08/01/1978-PZ-Minutes-Regular (2)PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 1, 1978 BOB SHAWN, MELVIN JANUARY, PARRENT, BONDS, MARLER HUGHES INDIAN SPRINGS ESTATE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL OF THE PLAT WITH STIPULATIONS RIGHT-OF-WAY WEST AUSTIN STREET DRAINAGE BUILDING SET BACK LINES ADDITIONAL OUTLET CUL-DE-SAC PHASE II FLOOD PLAIN LOTS ARRANGED ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION Prese11 I.:: /\b~.H! II t : Othe 1 .. s P rei=icn t: .. ') ·" .. . a -~ 'PJa.nninq l\UCJUS t l, ,'-, 1'. < l I l j I l < J I~) "/ i) l\rmstronq, l•'1·.-1zi1•1--, llol I i11,1::w1,1·tl1, 11u11nil::, :;ll·«•I lq1·<·>v1• Lov6·1 I, ,11 •111<. i 11:: Bob Shawn, ll111ll(i, /\:,socJ.,.111•:;, M1•lvi.n K • .J,11111.iTy, Consult.ant: i-01· J.lerni.i.<! l'a1-1·<·11L, (•I. c1 I, aoycc! Parrent, Bcnni.u ParrnnL, ,Jc•r-r-y llo11ds, Evcr:ct. Marler, Ce:\ne lluqlws, City M.i11<1qcr 1. The mi.nuu,s wen: rc,1cl .-i11d i1pp1·ovcd as p, .. .Lntcd. 2. Bennie! l\11~n·.•11L p,(':-;(••11I·<·<1 'l'lH.' llldi.cin ~,pr·i.11,1:,; 1,:1-;L,·1Lv prelim.in;u·y pl.-11 Lo t:hc• <'<>11111,i:;:.;i,>11 ;ind i11L1·01l11l.'1'd Melvin l.fi.Jnt1\11·y, />.I-:. d!..; 111<· 1'(ll1~;11IL;111t::. r·c\fil•1...~~-;c.!11l.i1P.J the DCV(~lc1p,·1·1:;. Mr-. ,l.-11111:11·y 111,Hl1• his pn'::c!nl.il i()ll ;ind fol lnw1•1l ll1t· 1>111 I i111• <>I l'.td> ::11,1w11':; l<•I 11•1· ·-;, 1·opy ci1·1wl1i1·l1 i:: ,11 f,11·IH·«l. I 3. On a mol.i,,11 l>y 1_,•,·,1:-:i,•1 ,111d" ::1•1:<i11d l1y 1l,i111HI:; the Comm:i.:;~:in11 ,11·,111tc:d p1·<,I i111i11.ity ,1ppn.:>v.:il, stil,jccl:. to the: Collnwi1111 :;l.ipul.,.il i,,11:: h1•i1111 111,}t: print· 1,, submisi,ion lo Ilic Ci.t:.y Cc11111,·i I Voted 1. 2. 3. I !dqllt-of-ivc1y must be [ur:nishccl for West l\ 11 s L i n S t . c1. n d d r a i n a q c s t r u c t u r cs tm c1 C) r West l\ustin St. must be shown. Bui1<1inq sc~t b;1ck line:; will be shown an(j the minimum_wil I IH' twenty five fc~<~l:. /\11 .-1ddit ·ion;1l rnil i(•I wi 11 be shown on the) i.-111-cl,,--:;,H· i 11 pl1,1:;1• 11 t'VC'll t hci11qll pl.it ;qi111 ,iv.1 I i :;11' I 1·,·,1111•::I ,,ti ;,t 111<' pr·c•~-;1•I11 1111<•. 4. l·']c,ntl !>ldi.11 ,wi 11 1>1' ::;IHlWtl L>il~~(:d n11 d J()() yc.-11· l'lot>d. 5. Lots will bn ,11-i::irHJC'd to insure thci-e is suf:ficicnt area 011 (',1cll lot to ullow for construction of a house and related su facilities. UT1il!TI. ,~ -'"'· r ,. __ I I I I i ---1 I t ·I