01/03/2022-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 2022 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1.CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM, INVOCATION, AND PLEDGE 2.CITIZEN INPUT: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issues brought up during this section. 3.SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayoral proclamations, presentations of awards and certificates, and other acknowledgements of significant accomplishments or service to the community. A.Oath of Office and Pinning of Police Chief Waylan Rhodes. B.American Legion Post 268 presenting the awards for the Police Officer and Firefighter/Paramedic of the year for 2021. 4.CONSENT AGENDA: All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless requested by a Councilmember to remove the item(s) for additional discussion. Any items removed from the Consent Agenda will be taken up for individual consideration. A.MINUTES WORK SESSION Consider the joint work session minutes from the December 20, 2021, meeting. B.MINUTES REGULAR SESSION Consider the regular session minutes from the December 20, 2021, meeting. 5.REGULAR AGENDA A.AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE ­ ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Consider Ordinance 01­01­22, Amending the Code of Ordinances Appendix A, Fee Schedule, Article 3, Business Related Fees, Sec 3.1100, Alcoholic Beverages. (Edwards) B.BULL BARE ADDITION ­ MINOR PLAT Consider a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of the Bull Bare Addition, being 7.013 acres in the City of Sanger's ETJ, and generally located on the south side of FM 455 and approximately Page 1 AGENDACITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGMONDAY, JANUARY 3, 20227:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING403 N 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS1.CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM,INVOCATION, AND PLEDGE2.CITIZEN INPUT:Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issuesbrought up during this section.3.SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTSMayoral proclamations, presentations of awards and certificates, and other acknowledgements ofsignificant accomplishments or service to the community.A.Oath of Office and Pinning of Police Chief Waylan Rhodes.B.American Legion Post 268 presenting the awards for the Police Officer andFirefighter/Paramedic of the year for 2021.4.CONSENT AGENDA:All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unlessrequested by a Councilmember to remove the item(s) for additional discussion. Any items removed from theConsent Agenda will be taken up for individual consideration.A.MINUTES WORK SESSIONConsider the joint work session minutes from the December 20, 2021, meeting.B.MINUTES REGULAR SESSIONConsider the regular session minutes from the December 20, 2021, meeting.5.REGULAR AGENDAA.AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE ­ ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGESConsider Ordinance 01­01­22, Amending the Code of Ordinances Appendix A, FeeSchedule, Article 3, Business Related Fees, Sec 3.1100, Alcoholic Beverages. (Edwards)B.BULL BARE ADDITION ­ MINOR PLAT Consider a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of the Bull Bare Addition, being 7.013 acres in the City of Sanger's ETJ, and generally located on the south side of FM 455 and approximately 226 feet east of Creekview Rd. (Hammonds) C.PUBLIC HEARING ­ SIGN VARIANCE Conduct a Public Hearing on a variance request for Sportsman II from Chapter 3 Building Regulations ­ Article 3.1400 Sign Regulations, Section 3.1407. (Hammonds) D.SPORTSMAN II ­ SIGN VARIANCE Consider a Variance request for Sportsman II from Chapter 3 Building Regulations ­ Article 3.1400 Sign Regulations, Section 3.1407 regarding overall square feet of proposed pole sign. (Hammonds) 6.INFORMATION ITEMS: 7.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor. 8.ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. December 29, 2021 at 4:00 PM Kelly Edwards, City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas Date/Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458­7930 for further information. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. A. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 3, 2022 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ITEM/CAPTION: MINUTES WORK SESSION Consider the joint work session minutes from the December 20, 2021, meeting. AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: N/A LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type 12­20­2021 CC WS Mins FINAL 12/22/2021 Cover Memo Page 3 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: JOINT CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, December 20, 2021 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir and Councilmember Gary Bilyeu, Councilmembers: Marissa Barrett, Allen Chick, Dennis Dillon, and Victor Gann. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Matt Fuller, Shane Stone, Sally Amendola, Jackie Turner, Allen McAlister, and Jason Miller. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager, Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Lance Vanzant, Development Services Director Ramie Hammonds, Permit Clerk Stefanie Dodson, and Director of Public Works Jim Bolz Marketing, Civic Engagement Director Donna Green, and Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw. 1. CALL THE WORK SESSION TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Muir called the City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Matt Fuller called the Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. WORK SESSION AGENDA a. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Presentation and discussion of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Rick Leisner, Norris Design, provided a presentation and overview of the draft Comprehensive Plan. Page 4 Page 2 of 2 Discussion ensued regarding the expansion of the Downtown area north to FM 455, GIS mapping layers, action and implementation plans, the city profile, workforce labels, the number of new household projections, and population data by age. City Manager Noblitt asked board members to submit revisions to Staff and Staff to coordinate the submissions to Norris Design. 3. ADJOURN. There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the Work Session at 6:59 p.m. Mr. Fuller adjourned the Planning & Zoning Commission at 6:59 p.m. _______________________________ Thomas Muir, Mayor ______________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary Page 5 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. B. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 3, 2022 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ITEM/CAPTION: MINUTES REGULAR SESSION Consider the regular session minutes from the December 20, 2021, meeting. AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: N/A LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type 12­20­2021 CC Mins Reg FINAL 12/22/2021 Cover Memo Page 6 Page 1 of 4 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2021 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir and Councilmember Gary Bilyeu, Councilmembers: Marissa Barrett, Allen Chick, Dennis Dillon, and Victor Gann. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager, Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Lance Vanzant, Development Services Director Ramie Hammonds, and Marketing and Civic Engagement Director Donna Green. 1. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM, INVOCATION, AND PLEDGE Mayor Muir called the Regular Session to order at 7:14 p.m. Invocation given by Councilmember Dillon the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Gann. 2. CITIZEN INPUT: No one addressed the Council. 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Honoring James Hunter for his 20 years of service with the City of Sanger B. Honoring Rodney Garrett for his 20 years of service with the City of Sanger Mayor Muir recognized and thanked both Mr. Hunter and Mr. Garrett for their service to the City. Page 7 Page 2 of 4 4. CONSENT AGENDA: A. MINUTES REGULAR SESSION Consider the regular session minutes from the December 6, 2021, meeting. (Edwards) B. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Consider appointing Thomas Ford to Place 1 of the Park and Recreation / Keep Sanger Beautiful Board. (Edwards) Motion made by Councilmember Bilyeu to approve consent agenda as presented. Councilmember Dillon seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Muir moved to Item 6A of the agenda. 5. REGULAR AGENDA A. ANNEXATION OF 15.6924 ACRES Conduct the second Public Hearing regarding the annexation of 15.6924 acres out of the B.F. Lynch Survey, Abstract number 725 and generally located approximately 2231 feet east of I- 35 and approximately 2385 feet south of Chisam Rd. (Hammonds) Mayor Muir opened the public hearing at 7:23 p.m. No one spoke. Mayor Muir closed the public hearing at 7:24 p.m. B. BLUE STAR INDUSTRIAL ADDITION - SUBDIVIDER'S GRADING AGREEMENT Consider a Subdivider's Grading Agreement between the City of Sanger and Sanger Texas Industrial, LLC, and authorize the Mayor or City Manager to execute the agreement. (Hammonds) Director Hammonds provided an overview of the item allowing the applicant to begin mass grading of the site. Discussion ensued regarding the document submission process prior to receiving a full set of Civil plans. Motion made by Councilmember Chick to approve the Subdivider's Grading Agreement between the City of Sanger and Sanger Texas Industrial, LLC, and authorize the Mayor or City Manager to execute the agreement. Councilmember Gann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 6. INFORMATION ITEMS: A. DANNENBAUM CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Construction update regarding IH-35 / FM 455 Expansion Project. Page 8 Page 3 of 4 Danny Everett, Dannenbaum Engineering (DEC), provided an overview project. Mr. Everett provided an update regarding the overall progress of the project, receipt of pipe fittings, the completion of sewer boring along FM 455 and Railroad, roadway letting dates, and a forthcoming Change Order regarding quantities. Mayor Muir moved back to Item 5A of the agenda. 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: None. 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY For deliberations regarding the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person. - Property location - a.) 78.421 acre tract of land out of the Williams Survey, Abstract No. 1281, Denton County, Texas; and b.) 247.318 acre tract of land out of the Crawford Survey, Abstract No. 280, Denton County, Texas; c.) 87.64 acre tract of land out of the Hudson Survey, Abstract No. 562, Denton County, Texas; and d.) 6.082 acre tract of land out of the Crawford Survey, Abstract No. 280, Denton County, Texas. B. Sec. 551.071. CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY For deliberations regarding legal (A) pending or contemplated litigation; or (B) a settlement offer; or (2) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter. - Property location - a.) 78.421 acre tract of land out of the Williams Survey, Abstract No. 1281, Denton County, Texas; b.) 247.318 acre tract of land out of the Crawford Survey, Abstract No. 280, Denton County, Texas; c.) 87.64 acre tract of land out of the Hudson Survey, Abstract No. 562, Denton County, Texas; and d.) 6.082 acre tract of land out of the Crawford Survey, Abstract No. 280, Denton County, Texas. Mayor Muir read the items for Executive Session and the Council convened into Executive Session at 7:32 p.m. 9. RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING: Mayor Muir and the Council reconvened into open session at 8:30 p.m. Motion made by Councilmember Bilyeu to authorize Attorney Burke to negotiate the purchase of property as provided in Executive Session Items 8A and 8B and authorize the Mayor or City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Councilmember Barrett seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Page 9 Page 4 of 4 10. ADJOURN. There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:31p.m. _______________________________ Thomas Muir, Mayor ______________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary Page 10 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.A. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 3, 2022 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ITEM/CAPTION: AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE ­ ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Consider Ordinance 01­01­22, Amending the Code of Ordinances Appendix A, Fee Schedule, Article 3, Business Related Fees, Sec 3.1100, Alcoholic Beverages. (Edwards) AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The current Code of Ordinances contains conflicting fees that can be charged for Alcoholic Beverage permits.  The fee schedule limits the amount the city can charge.  It specifies only two types of permits that the city can charge and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) allows for twenty­seven types of permits with subordinates, including a new category for Distilleries.   Appendix A, Fee Schedule, Article 3, Business Related Fees, Sec 3.1100, Alcoholic Beverages allows for a processing fee of $200.00 at the time of application submission for off­premises Beer and Wine Sales and a permit fee of $375.00 for the third renewal of a permit for Mixed Beverage Sales. Chapter 4, Article 4.1000, Alcoholic Beverages, Sec. 4.1002 allows the City to charge one­half of the state fee for each permit issued in accordance with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code.  Section 4.1007 (b) allows for a processing fee designated by the city’s fee schedule. To ensure the city can charge the full amount allowed by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code, which is one­half the state permit fee, the Fee Schedule of the Code has been amendment to reflect state statue.   LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: Legal has reviewed the Ordinance. Page 11 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 5.A.AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 3, 2022TO: John Noblitt, City ManagerFROM: Kelly Edwards, City SecretaryITEM/CAPTION:AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE ­ ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGESConsider Ordinance 01­01­22, Amending the Code of Ordinances Appendix A, Fee Schedule, Article 3, BusinessRelated Fees, Sec 3.1100, Alcoholic Beverages. (Edwards)AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The current Code of Ordinances contains conflicting fees that can be charged for Alcoholic Beverage permits.  The feeschedule limits the amount the city can charge.  It specifies only two types of permits that the city can charge and theTexas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) allows for twenty­seven types of permits with subordinates, including anew category for Distilleries.  Appendix A, Fee Schedule, Article 3, Business Related Fees, Sec 3.1100, Alcoholic Beverages allows for a processingfee of $200.00 at the time of application submission for off­premises Beer and Wine Sales and a permit fee of $375.00for the third renewal of a permit for Mixed Beverage Sales.Chapter 4, Article 4.1000, Alcoholic Beverages, Sec. 4.1002 allows the City to charge one­half of the state fee foreach permit issued in accordance with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code.  Section 4.1007 (b) allows for aprocessing fee designated by the city’s fee schedule.To ensure the city can charge the full amount allowed by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code, which is one­half thestate permit fee, the Fee Schedule of the Code has been amendment to reflect state statue.  LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:Legal has reviewed the Ordinance. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Approve the Ordinance 01­01­22 amending the Fee Schedule regarding Alcoholic Beverage permit fees. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Ordinance 01­01­22 Amending Fee Schedule Alcoholic Beverages 12/29/2021 Cover Memo Page 12 Ordinance – Appendix A, Fee Schedule, Sec 3.1100, Alcoholic Beverages Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE 01-01-22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES APPENDIX A, FEE SCHEDULE, ARTICLE 3, BUSINESS RELATED FEES, SEC 3 .1100, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (the “City”) is a home rule municipality regulated by state law and Charter; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare that development occur in a controlled and orderly manner; and WHEREAS, the current fee in the Appendix conflicts with fees a municipality can charge for an Alcoholic Beverage Permits as set forth by Texas Alcoholic; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Ordinance is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. That an amendment to The Code of Ordinances Appendix A, Fee Schedule, Article 3, Business Related Fees, Sec 3.1100, Alcoholic Beverages is as follows: “Section 3.1100 Alcoholic Beverages (a) The alcoholic beverage permit fee shall be equal to one-half of the most recently adopted state fee required by the state alcoholic beverage commission of every person that may be issued any state permit or license for the manufacture, distilling, brewing, importing, transporting, storing, distributing or sale of any beer, wine or mixed beverage unless a different fee is allowed or required by state law. No alcoholic beverage permit shall be issued unless the permit fee is received. SECTION 3. That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. Page 13 Ordinance – Appendix A, Fee Schedule, Sec 3.1100, Alcoholic Beverages Page 2 of 2 SECTION 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 3rd day of January, 2022. APPROVED: ________________________________ ATTEST: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ________________________________ APPROVED TO FORM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ________________________________ Hugh Coleman, City Attorney Page 14 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.B. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 3, 2022 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: BULL BARE ADDITION ­ MINOR PLAT Consider a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of the Bull Bare Addition, being 7.013 acres in the City of Sanger's ETJ, and generally located on the south side of FM 455 and approximately 226 feet east of Creekview Rd. (Hammonds) AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to create 1 lot of 7.013 acres, from 1 unplatted tract. The lot currently accesses from FM 455 and will have approximately 410 feet of frontage on the public ROW. The applicant previously dedicated 0.0111 acres of right­of­way for FM 455 expansion. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoning regulations apply. The property meets City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: Planning & Zoning recommended APPROVAL . FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff recommends APPROVAL . ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Page 15 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 5.B.AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 3, 2022TO: John Noblitt, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:BULL BARE ADDITION ­ MINOR PLATConsider a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of the Bull Bare Addition, being 7.013 acres in the City of Sanger's ETJ, andgenerally located on the south side of FM 455 and approximately 226 feet east of Creekview Rd. (Hammonds)AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The applicant is proposing to create 1 lot of 7.013 acres, from 1 unplatted tract. The lot currently accesses from FM455 and will have approximately 410 feet of frontage on the public ROW. The applicant previously dedicated 0.0111acres of right­of­way for FM 455 expansion. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoningregulations apply. The property meets City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:Planning & Zoning recommended APPROVAL .FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:Staff recommends APPROVAL . ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Location Map 12/27/2021 Cover Memo Application 12/27/2021 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 12/27/2021 Cover Memo Minor Plat 12/27/2021 Cover Memo Page 16 128424128421 300031 128417 620422 225315 225100 5977 0 59902 739838 2833 45 208169 225313 300029 75839 7315 42 300030 59901 744185 739608 5973 7 7444 31 300028 128454 6507 43 7738 91 59742 128457 128451 59901 HACHTEL DR FM 455 W CREEKVIEW RD Source: Esri, DigitalG lobe, G eoE ye, E arthstar G eographics, CNES/AirbusDS, USDA, U SGS, AEX, Getm apping, Aerogrid, IG N, IG P, sw isstopo, andthe GIS User C omm unity /Location Ex hibit: Bull Bare A ddition4203 FM-455 W.Project: 21SANZ ON -0026 0 400 800200 Feet DISC LA IME R :This map w as generat ed by G IS data prov idedby t he S anger G IS Depart ment. The City of Sanger does not guarantee t he correc tnes s oraccuracy of any feat ures on this m ap. T hese m approducts are f or illustration purpos es only andare not suitable for s ite-spec ific dec ision m aking.GIS dat a is subject t o c onstant c hanges , andmay not be com plete, acc urate or current.Date: 11/21/2021 4:13:22 PMDoc Name: 21SANZ O N-0026_B ullBareA ddnCity L imits Ex hibits SubjectArea Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.C. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 3, 2022 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING ­ SIGN VARIANCE Conduct a Public Hearing on a variance request for Sportsman II from Chapter 3 Building Regulations ­ Article 3.1400 Sign Regulations, Section 3.1407. (Hammonds) AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The applicant is requesting a variance from the maximum square footage per side of 150 feet and to allow for a square footage per side of 494 feet for a pole sign. The sign will have a height of 50 feet which is allowed by code. The property is the site of the new Sportsman II. The sign will be located on Sportsman II property at 2040 N Chapman Dr. The pole will include five separate pieces totaling 494 square feet. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: N/A Page 23 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.D. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 3, 2022 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: SPORTSMAN II ­ SIGN VARIANCE Consider a Variance request for Sportsman II from Chapter 3 Building Regulations ­ Article 3.1400 Sign Regulations, Section 3.1407 regarding overall square feet of proposed pole sign. (Hammonds) AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The applicant is requesting a variance from the maximum square footage per side of 150 feet and to allow for a square footage per side of 494 feet for a pole sign. The sign will have a height of 50 feet which is allowed by code. The property is the site of the new Sportsman II. The sign will be located on Sportsman II property at 2040 N Chapman Dr. The pole will include five separate pieces totaling 494 square feet. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Page 24 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 5.D.AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 3, 2022TO: John Noblitt, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:SPORTSMAN II ­ SIGN VARIANCEConsider a Variance request for Sportsman II from Chapter 3 Building Regulations ­ Article 3.1400 Sign Regulations,Section 3.1407 regarding overall square feet of proposed pole sign. (Hammonds)AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The applicant is requesting a variance from the maximum square footage per side of 150 feet and to allow for a squarefootage per side of 494 feet for a pole sign. The sign will have a height of 50 feet which is allowed by code. Theproperty is the site of the new Sportsman II. The sign will be located on Sportsman II property at 2040 N ChapmanDr. The pole will include five separate pieces totaling 494 square feet.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Location Map 12/28/2021 Cover Memo Application 12/28/2021 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 12/28/2021 Cover Memo Sign Regulations (3.1400)12/28/2021 Cover Memo Site Plan 12/28/2021 Cover Memo Renderings 12/28/2021 Cover Memo Page 25 Denton County Landmark Map Notes 0 500 1000 ft This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Denton County does not guarantee the correctness or accuracy of any features on this product and assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. This product may be revised at any time without notification to any user.https://gis.dentoncounty.gov 12/28/2021 4:02:04 PM Legend See web site for license constraints. Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Sec. 3.1407 Business and Agricultural Zoning Districts (a) On-Premises Attached Signs. (1) Sign Allowance. The total area per face of a sign shall not exceed 1-1/2 square feet of face area for each linear foot of building fascia length. Allowances for individual occupancies within a multiuse building shall be calculated on leased or occupied fascia length. If the lot on which the building is located has multiple right-of-way frontage, each street frontage shall be counted for purposes of determining attached sign allowance. Said signage is to be applied (distributed) on the sides of the building where facing directly adjacent to the public right-of-way. Alternate signage is allowed on sides of the building not adjacent to the public right-of-way not to exceed 1/3 of the allowance or 25 square feet, whichever is less. (2) Sign Location. Attached signs may be located on a building wall; but, if any part of the sign projects above the ceiling line of the first floor, then no window or part of a window shall be situated within or blocked by the flat wall sign. No such sign shall extend above the roof line of the building or more than 12 inches from the building wall. Where such signs are located on mansard-style roofs, and the building fascia is not vertical, the bottom of such sign shall not project more than 12 inches from said roof and the sign can be oriented in a vertical manner. The staff shall promulgate such graphic to illustrate sign location and orientation. (3) Sign and Letter/Logo Height in Relation to Building Height. (A) For multistory structures, attached signage as described in subsection (a)(2) of this section is allowed between the ground levels to a height of 24 feet. (B) For multistory structures that are 4 stories in height or more, the following standards shall apply to letter/logo height in relation to building height: Maximum Height Height of sign, 4 stories or greater Maximum letter/logo height 4 stories 36 inches 5 to 10 stories 48 inches 11 to 15 stories 60 inches 16 stories and above 72 inches Additionally, the above table represents the maximum letter and/or logo height in each sign height category. When a sign is totally composed of individually mounted letters, either one letter or one logo may be 25 percent taller than the maximum letter/logo height. Such signage shall be located between the floor level of the top floor and the top of the fascia wall. (b) On-Premises Detached Ground or Pole Signs. (1) Pole signs shall be allowed only along the following linear segments of streets: (A) I-35 (B) 5th Street (I-35 Business) from Keaton to Cowling (C) 5th Street from FM 455 North to I-35 service road (D) FM 455 from 5th Street to Acker Street Note: If the stated linear segment does not reference a beginning or ending cross-street, the segment shall mean the entire length of such street within the corporate limits or from the stated cross-street to the corporate limits, as the Page 29 case may be. (2) The city council, upon specific application, may approve an exception to allow a pole sign at a location where prohibited herein if the council determines that a general condition of pole signs exists in the immediate vicinity and the proposed pole sign would be consistent with such established conditions. (A) Pole Sign Regulations. Where allowed, pole signs shall conform to the following restrictions and limitations. Table 1 Planned width of adjacent thoroughfare 0 to 70 feet 71 to 99 feet 100 feet or more Interstate 35 Minimum width of lot frontage 50 100 150 50 80 100 100 200 125 Maximum square footage per side 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 150 Setback from street ROW line or any property line (feet) 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 Maximum height (feet) * 8 10 25 25 25 50 * Pole sign not allowed. See regulations for ground signs which follow. (B) Ground Sign Regulations. The maximum area of any ground sign as defined herein, is the area allowed by Table 1. The required setback from a street right-of-way line is 3-1/2 feet. Required setbacks from other property lines are as specified by Table 1. The maximum height of any sign on a lot with less than 100 feet of street frontage adjacent to a street with a right-of-way of 70 feet or less and does not exceed 10 feet in height, it may be considered a ground sign; provided that not less than 120 square feet of its area is below a height of 6 feet. (C) Multiuse Signs. A multiuse sign that identifies a coordinated development site of more than one use, such as a shopping center, office center, or industrial park, may have a sign area not larger than 1.5 times the area allowed for a single-use sign on the site, or a maximum of 200 square feet, whichever is less. A multiuse sign may contain a directory or listing of the occupants within a center or multiuse development; provided that the directory portion of the sign shall not exceed 70 square feet or 60 percent of the total sign area whichever is less. If a directory is utilized, the remainder of the sign area shall contain only the identification of the entire center or entire development. If a multiuse sign area exceeds that allowed for a single use, no detached ground or pole sign is allowed for any single use within the center or development, or for any use listed in a directory on such sign. (D) When determining requirements for allowable detached ground or pole signs under the above table, first determine the right-of-way width adjacent to the subject lot, then determine the lot frontage. Next, determine the maximum square footage per side, setback from adjacent rights-of- way and the maximum height by reading vertically below the applicable lot frontage. To calculate the height of a sign, measurement shall be made from the top of the curb adjacent of the street upon which a sign faces or from the natural ground level, if above curb level, to the top of the sign. Construction of a berm or earthen mound for the purpose of increasing height of signage is Page 30 prohibited. For the purpose of calculating the distance from a street right-of-way line where the existing street right-of-way width is less than that required in the thoroughfare plan and subdivision ordinance, such distance shall be measured from the line of such right-of-way as required by such plan or ordinance (adding equal amounts to each side of the existing right-of-way) rather than from the existing right-of-way line. Freeways are as proposed by the thoroughfare plan of the city. (E) No such sign shall be erected within 20 feet of the street intersection, unless the bottom of the sign exceeds 42 inches in height above ground level, and the sign is set back from the right-of-way as stated in Table 1. (F) If the lot on which a building or buildings are located has multiple right-of-way frontages and is 3 acres or greater, two detached ground or pole signs are permitted (one per frontage) based on sign allowances in subsection (b) of this section. If such a building or buildings are located on a lot less than 3 acres, two detached ground or pole signs are permitted with a maximum of 60 square feet per side, per sign and a maximum height of 20 feet. On lots located at the intersection of a major thoroughfare and a freeway, two detached ground or pole signs are permitted, the size to be based on subsection (b) of this section. All detached signs shall have a minimum of 20 feet of separation from the largest permitted sign. (G) If two of the allowable detached signs are combined into one detached sign, then the signage may exceed by 50 percent the total allowable signage of the largest permitted sign up to a maximum of 200 square feet per side. (H) When electrical service is provided to detached signs, all such electrical service shall be underground. (c) Automobile Dealership Signs. (1) Number Per Lot. (A) Primary Detached Signs. There shall not be more than 1 primary sign for each franchise up to a maximum of 3 primary signs per dealership. (B) Secondary Detached Signs. Secondary signs shall be permitted only if used for pre-owned automobiles and limited to 1 per dealership. (2) Area, Location and Height Requirements. (A) Primary Detached Signs. All primary detached signs shall conform to provisions within this section. (B) Secondary Detached Signs. Secondary signs shall be limited to one-half of the area of the primary detached sign and a maximum of 24 feet in height. (3) Minimum Separation. All signs shall be separated by a minimum distance of 100 feet. (4) Banners and Pennants. Such signage is allowed on light standards and poles, as long as signage does not exceed 20 square feet per pole or sign and is not strung or affixed in any manner other than from brackets on single poles. (d) Development Identification Signs. Project information or identification detached ground signs are permitted at the entrances of major offices or industrial park developments located on more than one lot and bisected by one or more publicly dedicated streets. They shall be allowed under the following size restrictions: Size Maximum size (square feet) Maximum height (feet) Under 10 acres 36 6 10 acres and above 64 8 Signs may be located at each corner of the intersection of an entrance street. (e) Real Estate Signs. (1) Generally. One real estate sign, not exceeding 32 square feet in sign area and 12 feet in height shall be permitted on tracts of 50 acres or less, and not exceeding 96 square feet in area and 16 feet in height for Page 31 tracts of land over 50 acres. On tracts of 50 acres or greater with 1,000 feet of frontage adjacent to the public right-of-way, a sign not to exceed 200 square feet per side and 16 feet in height shall be permitted. The sign shall be removed no later than 30 days after the closing of the real estate convey ance. For setback requirements, refer to subsection (b), Table 1 of this section. Such signs shall not require a permit if they measure 32 square feet or less. (2) Temporary Directional Signs. Non-premises directional signage shall be prohibited within the city limits. (3) Construction Sites. On building construction sites, one sign each shall be permitted for all participating building contractors and subcontractors, one each for all participating professional firms, one each for all participating lending institutions and one for each property owner on the construction site, subject to a maximum of 3 signs for each construction site, each such sign to be 32 square feet in sign area or less, and that such signs must be removed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for said building. (f) Non-Premises Signs. Non-premises real estate signs shall be permitted based on the following criteria: (1) One such sign shall be permitted per area between 100 acres and 249 acres; (2) Two such signs shall be permitted per area between 250 acres and 499 acres; (3) Three such signs shall be permitted for 500 acres and three additional signs shall be permitted for each 500 acres thereafter; (4) The allowable signage shall be based on the original size of the zoning area; (5) Real estate signs shall be allowed in all nonplatted zoning districts; (6) The size of such sign shall be a maximum of 32 square feet and 8 feet in height unless adjacent to I- 35 where 96 square feet and 16 feet in height is allowed; (7) A permit shall expire after two years. Said permit may be renewed upon request by the property owner for another two-year period; (8) A permit fee of $25.00 per sign shall be paid; and (9) There shall be a minimum separation between each sign of 500 feet. (g) Temporary Promotional Banners, Posters and Pennants. (1) Temporary promotional signs, including but not limited to, banners, posters, and pennants, containing but not limited to, the following verbiage: “Now Hiring,” “Applications Here,” “We Finance,” “Open 24 Hours,” “Sale,” or “Price Special” shall be permitted, subject to the following guidelines: (A) New Business. For a new business, such signage shall not exceed 25 square feet and shall be included as part of the total allowable attached or detached signage. Such signage shall have a permanently affixed location, which is integrated and compatibly designed as a component of the building, canopy, fascia wall or detached sign. A grand opening sign shall be allowed in addition to the allowable signage for a 30-day period upon issuance of the certificate of occupancy. The fee for such signage shall be included as part of the original sign package, and no subsequent fees will apply if included as part of the permanent signage. (B) Existing Businesses. For businesses that are existing at the time of the effective date of the ordinance from which this article derived, such signage shall be permitted at a permanently designated location on the building, canopy or fascia wall and shall not exceed 25 square feet. There shall be a permit obtained for the manner of designated and affixing of temporary banners and a one-time permit fee of $50.00 shall be charged for each such location designation. (2) Such signage shall be considered as part of the overall sign allowance and shall not be limited as to time of display; and the means of attachment shall not be visible from the public right-of-way. (h) Signs in Interior of Windows. (1) For new and/or existing businesses that are food or non-food service establishments, such signage is permitted in the interior of windows without a permit, provided that not more than 25 percent of the transparent area is occupied at one time. (2) Items of Information. An item of information is defined as a symbol, a word, a logo, an initial, an abbreviation or a group of numbers. The amount of information that any attached or detached sign can Page 32 contain shall be based on the following criteria: (A) No sign shall display more than ten items of information. (B) Lettering 3 inches in height or less is not included when determining an item of information. (C) Letters less than 19 inches high which are carved into the fabric of a building or decorative screening walls or attached securely to the wall are not counted as items of information; provided that they are not specially illuminated and are not constructed of a shiny material, or their color does not contrast sharply with that of the building surface, and they do not exceed 2 inches in thickness. (i) Apartment Signs. All apartment complex signs located in business zoning districts shall conform to the provisions as defined in Section 3.1408(5). Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37