05/29/1979-PZ-Minutes-Regular (2)- MINUTtS: Planning and Zoning Commission `^ May 29, 1979 ,. PRESENT: Armstrong, Bounds, Easley, Hollingsworth Others Present: Jesse Coffey, Dewey Fields, B. J. Hollingsworth fa ..Mr.' -and Mrs. Gene Hughes l; The Minutes of the'previous meeting were read and,approved.: sJ" 2.. Gene Hughes presented his plat to the Commission`. 'There was a '• a.,' discussion concerning the drainage by B. J. Hollingsworth and ,also, some discussion concerning the drainage from the board. and ' ' the staff.. 'Harold Easley made the motion'to accept the plat and the motion -was seconded.by Hollingsworth. Voted unan." ` 13. •Jesse Coffey presented his plat of Gateway Addition. He y stated"that'doing,both sides of Freese Drive was not economically. feasable so,' -it was replatted. The first phase would include •Carolyn and Allen Drive.. Harold Easley made the motion to'accept cry' the plat and Willard Bounds seconded the motion: Voted unari. 4. There.was some discussion concerning a new board member tc :. ^` replace terry Jenkins. The two people mention were Virgil Ward LY and Carolyn -Adkins., 4ww r ip I ' ,. i • rl. f F. Approved: June 5 , 1979 •- a n4 . Ci y Se retary ,` •iyx: