11/14/1996-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1996 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change to SF-4A (Single Family 4A) for the following properties: Hard, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 5, Lot 1, (NE 1/4), 503 Oak Shuffield, SF-4, Abstract 1241A Tierwester, Tract 353, Acres 0.11, 207 S. 4th Bauler, SF-4, O.T. Sanger, Block 41, Lot 4, (E 47' of S 10s,, 101 Willow Seagraves, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 4, (E 113' of N 110'), S. 7th Street 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change to SF-4A (Single Family 4A) for the following properties: Hard, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 5, Lot 1, (NE 1/4), 503 Oak Shuffield, SF-4, Abstract 1241A Tierwester, Tract 353, Acres 0.11, 207 S. 4th Bauler, SF-4, O.T. Sanger, Block 41, Lot 4, (E 47' of S 1os,, 101 Willow Seagraves, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 4, (E 113' of N 110'), S. 7th Street 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjournment. ~\\\\\\\\IIIIHII///JJ,: ~~ or s,4 1q~ ,-$'~ ~ ••••••••• ./}( G ~ ~ ,,.':-,w .·· ... ~A'I.~ ~ v.• • •• -r ~ S: : .. ,::. = : • = = : : = == : : = ~ •.. .: ~ ~ ··. .•· ~ ~ .... .... ~ ~ ........ ~ '1EXP..'2> ~ 111111111111111\\\\\\\\'l ~~ Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary 11 -L -Cl le 1.L3 o 1D,., Date and Time Posted MINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission November 5, 1996 PRESENT: Glenn Shaw, Charles Fenoglio, Mike James, Peggy Haskins, Mary Bell Sims, Betty Jenkins ' ABSENT: Roy Lemons OTHERS PRESENT: City A.dministrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Chairperson Shaw Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion was made by Charles Fenoglio to Approve Minutes. Seconded by Betty Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from 1-1 (Industrial 1) to SF-4A (Single Family 4A) on property legally described as Original Town, Block 4, Lots 1 tbru 4, located in the 100 block of Cherry Street. Chairperson Shaw Declared Public Hearing Opened. No one spoke for or against. City Secretary did advise the Board that this request was to build a house on these 3 existing lots. The dimensions of the property is 75' x 110' which i~ adequate to build this 1,100 sq. ft. home with a single car garage. Chairperson Shaw Declared Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from 1-1 (Industrial 1) to SF-4A (Single Family 4A) on property legally described as Original Town, Block 4, Lots 1 thru 4, located in the 100 block of Cherry Street. Motion was made by Betty Jenkins to approve the zoning request change from 1-1 to SF-4A on Lots 1, 2, and 3 in Block 4 of Original Town. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion Carried unanimously. S. Any Other Such Matters. PZMINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1996 None 6. Adjourn. PAGE.2 Motion was made by Mike James to Adjourn. Seconded by Peggy Baskins. Motion Carried unanimously. Someploce Special QA. ...• z-•v _ -: November 6, 1996 .- ( : ~ TO: Property Owners FROM: Rosalie Chavez, Oty Secretary Various Properties listed below SUBJ: The Oty of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, November 14, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. at Oty Hall, 201 Bolivar to consider a Zoning Request Change to SF-4A (Single Family 4A) for the following properties: Hard, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 5, Lot 1, (NE 1/4), known as 503 Oak Shuffield, SF-4, Abstract 1241A Tierwester, Tract 353, Acres 0.11, known as 200 S. 4th Bauler, SF-4, 0.T. Sanger, Block 41, Lot 4, (E 47' of S 108'), known as 101 Willow Seagraves, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 4, (E 113' of N 110'), S. 7th Stre.et The above are qualified applicants for the Oty's Home Orant and have already been funded. This zoning request change is necessary to comply with the Home Grant restrictions. Please sign the attached form indicating whether you approve of this request and return to me in the enclosed envelope. If you have concerns regarding this request please be in attendance at the scheduled me.eting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 14. RC:ck so• BOLIVAR STREET P.O.BOXS78 SANGER, TEXAS 76S66 817•458-7950 817•4SS-4180 FAX P&Z 11/14/96 ZONING REQUEST Zoning Request Clumge tQ SF-4A (Single Family 4A) on the following properties: ,~·· . {. f /Hard, SF-3, Hampton Additon, Block S, Lot 1, (NB 1/4), known as 503 Oak · Shuffield, SF-4, Abstract 1241A Tierwester, Tract· 353, Acres 0.11, known as 207 S. 4th Bauler, SF-4, O.T. Sanger, Block 41, Lot 4, (B 47' of S 108'), known as 101 Willow Seagraves, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 4, (B 113' of N 110'), S. 7th Street t If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting for Thursday, November 14, 1996. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE DATE Please Print Yow-Name ... t .. --~"1 ., .. : ~, '> ,· ,· )· .. ,.~ . 1·-~ ' • •~T ~-. .. -~ •· r • . ~1 ·i ,. I .. ,..,._ ... -- / "--' ... ,· \ .. : ,: .Ii ,· . •·~ ~ •,. ,. . , '• ";,-. •. ' '· .. • \t. .. , . . \. ~·· . :' . . -~- .. ' ·x·· .. .. ' .. . . . .. .. : . . .: . . .. '1"r.°._' . i~.--~ .. . •' .. .. .. , i ~J. ... •:~ \ . I A. . . \ ~ "j-' ~ J. : # ... .. . .. - , . ... .• ·•· I 't .. ..... "' t . .... ... . . , t ~., "' .. ,, •' ,>· . . .: J •·• .: I I I I _ _j i. ' l I I I --(7' ~ m ., J N -ft 8 f .. ,, ' 50Ll·1·H WE. s-r I SPL//i' 77 ,_ \ ' ' ... f ·:,· o'ft, fl ' \, ·vet-v ''r---~---:, t r, Vt'' ' .. / LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, November 14, 1996, at 7:00 p.m., 201 Bolivar, to consider a Zoning Request Change to SF-4A (Single Family 4A) on the following properties: Hard, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 5, Lot 1, (NE 1/4), 503 Oak Shuffield, SF-4, Abstract 1241A Tierwester, Tract 353, Acres 0.11, 207 S. 4th Bauler, SF-4, O.T. Sanger, Block 41, Lot 4, (E 47' of S 108), 101 Willow Seagraves, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 4, (E 113' of N 110'), S. 7th Street Run 1 time on 10/31/96 Rosalie Chavez City Secretary CITY OF SANGER *** Memorandum *** November 6, 1996 TO: All Planning & Zoning Members FR: Cheryl King, Administrative Secretary =============•=====•=====•-•=====-•============•--•===----========•== There will be a meeting on THURSDAY, November 14 at 7:00 p.m. to consider a Zoning Request Change· 1Q SF-4A on the following properties: Hard, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 5, Lot 1, (NE 1/4), 503 Oak Shuffield, SF-4, Abstract 1241A Tierwester, Tract 353, Acres 0.11, 207 S. 4th Bauler, SF-4, Q.T. Sanger, Block 41, Lot 4, (E 47' of S 108'), 101 Willow Seagraves, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 4, (E 113' of N 110'), S. 7th St. The above are qualified applicants for our Home Grant and have already been funded. Basically we need to change the zoning to comply with restrictions. A packet will be provided to you as soon as it's ready. Thanks, Cheryl MARK YOUR CALENDARS THURSDAY -NOVEMBER 14, 1996 -7:00 PM PLANNING & ZONING TUESDAY -7:00 P.M. NOVEMBER S, 1996 If you are unable to attend, please call Cheryl at 458-7930 so that a quorum can be present