11/07/1978-PZ-Minutes-Regular (2)} November 7., • 1978. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION HAROLD EASELY SWORN IN BY CITY SECRETARY MINUTES PUBLIC HEAR BLOCK 1, OF THE SULLIVAN NORTH ADDITION FROM LOCAL BUSINESS TO LIGHT INDUSTRY .... ' 'p'lanning and Zonir,i.g Commission , ~• . r.-. , Jack Armstrong, <;ecil Snellgr9ve, Jerry Jenkin~, f}i:l'lye H.<;>llin<Jswort,h·,•_·Ha:~ld E~sl~y,. ~oli.n ,Coker,. Jim Fr:=1iier; Jim Conley, and ·C1t,y Secretary Mary J.o Stover. . ,,.. .(. ii :r-.. ' . .,: •L ,,., ~.. • -~ ' ;J ~• j'"I. J: J ~r II ,.:.,,., Easley wa's sworn ::(n-' by 'Sity secretary. • • ,_ ,Minutes were' ap·oroiea'~as pr,inte'd. "f :.. ,}) 11 _ ..... ~,t -,~ 't -'l(.'f :•1 1. .c-' 1 .. :..., 3. ·~ Chairma:r:i Armstrong op_ened ,th~. public heari.ng. Jim Coniey and John Coker spoke i~. fa~o~ ~f petitionl Z-4i. Nci pppo~i~ion. . ·Je.r;ry J_~:q)~inp made\ the "motis:m:·to cha.,.r{ge Bl0.ck .1 of the'·Sullivan North Addition from LB ('Local Business) to. LI (Light Industry) \ .. .1, .l-I" 'i. .• • ~ '!~ \"!. Cecil Sn~llgrov~ ,seconded,; ·t ·Vot('~d-µnan. ·• .. , J . ~ r '\ ... ~"··-,., ;I· -• •• Meeting adJ' ourned_.' '",J -;-/ ;;. ~-i"• 1 ° 1 • ~' ,,. . • .. ., { <i· ... ~~ . .., \. ... ; ,. . .. •"· .. .. . . ., ,.,"'. ,, . ... ,,: ; ., . .. I' "" ... ~ ,. . ,,.· ', , . ... ., ·I' , l ., ._ , ,;.. .., .... -. ' r -. ., ' ... ! .. i.'