02/15/2007-BOA-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. 3. 4. s. AGENDA BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2ooQ 201 Bolivar Street 6:00 P.M. Call Meeting to Order. Approve Minutes: November 19, 2006 Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request Concerning Setbacks for an Accessory Building on property Legally Described as Heritage West block A, Lot 1. Property is Located at 2S01 Santa Fe Trail. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request Concerning:St!tbwc~,for ,,\.· -~ • .. '>, an Accessory Building on property Legally Described as Heritage .W.~t 16J~\i;.N,•~ot .. 1. Property is Located at 2S01 Santa Fe Trail. ··:. ;-¢-_.~•··· , ····~;~ -~~- ., v _. 1"-0$/·.~ . ; : ~... I ~ , ~ ~: Adjourn. .. , {! [ -✓., 7 j f • •. • I 1/'-,\ : ••• -+-.;;;;....--~___,;:.::;..;;......,'·~"""·-·~ ~-.. ;..: Rosalie Chavez, City S~ret· :-~-···· ;/ ''.;~ .. ••••••• s.,, .. "-C/ r-t a D ~~.. 'Ex AS ~"'~ Qt -0 J {/\ ~6 ~;f,tdnt\:.\\\\\\~ Date and Time Posted This facility is.wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. BOARD MEMBERS: Please call Rose or Sam at 458-7930 and advise if you ARE or ARE NOT PLANNING to ATTEND. MINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 19, 2006 PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Tracy Murphree, Carroll McNeill, Mark McNeal, Byron Moore, John Looper OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez 1. Shelley Ruland called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: August 18, 2NS Motion was made by Shelley Ruland to approve minutes as presented. Seconded by Mark McNeaL Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request Concerning Setback Regulations on the side yards, and the rear yard and the parking regulations on property legally described as Sullivan North, Block 4, Lot lR. Property is Located at 709 Chapman Drive. Public Hearing Opened. Know one spoke for or against request. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request Concerning Setback Regulations on the side yards, and the rear yard and the parking regulations on property legally described as Sullivan North, Block 4, Lot lR. Property is located at 709 Chapman Drive. Mr. Looper made motion to approve Variance Request Concerning Setback Regulations on the side yards, and the rear yard and the parking regulations on property legally described as Sullivan North, Block 4, Lot lR. Property is located at 709 Chapman Drive. Seconded by Shelley Ruland. Motion carried unanimously. S. Meeting Adjourned. Date: Name: Address: :Phone: VARIANCE REQUEST _j 04': aa o , AE: · «,St:>, .:fntum ~ ,2/'~. '%' fik~kb c..,.~, I am requesting a variance on the property located at 2SPJ .~ ,:t:: , and Ieplly descnbed as Ol-d<#: 8, L,r I 4leet7ikt! . ~z:: to be considered f~llowingvt2:ce: 4 ✓ 0 ~ L, q" ~~ E~15&1¥l.4b::~ Ei~&~-~ (,r,£.. ·_· ... ;11e ~Ul'J)Qse for this vapanse request is as follows: ,_ · ~ tu,~ ~44} '7a-lfiwe: Mis 6,¥✓. ~!ti¢; ·frl'= ~~ Db> ho~. l4Rrtr /Q1a6 µ1 C-.14J:: ~received -----Fee $2()().00 PD. ---Rec·d by: _____ _ 0.75' WOOD FENCE. _ __,..__,,0 WEST OF' l Im ;; .J ai co LOT 1 BLOCK A SINGLE STORY BRICK 2501 SANTA F'E TRAIL 19.4' -i '° i 0.01' STONE WALL FENCE NORTH OF' t 0.73' ~ WOOD FENCE NORTH 0 i OF' t 0.2' Ill ~ 112· CIRf' NOTE: Basis of bearing is STAMPED •ALL• the south line of Heritage West Subdivision Phase 1 recorded in CAB. T, Pg. 4, P.R.D.C.T. I 0.14' WOOD FENCE WEST OF' t FLOOD STATEMENT: I have -examined the F.E.M.A. Flood 0 ! Insurance Rate Map for (') . Denton County, Texas, 0 w (') ~i Community Number 48077 4 .,.. and City of Sanger '8 Community Number 480786, 3. C .. ~ -effectiv~ date Morch 30, .,.._ I!~~ 01 1998 and that map indicates ~I B-;, o that this property is in w· ·t-~ Non-Shaded ZONE X, which 0 ~ -is defined as "areas 0 0 .o 0 uz:e determined to be outside C/J 0.11• 500-year flood plain" as WOOD FENCE shown on Panel 205 F of WEST OF' l said Map Number 48421 C0205 F . CONC. CURB SANTA FE TRAIL 1 ) ~' (50' R.0.W.) CONC. ROAD~ i, GRAPHIC SCALE HEXTER-FAIR TITLE COMPANY, GF /I SG0621918~ EFFECTIVE DATE: OCTOBER 31, 2006 The following easements listed below does· affect the subject property: 1. Restrictive Covenants recorded in Vol. 4969, Page 4552 of the R.P.R.D.C.T. 1 a. Final Plot of Heritage West Subdivision Phase 1 , recorded in Cabinet T, Page 4 of the Plot Records of Denton County, Texas: 1 b. 30' Front Buildirig Setback. 1 c. 25' Rear Building Setback. 1d. 8" West Side Building Setback. 1 e. 20' Ecist Side Building Setback. The following ore Blanket Easements and does affect the subject property: 1 f. Covenants, terms, conditions and easements, Delcoration doted November 16, 2001, recorded Vol. 4969, Pg. 4552, D.R.0.C.T. 1 g. Easement to .Brazos River Transmission Electric Cooperative, Inc., dated July 18, 2006, recorded in Vol. 306, Pg. 576 of The D.R.D.C.T. 1 h. Easement to ·Denton County Electric Cooperative Easement, doted June ~28, 1937, recorded in Vol. 401, Pg. 60 of The 0.R.D.C.T. TO ALL PARTIES 0IRECRY INTERESTED IN THE PREMISES SURVEYED: I have this date directed a careful and accurate survey mode on the ground of the property located at 2501 Santo Fe Trail, in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas and being Lot 1, Block A, of Heritage West Subdivision, Phase I, on addition in the City of Songer, Denton County, Tav,....,. .... A ..... .,... .. ...,:--a...., &t..-ru-t. &t. ......• 1 •• . • • • -• • • --· 15 30 I __ I 1 inch -= LEGEND • CAPPED IRON ROD F'OUNO • CAPPED IRON ROD SET ~ AIR CONDITIONER Im ELECTRIC RISER ft, CAS METER ~ IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE ® Ct.EANOUT Im TELEPHONE RISER ~ WATER VALVE ~ FIRE HYDRANT ( ] • DEED .OR Pt.AT CALL D.R.• DEED RECORDS P.R.• Pt.AT RECORDS M.R. • MAP RECORDS U.E.• UTIJTY EASEMENT C.M. CONTROL. MONUMENT B.L• BUii.DiNO LINE Legal Notice The City of Sanger's Board of Adjustments will conduct a Public Hearing on February 15, 2007 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at 201 Bolivar, regarding a Variance Request concerning setbacks for an Accessory Building on Property Legally described as Heritage West Block A, Lot 1. Property is located at 2501 Santa Fe Trail. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary