08/28/1979-PZ-Minutes-Regular (2), ~ .. ~ . ;• L Present: Absent: Planning and Zoning Commission August 28, 1979 Chairman Armstrong, Virgil Ward, Billye Hollingsworth, Jimmy Frazier, Harold Easley, and Willard Bounds. Cecil Snellgrove Others Present: City Manager, City Secretary, and Ron Adkins 1. Minutes of the July 31, 1979 m~eting were apl>roved as printed. 2. Final Plat on Block A, Section IV, Bucklew-Freese Addition was approved on a motion PY Harold Easley. Virgil Ward second. Voted unan. 3. Other Matters: a. City Manager, Lloyd Henderson, submitted a revision of the subdivision ordinance (Article 2-6, Curbs and Gutters) for P & Z review. On a motion by Harold Easley it was rec- ommended that the amendment ordinance be approved with the deletion of the sentence "The use of dowels shall be re- quired at each expansion joint." Jimmy Frazier second. Voted Unan. Meetin~ adjourned.