12/16/1985-PZ-Minutes-Regular.. .,,~ Minutes: Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Planning & Zoning Commission Special Called Meeting December 16, 1985 Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth, Fred Yeatts, Joe S. Waide, Georgia Royal and Bill Enlow Eileen Brittian and Tommy Kincaid Steve Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, and Jerry Jenkins 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth. 2. & 3. S,:Lnce the Final Subdivision Plat of Choctaw Ridge Phase II and the Indian Spring$ Subdivision Phase II was being con- sidered for basically the same circumstance they were discus- sed together. City Manager Steve Shutt explained to the P & Z members that these plats had been approved by the comity. The city had in 1978_relinquished its rights and exempted Indian Springs Subdivision. These two plats are identical in that they are both in the city's E.T.J. The county takes the·position that if they are going to have to maintain the roads that they will be in control. The city's subdivison ordinance says the city will enforce the regulations. At the present time there is no provision for a variance; however, there is an amendment before council to allow for variances. Steve stated that he wanted to take action from the P & Z stating that the commis- sion had passed on these plats with the stipulation that a variance be granted on the streets, the water line to be a minimum of 6" in order to afford a minimum of 2 fire hydrants. The drainage to be noted on the plat. He stated that country estates would not require curb and guttering. He emphasized that the city needed to take responsibility in their E.T.J. regarding their subdivision ordinance. Discussion. Motion was made by Joe Waide that Planning and Zoning accept the final plats of Choctaw Ridge Phase II and Indian Springs Subdivision Phast II with the stipulation that a minimum 6" water line run into the subdivisions and be properly spaced, include 2 fire plugs, that drainage be shown on the plat, that a letter of credit be give to the city for 1 year plus 10% and 1 year or whenever 60% of the land is sold or which- ever comes first the streets will be paved. Fred Yeatts gave !-,--,--. the second. Voted unan. \ . -~ 'Minutes: Planning & Zoning Special Called Meeting December 16, 1985 Page 2 4. Steve Shutt explained the variance request from Karen and Gary Lake. The Lakes are requesting a 15' backlot setback in lieu of the 25' setback requirement. ITiscussion. Motion was made by Georgia Royal made the motion to grant the variance request allowing for the 15' setback. Joe Waide gave the second. Voted unan. 5. With no other matters to come before the commission Fred Yeatts made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Bill Enlow gave the second. Voted unan.