05/10/2007-4B-Agenda Packet-Regulari ·1 :1 ( I ,. '!,t r • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. AGENDA 4B Sanger, Texas Development Corporation Thursday, May 10, 2007 · · 7:00 P.M. -201 Bolivar Call Meeting to Order. Approve Minutes: February 26, 2007 Review Financials. Discussion to Consider a New Park Project for Soccer Fields. List of Future Agenda Items. Adjournment. 9-1-/JCXJZ lf.>JOam. Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information . i. I \ t J ~-! :i d \-. ,,r ! .., !, :· I·. ·I .... _!' MINUTES: Sanger Texas Development Corporation February 26, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: President Nel Armstrong, John Springer, Glenn Ervin, Thomas Muir and Beverly Branch ·, · MEMBERS ABSENT: John Payne and .Kim Shaw OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Asst. City Mgr. Rosalie Chavez and 1. 2. 3. 4. Carroll McNiell · · President Armstrong called meeting to order Approve Minutes: September 11, 2006 Motion was made by John Springer to approve minutes as presented. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion Carried unanimously. Review Financials. City Secret_ary addressed this·item,aqd explained the balances in the money market account and the certificates of deposit. The total investments in certificates of deposits were $559,000. The revenue summaries and financials and sales tax collections for the month of February.were discussed. City Secretary advised the depository bank was changed on January 1, 2007 so the interest is not as high as it has been in the past. Update on Economic Development Activities Ms. Carson presented a compiled report on her accomplishments and information on •projects that the 4B had funded. ~s~ Carson advised that when she began her position with the City, there were no rpissions or goals for economic development and from her personal perspective for economic development she created a mission and some goals to accomplish. Promoting existing development and rewarding employment opportunities appeared to be the direction the community needed to proceed. Identifying and recruiting tiusinesses,providing for the economy, encouraging growth and retention, e~couraging development and development downtown in a pro-business atmosphere were also items she felt were important. She set short· t~rm goals in order to r~acb these goals. In this process she bad to find out information concerning what the .community had interest in and their desires. ,, •' ( r ' i.. .• This was accomplished by completion of a survey. Thi~ was also done by the 4A Board, Chamber of Commerce Directors, · Chamber Economic Development Committee, representatives from the School Districts, and by talking to city staff. The Master Plan Survey· was conducted on-line, which allowed the citizens of .the community to express their interest and desires in the community. The survey material was provided to .the Steering Committee, which was appointed by Council, and asked quality of life questions .. The three critical issues were planning for growth, quality retail development, and transportation and street conditions. The highest rated item was employment opportunities and enhancement of downtown areas and in the area of development, citizens strongly supported a grocery store. Ms. Carson indicated that what she continues to hear is: sit-down restaura"nts, indoor entertainment, music hall, and a skating rin~ Ms. Carson continued with the information she had complied for marketing purposes, which is also posted on the Sanger EDC web site that was immediately created for promoting Sanger. The information consists of population projections, school district, work force, and tax rate analysis.with·comparisons. This information is essential for economic development and is looked at by various developers and prospects. Land Use analysis along with transportation and utilities is also provided. This Information was'addedfrom the Buxton Study. Ms. Carson advised that the w;eb site has had about 1,200 hits since November. Research proves that about 95% of prospects utilize the web site to gather information about the community. The sangertexas.org we~ site, EDC and Chamber of Commerce web _site are all linked together. Glenn Ervin inquired on the population estimate for 2010 and how that information was .projected. Ms. Carson advised that the information is based on projections of growth: She also I • advised Co-Serve had a projection map that indicates a 20% growth in the City of Sanger. This information is based on a guess; however, this is what sources were used in the projections. Ms. Carson continued with a summary ofthe Buxton Report consisting of the trade area, where citizens spend their monies and the demographics. It also provides· a breakdown .on the spending habits of the community. The top items for spending were automotive, (ollow.ed by household furnishings. It outlined consumer spending and gave a listing of the matches that would be best prospects for Sanger. The high int~rest areas were grocery store aml sit down restaurants. Buxton will continue this process in March by contacting all these vendors themselves and providing them with information regarding the spending habits of the community. ·-~ ,,, ! ,•' ,, ' ··' \ Ms. Carson advised that B.uxton has offered, at no additional cost, to do an analysis on r~creati~n, specifical,ly looking at Lake Ray Rober_ts. The City Manager and she have discussed !~is, and have agreed to proceed forward, unless there is an objection from the board. Beverly Branch asked how the retailers are picked. Ms. ~arson advised by the spending habits. · They overlay those spending habits and i4entify the profile of ea~h of those retailers and businesses. ' , Discpssion continued on the identifying the retailers and businesses. Ms. Carson continued ~ith discussing the last two projects she is currently working on. She advised that on the town plan the city. is currently working with Nelson Morgan on the Phase Development for sidewalk constructi_on of downtown. She also advised that on the Historical Church Project she has met with Art Wineman to discuss an agreement for the construction plan that is necessary to complete the three phases of the church. Thi~ will include finishing t~e exterior, interior and the electrical plumbing and insulation. They· anticipate this will probably not be completed until November or December. The total allocat.on for, the Church project was $135,000. President Armstrong expressed a concern on whether the.city was hiring someone to be responsible for the project or a contractor. Discussion continued regarding Mr. Wineman's services. President Armstrong expressed that Mr. Wineman can be costly and she would like to try to save money on this project. Ms. Carson indicated there are certain requirements with the Texas Historical Commission that had to be inet. 5. Discuss Contract of Economic Developn,ient Director. President Armstrong advised that she requested.this item be on the agenda and it has nothing to do with Ms. Carson personally. She recently got info~ed that Ms. Carson has a contract and she b ~he only employee that has a contract. The other concern is that the Board did not get· a chance to review the contract. She expressed that out of courtesy they should have had an opportunity to review the contract. The other concern is that the contract is for two years and even though Ms. Carson is doing a great job, the board agr~ed that aft~r her evaluation they would decide to vote for another year. She suggested that in the future if the board is paying the salary that they be kept informed on what is going on. ·1 ' ,. \, 6. City Secretary advised. that when the selection committee was appointed there was a representative from 4B, Kim Shaw and 4A Vickie Jenkins. The both reviewed the agreement and made necessary corrections prior. to sending it, to the City Attorney. The only reason that a contract was drafted was due to the Exhibit A which was the ,incentive package. President Armstrong suggested that as courtesy to let the board know what is going on. List of Future Agenda Items. Ms. Carson advised she is working on Incentive Policy in addition to the current one in place which was for Wal-Mart. She indicated they have some opportunities for retail and hotels that Jack and she have discussed. Ms. Carson provided some information on some advertiseµients. Southwest Airlines had an ad in November promoting Sanger, Texas Downtown Association which they have received 400 inquires, and in November and December they had an ad in the Trade and Development Magazine which is a resource guide. 7. President Armstrong declared meeting adjourned. 5-03-2007 11:52 AM 42 -4B CORPORATION , ACCOUNT NO# TITLE CASH MONEY MARKET SANGER TX DEV. CORP.CD 497371 4B CD 461024(6669) RECEIVABLE-OTHER DUE FROM GEN. FUND 00-1010 00-1011 00-1012 00-1053 00-1060 00-1062 AMT TO BE PROVIDED FOR L-T-D LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 00-2201 N/P GNB REVENUES EXPENSES 00-3020 ~0-4425 00-4800 00-4940 o·o-4985 76-5200 76-5210 76-5215 76-5220 76-5225 76-5410 76 ° 54iO 7605450 76-6500 FUND BALANCE STATE SALES TAX INTEREST INCOME DONATIONS TRANFERS OUT TO 4B/PARK EXP CHECK CHARGES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL & REGISTRATIONS DUES PUBLICATIONS/SUBSCRIPTIONS INSURANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ENGINEERING FEES PROJECTS ***TOTALS*** C I T Y 0 F SANGER TRIAL BALANCE AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2007 **** MONTH TO DATE**** DEBITS 35,133.00 2,394.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 37,727.99 CREDITS 19,851.00 15,482.00 2,394.99 37,727.99CR ***** YEAR TO DATE***** DEBITS 49,999.64 85,345.33 566,377.59 17,704.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 0.00 12,500.00 732,787.09 CREDITS 590,300.08 121,386.32 21,100.69 732,787.09CR PAGE: 1 5-03-2007 11:52 AM 42 -4B CORPORATION REVENUE SUMMARY 4B REVENUES ••• TOTAL REVENUES ••• EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 76-4B EXPENSES ••• TOTAL EXPENDITURES••• •• REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES•• TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) CITY OF SANGER FINANCIAL STATEMENT CURRENT BUDGET 250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2007 CURRENT PERIOD 17,876.99 17,876.99 200.00 200.00 17,676.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 Y-T-D ACTUAL 142,487.01 142,487.01 13,360.02 13,360.02 129,126.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 \ OF BUDGET 56.99 56.99 5.34 5.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Y-T-D ENCUMB. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: 1 BUDGET BALANCE 107,512.99 107,512.99 236,639.98 236,639.98 129,126.99) 0.00 0.00 0.00 5-03-2007 11:52 AM 42 -4B CORPORATION REVF.NUES REVENUES, 4B REVENUES 00-4425 STATE SALES TAX 00-4800 INTEREST INCOME 1 0004940 DONATIONS TOTAL 4B REVENUES ••• TOTAL REVENUES ••• C I T Y O F S A N G E R FINANCIAL STATEMENT CURRENT BUDGET 240,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 -------------- AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2007 CURRENT PERIOD 15,482.00 2,394.99 0.00 17,876.99 17,876.99 -------------- Y-T-D ACTUAL 121,386.32 21,100.69 0.00 142,487.01 142,487.01 ============== \ OF BUDGET 50.58 211.01 0.00 56.99 56. 99 Y-T-D ENCUMB. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 , =========;;;::::;;- PAGE: 2 BUDGET BALANCE 118,613.68 11,100.69) 0.00 107,512.99 107,512.99 ============== 5-03-2007 11:52 AM 42 -4B CORPORATION 76-4B EXPENSES DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES C I T Y O F S A N G E R FINANCIAL STATEMENT CURRENT BUDGET AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2007 CURRENT PERIOD Y-T-D ACTUAL \ OF BUDGET Y-T-D ENCUMB. PAGE: 3 BUDGET .BALANCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52-SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 76-5200 CHECK CHARGES 0.00 o.oo 60.02 0.00 0.00 60.02) 76-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 200.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 76-5215 TRAVEL & REGISTRATIONS 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 76-5220 DUES 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 76-5225 PUBLICATIONS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 TOTAL 52-SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 1,150.00 0.00 60.02 5.22 0.00 1,089.98 54-CONTRACT SERVICES 76-5410 INSURANCE 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 76-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 26,200.00 200.00 800.00 3.05 0.00 25,400.00 76-5450 ENGINEERING FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 54~CONTRACT SERVICES 26,300.00 200.00 800.00 3.04 0.00 25,500.00 65-PROJECTS 76-6500 PROJECTS 222,550.00 0.00 12,500.00 ~ 0.00 210,050.00 TOTAL 65-PROJECTS 222,550.00 0.00 12,500.00 5.62 0.00 210,050.00 ... DEPARTMENT TOTAL . .. 250,000.00 200.00 13,360.02 5.34 0.00 236,639.98 ============== ============== ============== ==========---= ======----==-- ••• TOTAL EXPENDITURES••• 250,000.00 200.00 13,360.02 5.34 0.00 236,639.98 I OTHER FINANCING SpURCES (USES) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ••• END OF REPORT*** 4B ·oE:POSITS 1999 I 2000 I 2001 I 2002 ~ ! 2003 I 2004 I 2005 I 2006 I . 2007 1.~1~,~1/~~~-~~t1~)1tt:1~~u;~~:.i~;~~:::J~~,=~"~~~~-~~J.r~~~1'F~-o/r#CJtt:r~i~:,~,2l::~1~~t~::~~:::t*r1~~t/;~i~:~;~s:~~~1P',~?1$1tr':}??!'-~-z':~J~i:~~,~~.~;~ JAN. I $6,691.041 $8,083.931 $8,937.431 $10,348.821 $10,188.221 $25,847.621 $13,993.781 $16,264.501 $16,691.41 ! ,.:•-~~,;ry;• -... 1t::~:~_r·~~~~--.r:~:1:~t~~:e1~~~1~~~~~~,~~tr1}.:~t~i~~.i11~ti~~-;~~~er:~tif~~rf\~IJ~>~ ... '.-\iU~f~~i~:t::t~;~·~~i tl1:~~~? .. ~k~~~ ;r?-i-~t~~»,}1:.i~;f.f~ri FEB. I $9,806.45! $9,763.37! $11,840.64! $14,870.78! $14,840.341 $17,485.76! $21,779.911 $21,513.62! $19,601.101 ~~_.-~1~:~1r:."'Y-.:t<~rr1~1~~-:::~~~~~t?~~~~:~~~~~~-~n~-i1£~m:~~~~-11t~t~it:1~~~~~t4~~~~~~~~~~~~~wit~~~--;i~~~-~~~-~~~'!~~~~~z~~ MARCH I $6,700.02! $10,384.631 $8,984.181 $9,209.151 .. $12,446.361 $13,382.91! $14,254.43) . $16,620.93) $16,472.34! i~i~~~~~ ~:~iv•~,;.:~~~~;~1r-~"•~tfJ~~~~~t~n~~(~~j~~~:l.;~~~r\;(1t$~.t,~1¾~~/~,f~:•.~t~~~tt~~~~~+~~ft;.r~::tlf,~·~:~~~~t~~~;,i~~'n~~~~:~i~l;~~::1~ APRIL I $10,075.18) $8,416.521 . $9,517.25! . $9,195.02! $9,202.141 $12,224.771 $14,166.10) $17,198.17! $15,482.001 ~ ::·"#JJ~:-·'.\~~-:t•:;t·t;~.~!;'·~'ft~:'°'~~~t~.;~;:~,~e~Y,"7;::~~~J~ii.!J:~~~tt~w.~t.r~P>t~r:~t~JJ~~t:~1:t2~~tt.it"'i~:·~1~1;-1,,v:~~~,~1 rrtt~w:i't~~~t1 MAY ! $9,970.221 $10,323.15\ $14,946.44) $10,623.56! $15,125.04) $20,311.37! $20,556.14\ $17,428.361 I li· .. ,r;;~:--~7·=1t.,.,·:s::.1r1r~~~,~~a,~,-.-¼;1!J\f1~-,;,t;c~;~~~;:t~f~;;~;::r},;:·:1·l~~fi'.$t~~~"i',~tt1)~'i'~-:.:r1:~',i·:.':"~~~1:~1;~:~~~,tr"'f.~~~"P-~tf~~,;;-,-:;1 JUNE I $7,392.45) $7,953.66! $10,131.011 $11,911.06! $14,358.111 $18,276.94) $15,585.54! $23,063.991 . I ~;,;t:w'r;:fi :~tr::~·]!$:"J'."-~;~'i~tt..f;t~;~'jJWtt~~r~~~~~~s~,'!:s,t";".'ff;:W:::~,·.:""~JtiU&1'llASt1l~~"tJt''~~t.:1t:'::-,:.:;i"i~M~~~::i.; JULY I $8,733.02! $7,642.301 $12,784.18) $10,597.47! $11,370.28) $16,692.36) $16,914.631 $17,896.761 . I t:~?~ :~-~!¾;;~t~~~11~13~~~~~~~ti::~~~~~~~:::r~~~~,~·.J!t~;;~tf.~~~tlt~,~;-if>-1?;:J~:-:fl~~f~~~i1~J ,~'!rm~~~·~t~:-::~·gf.~1r;;n(~~tr::c:~~.~~~f::1. AUGUST! $12,935.49! $10;854.25! $17,035.001 $14,962.17! $16,132.421 $18,954.71! $20,375.581. $24,003.151 , ... I ~~~:~ .. ~.r;~;;,tr~~•f~~~ttC~1'~J.;l~~~;r:;~;~t~~,~1~~iCtfl~:!:ti-~~~lt:~~~~:tJID~li~~~~~~1~ .. j~~~!;~;~:·s!~;~~~t~~1t:rft~•:'::t~~~~:~1 SEPT. I $8,584.58! $7,103.501 $11,612.08! $12,928.16! $13,140.491 $15,725.62! $16,977.991 $19,746.74! . I tI(~.;·~;~\~f~.-7:·~tw~i;~~~~~~7~!:~it~1~9·~~~~~~;~t~~~~~tf..#~;,lr0-~~?r.~1'it~n~·~~~~~--:~·~~:~1v,~~l~~Yo.~;~~l~;-::~w~:1.1;:'J\~~1 OCT. I _ $9,164.48! $10,136.271 $28,586.96! $13,940.44! $11,426.72! . $16,084.64) $17,704.51! _ $11,042.77! I i!'}t2r:tt~;J:t~1ftz:;ig~r::i~~~~~~~~~tttjft~i:::~~~..,.,~~~~,.,~~~~.~7l"#~-~:;•7t:\~~~1;;J·~t1tf,l,fr~~•~~~~r~pt'il"ft;~~i1f-t1~~W~i-,#l~~ NOV. I $8,912.47! $11,975.61 ! $16,166.711 $14,246.90! $17,184.88! $22,700.73) $20,661.06! _ $24,265.79! "' _ ! ri',~;~::t:~'l1~;t";t,~1':~'$~1!}\~~,,Jffi'~;;:~rt~~~~#l<~~m~~~o/.-;;,,~r1f'(4:1Jt:..J/i•~:J;t,~r~t-~J~t~}tl!l.;.":J:~$~::'9'£~¥i'.'.:'ft.f~i~•~~=~~"t~:tw.~~~ DEC. I . $12,594.42! $7,860.371 $10,397.061 $10,198.24! $12,570.111. $16,179.851 $19,822.071 $17,830.911 I TOTAL $111,559.82 $110,497.56 $160,938.94 $143,031.77 $157,985.11 $213,867.28 $212,791.74 . $226,875.69 $68,246.85 ~· I ! ,i l. I '· i·• ,, fl p ,, ! ,, ,, MEMO Date: May 4, 2007 , To: 4B Board Members , Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Re: Discussion to consider a new park project for soccer fields :Paul Edelman~ Park Chairman, will be addressing this item .. His request is for the 4B board to consider a new project for soccer fields. The site location is at Sable Creek -park land that is 'dedicated. · If board approves to proceed then we.will submit to the City Council for approval of the project and a public hearing will be scheduled accordingly.