05/16/1996-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1996 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request on property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Acker Street Addition, from Agricultural to Business (B-2). 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request on property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Acker Street Addition, from Agricultural to Business (B-2). 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Preliminary Plat for Lakecrest Meadows located on FM 455. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Preliminary Plat for Lakecrest Meadows located on FM 455. 7. Any Other Such Matters. 8. Adjournment. ~~~,,.._ osalie Chavez, City Seer~ s-q ~(\ (p ct'-00~ Date and Time Posted ~\\\\\\\UIIUfllll///q~ .# of SA,v., i~""w··············Q.A ~&~··· ·•\1) I : ,. = : ' a : I -. e ~ : ~ ·•. . .. ~ .. . ~ ... . .. .. ~ •····••·•• , tex~s ~ 'lliu1nnn1111,·-~ ,•· .. April 24, 1996 City of Sanger P.O. B9x 578 Sanger, Tx 76266 Attn: Rosalie Chavez Per your instructions on April 18, 1996, I am writing this letter to request a change of zoning on property listed as Lot 1 Block 1 Acker Street Addition, Sanger, Denton County Texas from Agricultural zoning to Business B-2. ••• •• .. •• ·-• ··~ ., ~.. f • It is my intent to construct a building on this property with planned use as an auction facility. Items to be auctioned may vary at times but the initial and bulk of items to be auctioned will be containers of antique furniture from England or similar shipping points. Thank your attention and cooperation in this matter. Jo T. Syler 3~ 1 Z l~f lee J:,·e fl 1ld f0e A> -1-z> "-' .. 1t ? ~ 2 08 817-"?>8.2.-f,-tJ?'2- r _.,:;~ •I ,· . ... . ~ ·. l' .,• .. ·,· .. ,. . ....... ~·~!-. . . ~ ·1 . ! . :..:.,.;.,;•• .L- ... : .. ... ·t;. . ~ :_ .{~·::; ·' ."-· I ·_g - .. : ... -~ ·1. ~~. •.•,:' -........ .·,. s.u 45• ,s· E. ;,·. ~ · . .",1"3.24' : .; ~; .. ' .. ,•:: ,. .. ,/: J •. .. ,,, '· ~-~:f .,, LOT I '"".' .• ~ ., :, ~-183.24' N.89 45' oe• W SANGOI 1.s.o., '" ~-- • 1·~ •. \' . ~- 208.24 208.24 I I I I I w . 15 ,~ I~ ,~ I .I rl 0 ci 0 N 3i . • .., .., N g Iii • '·,:• S:-· •• t .:~~: :···, ... ,r·, ;_ •'i-:---~·. , . ... :~-. '". ~, . · . ., 60 90 ~ ~T ~ TEO f't.000 ZONE 1,S SHOWN NUMIICI 480780 00018, DATED. ~- OWN. KRH OWNER; JOHN ANDERSON PO BOX 278 SCALE SANCER. lt:XAS 76266 817-458-3101 1• •JO' l. f T"' ,.,., "f' HAMtv-' ,~., ·---·----. ·-•tfft C " '!It ( 1.1 l 1.1 FflEi) F.OR r.rrr-r.-~ SI APR 17 All: 46 I I I 2$.0 I • I ' i I ! s f I i N I· I I I I I I I POINT-OF BEGINNING ZST'" '\: .\SIi. INC' STA TE 01' TEI.AS •• COUNTY or O(N TO,, ·NHEREAS. I. ;,;,.-,1, IN TH( H. Tl(R'II($ . DENTON COVN:'r. FROM JAMES £. OCTOSER. 1985. F' RECORDS or :m, K BY DEED F'Rc,.., CE,, 2ND DAY or ,\,Nf RECORDS or ~E,, DESCRl!t(D AZ i'CI\. • BECINNINC A 7 A.~ ::' TRACT. SAl:l : :~,.,:. rn(t.CE l'iO• --:9 : :.,JN( OF' $A!:: Mt::>£=- PIN f'OR COR,,C:R. THENCE NOR,,-jQ : 199.99 f'EE.T ro ,._, THENCE SOI.I--=• : 2oe.2• ;en T: 1,.,. THENCE s01.:--c,: CENTER OF' ~• : POINT or BC:~.:•,• •. t.~ TrlAT, I, J()t,t, A ;..;. '!H( H(R(lt. :;:;c;. ADDITIOt<. Ar; ._;,;.,. TEXAS. AN~ : : -: (s_TRE:ET~ AN;. ~,._:;~: <-f,:•/,· '_I ) .. _ti A. At'iV£;.~:,, ~TATE or TEI.AS COUNTY Of' O(t, 7-,r, , 8Ef'ORE ME, ,,..;: \,I,. ANO STA TE Ot. -.,·; TO ME TC BE ,-.: •~ INSTRUMENT, 1,,.-.: ~-:, TH£ PURPOSt .. ,-: CAPACITY THE~i: •• : • Cl'IEl;l, •. r,c;C:il "' ' cw•- KNOW 'n;ESE ..,;:,, :: • FINAL PLJ I LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers at Oty Hall, 201 Bolivar, on Thursday May 16, 1996, at 7:00 P.M. to consider a Zoning Request on property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Acker Street Addition from Agricultural to Business (B-2). Run 5-2-96 Rosalie Chavez City Secretary 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Final Plat for Waco Addition, Lots 1-7 Being 6.26 Acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Plat for Waco Addition, Lots 1-7 Being 6.26 Acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. I called Mr. Coleman's office on the afternoon of May 16 to inquire about the Final Plat. I was informed that it should be finished by noon on May 17. They will bring them to the meeting on May 23. 000010 I I I I ""\. .--------------- --~----------------------- ... 000011