05/18/2011-4B-Agenda Packet-Regular4B AGENDA SANGER, TEXAS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2011 6:00 P.M. 502 ELM STREET 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: March 28, 2011 3. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Purchasing Property for Future Park Improvements. 4. Project Update: a) Sports Complex , 5. Review Financials. 6. Adjourn. \\\1\111111111,, \\\ r:: s ,,, ,,,,, 0, Al\,' 111/✓ .• . . ---r-A1""7. ./ '',<.,,."' ........ ' Q "-:, ( >yJ -I~ ILtUWf'u-..-~--<;;~o',,2?1~.J~//1(_, Tami Taber, City Secretary l (__ ~-) rad Time Poste , . . ~ ~. ·•.. ..·· $ ~,,,, rf x·;:;,,s ,,,,,~ ,,, . ,, .. 11111111111\l\\\ This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: SANGER TEXAS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION March 28, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Beverly Howard, Christy Crutsinger, Jeff Springer, Beverly Branch, Will Dutton, Barbara Martin, John Payne City Manager Mike Brice, Tami Taber City Secretary 1. Call Meeting to Order. President Payne called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: October 25, 2010 Motion was made by Beverly Branch to approve minutes as presented. Seconded by Will Dutton. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Update on Dispute With Streetscape Contractor. City Manager explained that the dispute involves irrigation items that weren't on the spec sheet. The amount is approximately $22,000. The contractor has filed suit on the City and it is now in the attorneys' hands. 4. Discussion on Creating a Master Plan for new Park Land. City Manager advised that the Willow and Jones Street property is to be released to the City which includes approximately seven acres. It would cost the 4B Board less than $10,000 to fund. Motion was made by Christy Crutsinger for a Master Plan to include all property. Seconded by Beverly Howard. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Project Update: a) Sports Complex Tour of the Sports Complex. 6. Review Financials. City Manager went over the financials and stated that the sales tax is still up from last year. 5. Adjourn. Motion was made by President John Payne to adjourn at 6:45 p.m. 7year@5% Annual Pynit A "' ' ', Less annual_rent on.house· '48 annual'commitmen-i:: 'f" " . . .. , .. . City!share 'of debt Property.Tax Increase ' ,-, ,-; ~· House & La~d I • -•r · ·. ;Splash gark _ ' ,.. ·' Less Cash '.Less Sale c>i"ho-use ~. ' ~ . i.T otfl 1· (i_~in~~ .. if, • ·i • 1, ' ..; ,~ i '~: :~;/t , . ~-,:_:~\-. -· .; , .. L,,. __ 'i; r7v~gf@~~·~-~n~.~.I -~vmt -: .. -. ;~ .. :-•~d•· .. ~ ~·,~ -."'/\1 "::.~. ,.1 ... ~,·.1·~•._, .,f 't,o• !~, , '48 annual commitment,. · __ . 1 r ~i:.~ ....... _ .. ,,:;~r~~-,._ -~'.'!' .;;i),,:4J~~-~.-::--·,t ~\," ' ,,.,,'t~-. '-\ • ' [C::i!'{share.of:debt-\if,.,r:. ,,,,\t:..,1 ·,.;;:~'l;, ·,1 lRrsei4'L?.tt~;!fo:Eti~kl~:~11fi;;~,:;~~] Scenario 1 $103,691.00. $18,000.00 $30,000.00 $55,691.00 $0.016 1 ' Scenario 3 $750,000.00 t. $1ss,s3s:oo :s1s,'ooo.o_o $40))00:00 $97,538.00 .·so:02s~ Sce~ario4 . • '; l · · $1so,obo.oo; '$300,000'.00' s1so,ooo.oo. " ·s1;o;oqd.oo' $200,000.00: $2bo,ooo.ci6: $400,000.00 !· · .$,7C>OOOO'.OO. j ->/:'\';i{;://'.t, . . i • L1~l!: " " " LINE TABLE SEA.QP.~ D!ST...:CE SIU"36'1D"W &!.19' 110..W NJG"19'2S"\V m.rr S!6.49'[]J"W S8!"21'33"E 21;.e' HOlEh ow, A TRACT OF I.NC) OESCRIBSl IN A DEED TO F.E.AKERSETUX VOLUME 529.. PAGE 33 NOlE'2 om, AlRACfOFI..AN) DESCRSEO IN A DEED TO NJ..GHee< VQ.UME569.PAGE37 1 CI.U'IUCSCAU! ~ 0 lOCI lOII DETAIL 1"=30' ~64• KNAil.SET n.02ACRES ROCK~ RET~ ,..,.,.u ' /i ,, A TRACT OF L-UCD Oi:SCRP..!:DIH "-OEEO lO JOl-'.NC.ISM.C,mR-v«:1-1.LTD. I I VO:..WE 4579. PAGE 557 I? i ,~ I I 1.IU3/M:EB'I Of' A "TRACTOFl.t.tlll ~ IN A DEED TO J.8.'l.W L!ll.LAR ET U::: VOLUII.E 2558. PAGE 953 -------- ~-----,-=- SE<,'EREASEJA:NrJ VOU.:.'IE6£:.0.PAGE9C2 STATIC"( AREUAJfl)EROFA TRACTOFI.N-IOOESOU3ED IN A DEED TO liSIVtH LR1AR ET UX '-'l'.X..IAE255&.PN3E.ti3 Being au that oortam trad or pared olland slua!:ed n the M.R. fuleson Su-vey, Abstract No. 71 and the R.A. Johnson Sun.~. Abslrad. No. 666, Denton County, Texas and being a remainder of a c&Ded 72.1-46 e:n,. lrad of land desc:nbed in a deed frcm Jcseph E. Powel. Et.ux., m Af:::'arn f.!illar, Etux as~ In Volume 2558. Page 953, Rea! Propefl.y Reocn:fs. a:w:I subject tract being more pal'lheriy desafbed as folows: Beginning at a ½" iron t0d £ound f::>r llt2 most Ncrthe,t-J Ni:nhwest comer of said 72.146 acre tract and the Ncrtheasl ccmer cf. a tract of land desaibed in a deed to F.E. Akers. ELux,.. as recorded in Voll.lffl9 528. Page 33, Deed Records and on the Southwest comer of Lot 20. Block 3. of Sang et South Subdivision an addmon to lhe Denton County as recon:!ed in VOOJl'ne 1,. Page26,0eed R.ecc«ls: in sak:i county; THENCE South 84 degrees 50 minutes 27 seconds East a dlsiance along or near a fence line with the Soulh line thereor a part of the v,:aypassing al 384.64 feet a½" square tube me121 rod fcund !w tt:e Southeast comer of let 16 and lhe Scuttr.vesi comer of Lot 15, Bk>ck3 efsaida::!dition and continulng a!Ong saldmne passing at 630.17 feet a weed fenoe post found for the Southeast comer of a called 0.500 acre trad oflaod de5Cribed in a deed ic East Teicas ~ P~ Chutt::h or God as recorded In Vclume 1•31, Page 217, Real Property ReaxdS and cnnllnulng along said course a total distance 658.03 feet loapoi,tinlhecenterofCo"A-ting Road for the Northeast cc,ner of sai:I n.14o aae tract; THENCE South 01 degrees 52 mnutes 01 seo:in:is '-'iest v.ilh the East llne thereof Generally wilh the middle cf said ro:.!d a distan:::e cl 4015.35 feel to a point Clear Cnoelc TI-IENCE wilh the South f111e of said 72.146 acre tra:1.generally \llilh the ,cenler of said a-eek the fo!bi.Wlg 5 ~ M:I di:Stances; (I) THENCE Scuth82d~~38mbules 1DseccodsY'lt:St2QJS!anceof86.19 feet ID a comer; (2) THENCE North 70 deg~ 05 minutes 50 seconds West. a d"istance of 110.•0 feelto a mner; C3) THENCE North 40 degrees 47 rnlnute$55 seconds West.adislanceof715.74 feel to aromer, (4) THEflCE North 36degrees 19 r.tlnuleS 25 sec:inds Wootadistance of292.77 feet to a comer: (5) THENCE South 88 degrees 49 minutes OJ secxlnds West a d"ISU!nc:.e of 38.08 feet to accmsi-on the East R.O.Wline oflolets!ae Highway35and the Soultrwesl:comeroftheheta,describebad:; \ lHENCE NaJth 03 degees 41 minutes 15 secondsWe:SI --.ilh lhe \\est line lhareof , and the East R.O.W of said 1-35 passing el99.19 feet a Wood RO.W. Monumenl found end conUnul'lg along said course a lotal distance cf 1696.63 feet to a capped iron rod set ror the S<iulhwesl corner of a caled 0.50 acre trad of land described 11 a deed lo Frank J. f.tk as m:m:led in Q:u;ty Clen:. lnstl.wnenl: tbnber" COVt.'l.JNG ROAD 2006-10225 1, Real Pn:Ji;ertyRacon:ls: 2-l'ASFI-W.TRO,,l,O THENCE Soulh 88 degrnes 21 mnrles 33 sea:mdS East ,.ilh lhc &:ult)ine'lheroof a C!Stancear217.69feettoacep:ped ln:>n md setforlhe-SOUttleastccmerofsald 0.50 ca!led acre lract THENCE NoJth 01 degrees 38 minutes 27 seconds Ea:stwllh the East 1ne lhefeOf a d"/W!IJQ!. of 97.66 feet 1n a c.irriec1 mo rod 11e1 rorlhe. NorthMsl a:mertherecf Nxf being on theSoultl llneofa caled 12.7181 amt tractoflaod desal:led Ina deed lo John C. lsaac)JI Ranch, Ud. as recorded in Vcbne-t579,Page557,Raal Property -lHENCE South 88 degf9eS 21 mnlles 33 second5 East alMg «near !he fence line wilhlheSotdtlineht'eOfanddistmceof156.89feellDamelalfencepostfo,.ni for the Soulheasta:wrwof,ald of said 12.7181 aaetractandaouterela:imet'of said 72.146 aae lfa:t;: 11-IENCE Nol1h 03 degrees 01 riwles 4-t seconds East akJng or new a fence line with the Westline thendam Che East line of said 12.7181 acre net a dbtance or 1-165.40 feel.ID PLACE OF BEGtNNJNG endoslng72.02 eaes mlandmore «leas. Th!s su,yey correc:Oy repesents 1he ~ aran on-h,gromd saney made under mydirectionand~on O!M1-2008 lhetewenoVisllleorapparent inlruslons. prolNsms «easements e,a:eptas shown hcrea1. FLOOO STATEMEHT: I NWeeumb,d the F.E.MA Rood~ Rate Map for the Ci¥d Sanger, Communly Nlnlber '80786and In Dentz>n Cculty, Communlly tunbef 480774 effedfve dale 4..0:M997 and lhat map nlcalies. 1h11: lhls property Is wiZhin "'Non-Shaded z.one X""~ as •Ateas delermlned IO be outside lhe 500 yearlood" and I& wllhln ~ Zaw AF demed as~ Finl Hazad Areas kuwialed By 1oo.,ear lood..., base Aaod Bewltins Delemlned" as ShO'M'I on Pend 210 of sakt map. KemelhA.ZdlklgerRP.LS..No.5312 Dale NOTE: This surwey is only vai::J b"GFI· 0887131< NOTE:Oriy._~ Ea9ermr'lts$,ll)fllied1Dme~been~int ---Vcune 308, Page 581 Blanket TM)!! Easement ID Brazos River Tl1lrlSlrission -~----by-d _ _,......_ v..:..ne 338, Page 110 20 • woe B1an1ce1 i)'Pe Emement1o Detmrl CountyEledric Coopmaliwl ~ alfectsSIJbil!ld:lrad: by 'VUdlngressand es,e.. vaune 804. Page 902 Ememalt.lO Cly of Sanger, affOClS sulljed.lmd.asshown. Cm.llcy Oe,k Fie Nta'rmer97-R0067324 Eaemenl Ill Uppu-Trinly Regmal W8ler Oislrid,atrectssubjectlrad.asshown. REV 1 -CORRECllONS "--9112'18 1720 WESTMINSTER DENTON, TX 76205 K /~1,_ ·z· . i.:J:::OB=N:::~::::9:°:::ER:::.:)382-a..•c:080856-0:= 3446 ==1---l I :il ~\ DRAWN BY: A.C. , • ., CHECKED BY: KAZ. DATE: 09111/08 SURVEYING RP.LS. KENNc!H A. ZOUINGER