05/23/1996-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1996 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. G 3. Conduct Public Bearing to Consider Preliminary Plat for Lakecrest Meadows located on FM455. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Preliminary Plat for Lakecrest Meadows located on FM 455. 5. Conduct Public Bearing to Consider Final Plat for Waco Addition, Lots 1-7 Being 6.26 Acres in the B. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Plat for Waco Addition, Lots 1-7 Being 6.26 Acres in the B. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. 7. Any Other Such Matters. 8. A«ljournment Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary 5-17-'14> 4-·.oolb--. Date and Time Posted I · ' ~\\\\\\\\lllllllll1t1i~~ , of S-4,v~% i\~ .............. G~ ~G'.•·w-· ··• .. 1)~ /1//1 • • ~~ • • • ;a : --: = Ii t ·~. / • : ' \ j j a ·•. •.· If ~ •• •• I§ ~~ •• ••• § .,•, . ········· ~ ~~=~,✓.-rrxp..s ~~~ I/J11111111111\\\\\\\~ MINUTES: PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning and Zoning Commission April 25, 1996 Russell Madden, Glenn Shaw, Betty Jenkins, Mike James, Peggy Haskins, Charles Fenoglio Mary Bell Sims City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Georgia Royal, Bill Coleman 1. Assistant Chairperson Glenn Shaw Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion was made by Mike James to Approve the Minutes. Seconded by Betty Jenkins. Motion carried 1manimously. 3. Conduct Public Rearing to Consider a Preliminary Plat on Waco Addition Lots 1-7 being 6.26 acres in the R. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Glenn Shaw declared Public Rearing Opened. Mr. Coleman addressed the Board concerning this plat. Mr. Coleman indicated the site was extremely unusual since it bad existing gravel road through the property. There was not enough land to put a standard development. Mrs. Royal's intentions were to distribute the property between members of her family. Mr. Coleman addressed the following items that were indicated on the City's letter from Travis Roberts. Comments on the following items are listed below. 1. The plan as proposed contains 7 lots. Access to the lots is limited to designated existing road and/or 30 foot wide Ingress/Egress Utility Easements. These proposed access roads do provide a way for traffic to get to each lot. It is not clear about the otlsite access rights to the north road. If possible we would suggest that a recorded easement or legal access rights be established and the data shown on the future final plat of this project. Lot 2 does not have any access. They wiU use the existing road. They have also provided on Lots 2 and 3 another loop to allow access and not to rely on the of/site access. Mr. Coleman stated the 000001 P&ZMINUTES April 25, 1996 PAGE2 lot indicates a 20 ft easement on Lot 4. Georgia has transfe"ed the title to Lot 4 to her son, and he has built a house on it. It appears that the location of the house and sewer line indicates the line is running undemeath the house. Mr. Coleman stated that he did not believe this to be the case since they tapped on to the sewer line. Mr. Coleman indicated he needed to go to the ground and locate the sewer line. 2. The surveyor should provide the owner standard subdivision certificate to clearly define and identify that access rights are provided to all lots shown on the plat. We reali7.e the proposed plat does not conform with standard subdivision requirements for SO foot wide right-of-way to all lots. Apparently this is the best that can be expected due to the configuration of this property. Mr. Coleman stated that they would provide standard subdivision certijkates to clearly define and identify that access rights were provided to all lots shown on the plat. Mr. Coleman stated that the 30 foot ROW is not in conformance with the subdivision requirements of 50 feet. This is why they wiU request a private easement so it wiU not be city maintained but maintained by the owners themselves. 3. The City should not accept the road or Ingress/Egress for maintenance. These are less than City Standards. Approval of the Final Plat should include a note to be added which identifies that these are provided and no City maintenance will be provided. Also the road area should be clear as to what Lot or ownership will exist on the File Plat. They are not asking the City to accept the road or Ingress/Egress for maintenance. The final plat wiU include a note that this wiU be maintained by owners and that no City maintenance wiU be required. The road area will be clear as to what Lot or ownership wiU exist on the final plat. Each Lot wiU get some portion of the road. Mr. Coleman indicated there would be deed restrictions to reflect the maintenance of the roads. 4. The normal City design requirements would require detail plans for water lines and services, fire hydrants, sewer lines and services and drainage details. Mr. Coleman advised they are not proposing to construct to City lines. They are proposing to tie into existing City lines. On Lots 1, 2, and 3 they would be served by a private lift station. S. Lots 1 and 2 should include an established minimum finished Door elevation to reduce the potential of flooding from the existing drainage. The existing drainage easement or the new easement will require distance and bearings to be shown on the Final Plat as to the specific location of the easement. 000002 P& ZMINUTES April 25, 1996 PAGE3 On Lots 1 and 2 they will indicate existing drainage easements on the Final Plat as to the specific location of the easement. 6. Lot 4 indicates an existing sanitary sewer line passing under the existing Bouse. This line should be covered by a utility easement. This may not be possible due to its current location. The surveyor indicated all sewer to each lot would be private sewers not maintained by the City. As soon as they tie the line it wiU be covered by a utility easement. 7. Lot No. 2 should be connected to Railroad Avenue by an Ingress/Egress and utility easement. At the current time, this Lot 2 does not have a way for access. Already addressed on preliminary sketches and will be indicated on Final Plat. 8. The Final Plat must have bearing and distance on all lot lines so a suneyor can locate the points in the field. The surveyor who prepared this plat will understand this requirement. The Final Plat wiU indicate bearing and distance on aU lot lines so surveyor can locate points in the field. 9. Is it the City intent to have the developer install water and sewer lines to each lot? The state criteria is to separate water and sewer lines at least 9 feet and they should be in an easement. Water meters should be set on each lot. Mr. Coleman stated service lines are in the easements and they wiU provide easements where a service line must cross another lot to obtain the main. Access will be provided on paper and the lot owner will be responsible to pay fees to tie on. Discussed was the existing water lines. Mr. Coleman stated Lots 1, 2 and 3 wiU access the new 8" water line from Railroad Avenue. Lots 4 has existing water. Lots S, 6, and 7 wiU use the 2" Une. Glenn Shaw and Mike James stated they would like the Final Plat to indicate as many lots serviced from the 8 11 , possibly 1, 2, 3 and 5. Glenn Shaw declared Public Bearing closed. 000003 P& ZMINUTES April 25, 1996 PAGE4 4. Comider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary Plat on Waco Addition Lots 1- being 6.26 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Motion was made by Mike James to Approve Preliminary Plat based on the changes and modifications discussed in the meeting (as addressed in Travis Roberts letter). Seconded by Betty Jenkins. Motion Carried ,maniroously. S. Any Other Such Matters. None. 6. Adjournment. Motion was made by Betty Jenkins to A4journ. Seconded by Mike James. Motion Carried 11nanimously. 000004 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Preliminary Plat for Lakecrest Meadows located on FM455. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Preliminary Plat for Lakecrest Meadows located on FM 455. Attached is a letter from Kim Murphy who will be in attendance along with Chris Anderson from Sanger. 000005 f i I S' : f ~ ~ - lakecreit Meadow City Close. Coal)try Quiet. I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 i 7 • I I I "II I , UOAc I 145A I 8 I i: t i • O i · c , 1.45 Ac I Bi I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I L 1 1.70Ac I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I ! 1.50Ac ! 1.45Ac ! 1.45Ac ! 1.35Ac ! I I I I I I I I I I 16 1.70Ac i1 15 0 ! 14 0 ! 13 b 12 : I .35Ac I 1.35Ac I UOAc I 1.80Ac j 11 I i i al O! c$) I 1.30Ac j 10 ! 9 I jC) .P. I Pond j I 1.30 Ac I 1.30 Ac j • I • I I , . 0 . , , . I I I • I I j I I 1' I I I I I I -I I Phase 1 ::: ® • One-to two-acre home sites priced from $25,500. Paved streets • Public Water • Underground Utilities • Sensible Deed Restrictions Contact our select builders: Schertz Custom Homes (817) 566-3005 Key Custom Homes (817) 566-3239 Other builders to be announced Altura Real Estate Compa~ Inc. (817) 382-4850 i" -- Lakecre&t Meadow Liaited Partnership P.O. Box 3428 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87198-3428 May 8, 1996 Mr. Larry Keesler City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 RE: LAKECREST MEADOW Dear Mr. Keesler: Thank you for meeting with Chris Anderson and me yesterday on such short notice to talk about our new subdivision Lakecrest Meadow. The purpose of this letter about approval processing of subdivision plat relative to the Jurisdiction ("ETJ"). is to summarize our discussions the Phase I Lakecrest Meadow City of Sanger Extra-territorial The subject property is located approximately 1.1 miles east of the Sanger city limits, and is therefore outside the normal ETJ boundary. This is consistent with information which we received from Denton County last summer. However, in our discussions it was pointed out that several years ago a number of owners with property outside the I-mile ETJ boundary voluntarily agreed to have their properties included in the Sanger ETJ. The former James c. Ready property, now Lakecrest Meadow, was one of these voluntary inclusions, although we have not reviewed any of the documentation to determine what the agreements where at the time. Regardless, we at Altura Real Estate Company, Inc. enjoy a very good working relationship with the City of Sanger and would 1 ike to offer the City every opportunity to review our current plans. As you may know, we had numerous discussions with the City Counci 1 and the Mayor last fal 1 about annexation of Lakecrest Meadow, so I believe that most everyone is very familiar with our project. As we understand it, the City's normal process is to approve only Final Plats within its ETJ, and in fact several subdivisions have been handled this way recently. We have informally submitted to the City our Preliminary Plat which is now being formally reviewed by the County. We would be pleased to attend any meetings Telephone: ('85) 26fHl882 Facsimile: ('85) 265-4648 000006 Mr. Larry Keesler May 8, 1996 Page 2 • .: • •••I,...,:,,,_._. 14 • ,..;.. •••• ~ ~•• :, • o:r the Cl ty' S P & Z Board or the Cl ty Counol 1 to dl 80U88 the Preliminary Plat, However, we understand that formal approval by the City will be at the Final Plat stage only, We will be sure to advise you of our progress, ..and schedule review with the City at the appropriate time. If after reviewing this letter you feel that I have misinterpreted any aspect, please let me know at your ear 1 lest opportunity. We en Joyed very much meeting you and are looking forward to continuing to work with the City of Sanger to make the community "Some Place Special". Respectfully, t:h£1!~ Altura Real Estate Company, Inc. cc: Steve Rollins, Denton County Telephone: (515) 26fl-N82 Facs11111e: (515) 26,-""'8 000007 0 0 0 0 0 00 f i i s : t la k e c r ei t M ea d ow City Close. Cool)try Quiet. I I I I I I I • • • • • • • • 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 1.70Ac ! 1.50Ac ! 1.45Ac ! 1.45Ac ! 1.35Ac ! 1.50Ac ! 1.45Ac ! 1.45Ac ! I I I. I I O I I I I I I I I I I I 5= I I I j j j j ... I . . . I ! ! I I I ct I ! "' I I I ~ i ' i 13 b 12 I ' I ' - • 15 ~ 14 Oi 1.50Ac I 1.80Ac i 11 ! 10 ! 9 ! ;1.35AC ......... 1.35Ac I <8) I 1.30 Ac I 1.30Ac I 1.30Ac I 16 1.70Ac Phase 1 • 1 O· Pond i ! I ! b~; I Ii I • ~ 0• I i I I I 1 i ! I I ~ i i := ® • One-to two-acre home sites priced from $25,500. Paved streets • Public Water • Underground UtiHties • Sensible Deed Restrictions Contact our select builders: Schertz Custom Homes (817) 566-3005 Key Custom Homes (817) 566-3239 Other builders to be announced Altura Real Estate Compa~ Inc. (817) 382-GS0 CITY OF SANGER *** Memorandum *** May 17, 1996 TO: All Planning & Zoning Members FR: Cheryl King, Administrative Secretary RE: P&Z Meeting -Thursday May 23 --==--====-•====--=----===•====•-====•====•--===--===============•--= It's one of those times again when Planning & Zoning seems to have a lot on its calendar. Due to not having a quorum present for the meeting scheduled on May 16, we are going to meet again next week (May 23). The request for a zoning change on the May 16 agenda is not on this one (May 23) because I will have to rerun the public hearing notice in the paper two weeks prior to meeting. I am planning to do this next week so that a meeting can be held on June 6. It is imperative that I know by Tuesday. May 21 if you are not able to be at the June 6 meeting. If I do not hear back from you I will assume that you will be in attendance, and I will go ahead and publish the notice. On May 23, there will be people here from out of state regarding Lakecrest Meadows. We need to do everything in our power to ensure a quorum. The Oty of Sanger does appreciate your time and efforts that are put into this board. Won't you please take just a moment to give me a call and let me know if these are agreeable with your calendar. Thank you. PLANNING & ZONING May 16, 1996 If you are unable to attend, please call Cheryl at 458-1930 so that a quorum can be present .,