09/14/1978-PZ-Minutes-Regular (2)7 r ··------· ) Minutes: Planning & Zoning Commission September 14, 1978 Present'; Armstrong, Bounds, Hollingsworth, and Snellgrove Absent: Lovell Others·Present: City Manager and Harold Easley 1. 2. • ~L Minutes of previous meeting were approved as printed. 'I The Krueger Addition Subdiv.ision Plat was presented by Harold Easley. Mrs. Sophiai• Krueger has requested that Lot 1 be split into two separate lots. Motion toR approve subject to lot 3 being added by Hollingsworth. Bounds second. Voted Unan. Hollingsworth made the motion meeting adjourn. Snellgrove second. Un~n. .. . , ., .... .. ' { ii ,, + 't l • ~ ,. .. j- j