03/06/1978-PZ-Minutes-Regular (2)• Minutes: Planning and Zoning Commission March 6, 1978 Present: Chairman Jack Armstrong, Alta Lovell, Jimmy Frazier, and Billye Hollingsworth Absent: Willard Bounds, Cecil Snellgrove and Jerry Jenkins. 1. Chairman Armstrong called the Publice Hearing open. Alvin Brown and Tom Adams, Minister of the Church of Christ and other citizens spoke in favor of the Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Susan Cornell ask if other zoned areas had paved parking regulations. City Manager explained. Ken Cornell spoke in opposition of the Ordinance stating he felt the present one was discrimanatory in that it doese~•t require paved parking for any other business. He stated four ~4) points he felt was discriminatory. (1) Paved parking (200 seating capacity) (2) Regulating any business to be 100 feet from a residence. :( 3) The Permit Fee. (4) Six (6) foot site barrier fence. Jimmy Frazier stated that he agreed that it was'somewhat dis- criminatory, but would also 11·imi t Cornell's co111peti tion in the future. i Public hearing was closed. Jimmy Frazier made the motion to recommend to the Council that the Amendment to the present ~oning Ordinance be approved. Lovell second. Voted unanimous. Meeting adjourn at 7:35 p.m.