10/02/1979-PZ-Minutes-Regular (2)PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION October 2, 1979 usell t: Jack Armstruny, Willard Bounds, Jimmy Frazier, Billye llol lincisworth, and llarotd Easley Ahs(21{L: Vir(lil Ward and C`cil Snellgrove Others Present: City M,tnayer Lloyd fenderson and Barney McAfee. 1. Minutes of the Auynst 28, 1979 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Zoning Petition Z-45 to change 1.05 acres, Tract 47, Rueben Bebee Survey from LB Local. Business to LI Light Industry was approved on a motion -,by Harold Easley. Willard Bounds second. Voted unan. 3. The single lot subdivision for John Porter was with- drawn. 4 . OLhe r matters: (a) The City Manager stated that Jerry Schertz is planning to build a shop between his property and his dad's property. The building will be constructed across both properties and he needed to know if he should ask for a variance' before acquiring a building permit.'P & Z stated they saw no problem with this and suggested that Schertz talk with Council. Meeting adjourned.