed to state that the developer should help with more than just the land for the parks. Ms. Carson indicated they had the option of phasing the pieces in, like doing a pavilion and a playground first. Discussion continued regarding Quail Run Park. Thomas Muir asked what other parks were in the works. Mr. Edelman indicated they were working on the soccer fields, it will be mostly fields, a concession stand, restrooms, and a parking area. They want to do it right to start with. He felt that could be accomplished with support of the community. They would like to work on some additional baseball fields. They are also working on a boys and girls club, but didn't feel they would come before this board for funds on that. They will have a paid staff and it will be a partnership with the city. They would like to eventually renovate the pool and possibly put in a kiddie water park. Beverly Branch asked if they had a site picked out for soccer fields. Mr. Edelman indicated they had 14 acres (n Sable Creek subdivision. Discussion regarding softball fields and interest in adult teams. Discussed getting community and other boards to partner with the Parks Board to get some of these things done. Nel Armstrong indicated that all of the projects should be approved bey the City Council and then brought to he 4B Board. City Manager indicated the expenditure of funds has to be approved by the Council anyway. It seems the entity requesting funds should come to the board first to see if going to Council is eyen necessary. I Discussed income was about $200,000.00 a year in sales tax income. Thomas Muir indicated he felt they should get caught up with some of the projects, and felt they could fund some of these things even if meant some financing and obtaining grants. Discussion continued regarding financing projects and state grants. John Payne indicated he had secured the 4B manuals and talked to other individuals. He had been told that the project close to his heart could not be funded by the 4B Board. This is not true. The fire department currently has a full house of trucks. They have a brand new pumper tanker at the City yard. They also have two ambulances purchased by the City, but there is no place to put them because they have outgrown the station. The cost imposed on the City by the City of Denton is very high. One of the things holding them back at this time is the fact that they need expansion of the facilities in order to move forward and provide a place to put the vehicles, and also fund the staff to put them in service. Cecile Carson read the provision theat Mr. Payne was referring to. City Manager indicated there is not anywhere in the guidelines that states that 4B funds can be used for a fire department. Ms. Carson indicated they also could not fund a new City Hall. There is a gray area of being able to expend funds to build a whole new fire department building. The purpose would not be solely to bring in new business. Discussion regarding a fire department and whether or not it would promote new business in the community. Ms. Carson indicated a piece of the building or improvements to the department could be done, but a whole new building could not be funded. Discussion regarding the City of Melissa and the fire station they built. City Manger indicated the City is looking at building a new building on the East side of the railroad tracks for fire trucks a:r,.d ·ambulances. Lengthy Discussion regarding the fire department and the need for additional funding. Glenn Ervin indicated they have been researching to see if the current building can be added onto, and they are working on getting a cost for a new building. Nel Armstrong asked about the downtown plan, and asked if there was anything they needed at this time. . . Cecile Carson indicated they were waiting on the engineering plan. Glenn Ervin moved to approve the proposed project ideas of Quail Run Park, Presbyterian Church restoration, Downtown Plan, Promotion with a maximum of 10%, and the Economic Development incentives. Motion died for lack of second. John Payne moved to approve the Quail Run park, Presbyterian Church, and to tentatively schedule the other items on this list for future consideration. Nel Armstrong indicated they did not to set aside $135,000.00 for the Presbyterian Church at this time. They need $20,000.00 to do the downtown plan. Motion died for lack of second. Beverly Branch moved to fund the Quail Run Park, and also the Downtown Plan. 'John Payne seconded. Kem Green indicated she would like to see the Presbyterian Church finished because it is an uncompleted project and an eye sore. Motion carried 5 to 2 . John Payne moved to fund the Presbyterian Church up to a total amount of $135,000.00. Beverly Branch seconded. Motion carried unanimously. John Springer indicated he would like to hear some more about the promotion. Cecile Carson indicated that up to 10% of funds could be spent for promotion of various projects. Discussion regarding totals discussed, and funding of all projects that it does include current oblig8.tions. John Payne indicated he would like to see a professional marketing agency working on behalf of Sanger. Thomas Muir moved to fund the Buxton Marketing Analysis as stated _in the amount of $45,000.00. Kim Shaw seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 4. List of Future Agenda Items Thomas Muir wanted to create a time table for projects. Discussion regarding proposed projects. '· Scheduled a meeting for August 10, 2006. John Payne requested an up-to-date financial report. ,, 5. Meeting adjourned~ ' . •